Freedom to Submit (MFM)

Freedom, Colorado 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 53,916
22 Ratings (4.5)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Consensual BDSM Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, flogging, whipping, sex toys, HEA]

Smart, curvy, surveillance expert Danisa Milan captures a killer’s crime on video. When he threatens her life, her high school dream man, Sheriff Brady Braxson, insists she move in with him and his Dom rancher roommate, Lucas Holt. Maybe it’s the danger she’s in, but her desire explodes being around them, and she loses her heart to both. But are they only acting like they want her because she’s in their care, or do they want her to be their submissive for life?

Brady and Lucas find Dani perfect in every way, but they don’t want to overwhelm the ménage virgin. What can they do to convince her to be theirs forever?

When the killer is found dead, everyone thinks the danger is over. Then Danisa finds evidence someone else is behind the murder, and their lives tailspin. Can the men reach her in time before she’s killed, too?

A Siren Erotic Romance


Melody Snow Monroe is a Siren-exclusive author.

Freedom to Submit (MFM)
22 Ratings (4.5)

Freedom to Submit (MFM)

Freedom, Colorado 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 53,916
22 Ratings (4.5)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Harris Channing
Another wonderful book by Melody Snow Monroe!
Wow this was an amazing story!! It had the best of everything, suspense, intrigue, romance, BDSM, and falling in love. A fabulous first book to what is to be an awesome series!! Loved it!!




“He’s coming out. Get ready.”

“Roger that.” Danisa Milan sat up straighter and rolled down the driver’s side window. Crisp high altitude air rushed in, forcing her to tug down her ski cap over her short hair. With care, she placed the rented Canon 400mm, F2.8L lens on the half-lowered glass to balance it and pre-focused on the hotel room door. It was after 9:00 p.m. and dark as hell, but at least the tacky, overhead corridor lights cast a strong, yellow glow on the cracked cement walkway and faded hotel doors. Given the lens’s low aperture, she had a chance at an excellent capture.

Danisa loved this part of the surveillance—locating the subject and getting a good shot. Despite the chill, her hands were sweating like they always did. She constantly worried that in the heat of the moment she’d forget to change a setting. Too high an ASA and the picture would be grainy. Too low, and the highlights would be lost, making facial recognition near to impossible. Before she went through her camera check for the tenth time, the motel room door opened. Her pulse jumped.

She looked through the viewfinder once more and rotated the lens for a vertical shot to capture the man’s full body.

She tapped her ear bud. “Subject is outside, but I can only see his back. He’s leaning in and facing the woman. She’s too far inside to see anything other a hand on the doorjamb and an arm encased in a red, silky robe.”

“Do you have any shot of his face? Even a profile?” Nikki whispered, not wanting to interfere with her audio setup from the next room.

“Not yet. Come on, Charles Lane. Turn this way for me please, darlin’.”

She’d been tailing him for six weeks. For the last four Thursdays, he’d come to High Peak Motel in Freedom, Colorado. She guessed he’d picked this location because Freedom was a small town—all of five blocks by four blocks—located about forty-five minutes west of Denver, where he worked and lived. He always met a woman in room 104. Lane was smart. He wore a big brimmed cowboy hat to hide his identity even though it looked kind of dumb with his perfectly fitted suit. The collar of his jacket was always turned up when he came or went, and the man walked with his head down and his hand covering the side of his face closest to the parking lot. Clearly, he was a man who didn’t want to be recognized.

But last week, he’d gotten careless. The thin, pretty woman had stepped outside with him after their rendezvous, and when he turned to kiss her one more time, Danisa had caught them in the act. Unfortunately, her client, Michael Sussman, said he needed one more set of photos to prove this wasn’t a one-time event. She didn’t complain. A job was a job. Besides, that meant she got to hold, fondle, and enjoy this rented ten thousand dollar lens for one more week.

Sussman decided to add audio to the mix this time, so he hired her talented coworker, Nikki Wilder, to do her thing.

The man stepped back and Danisa’s heart raced. She’d set the camera on multiple exposure. As the man turned, she held down the shutter and let it rip. He looked up for a brief moment as if to figure out the source of the sound. In that moment, he exposed his face briefly then assumed his clandestine pose. As soon as he walked back to his Lexus, she released the button. His hurried footsteps implied he didn’t like this seedy neighborhood anymore than she did.

She couldn’t wrap her mind around why the CEO of Denver Mining didn’t pay to have his woman in a classier place. Men.

Time to go. “It’s a wrap, Nik.”

“Roger. Breaking down now.”

Her coworker would need ten minutes max. Nikki and their other sorority sister, Holly Morganton, had approached her four months ago about starting a security service agency together. Since then, the three of them had worked side by side.

Danisa yawned, slipped the camera back inside the car, and rolled up the window. As she leaned over to pick up her case off the torn seat and grab a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, shouts drew her attention. She sat up and looked in the direction of the noise.

“Holy shit.”

“What?” That got Nikki’s attention.

She tried to put the pieces together. “Out of nowhere, this guy appears. He’s yelling at Lane’s prostitute.” The man’s posture was off. He shifted from one foot to another causing Danisa’s sixth sense to go into overdrive.

“Her pimp maybe?”

“Could be.” He was dressed in black slacks and a long leather jacket that hung past his knees. The woman was still in her skimpy robe. Poor thing must be freezing.

On instinct, Danisa lifted the camera to her eye, turned it on, and began shooting. The man suddenly stopped yelling, stepped back, and fired three shots.

Danisa froze. “Fuck. He shot her.”

“For real?” Nikki’s voice trembled. “Is she dead?”

“I don’t know. Call 911.” Danisa’s heart slammed against her ribcage and her hands shook. “Jesus.”

She hadn’t signed up to see this kind of violence. She switched the camera to video mode and pointed the lens at the scene. Nikki had been a former cop and had complained that witnesses never gave an accurate description. Danisa would let her equipment do the remembering.

Her gut swirled with horror at the prone woman’s body. A pool of blood seeped onto the gray cement. “Terrible, terrible.”

Reality struck. Danisa had witnessed a murder. Holy shit. As the man ran down the corridor in her direction, she rotated the camera and followed the fleeing figure. He’d parked in front of room 110. As he opened the door to his Cadillac Seville, he looked around, as if to check to see if anyone had seen him.

Danisa froze, panic ripping through her veins. She wanted to take a still of the man’s face, but as soon as he looked straight at her, her heart stopped. She ducked. Fear drenched her.

Get out here.




A whip? He’d been serious? Danisa’s intake of breath came out too loud. “Sir?” She wasn’t sure she was ready for something like that.

“You have your safe word. Say it, and I will stop immediately, but I think you will find the sensation better than you could ever imagine.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

A wild sting raced across her nipple, and she immediately yelped. “Uh.”

The strike was quick, sharp, and directed. The pain stabbed her breast but quickly slid straight to her slit, and she blew out a breath.

“She likes it, Brady.”

Danisa swallowed hard. “Yes, Sir. More, please.”

He whipped the other nipple. She didn’t know the nature of the instrument used, but it seemed thin and strong. Once more the force caused her to suck in her belly. The sting changed quicker this time into wonder. If he kept this up, she wouldn’t be able to hold back her climax.

Brady pulled her arms farther back and higher, tightening her nipples. When Lucas bent over and sucked on the swollen crest, her knees nearly buckled. Waves of desire swept through her too fast.

“Sir. It’s too much.”

He stopped and cupped her pussy. “You will not climax.”

Both men stepped back and let her compose herself. She’d been ever so close.

“You need your punishment from your rebellion in the room.”

“Yes, Sir.” While he hadn’t asked a question, she wanted to remind him she loved her spankings.

“Bend over and grab your ankles.”

She nearly hyperventilated. A set of hands in front of her spread her legs wide and held them in the open position.

The first strike across her rear was rather enjoyable. He’d used a flogger, the type where the many strips were soft leather mixed with what seemed like felt.

“That’s one.”

She could take a hundred and not get a red ass. The second strike was harder, and one part hit her pussy. She jerked, but Brady wouldn’t let her bring her legs together. She wouldn’t judge the punishment as being painful yet.

“She’s not even red. Baby, you aren’t enjoying this much, are you?”

“I’m not about to climax if that is what you’re asking, Sir.”

“I am. Thank you for being so honest. I want what is best for you.”

He moved around the room. Something scraped. The hard whack nearly toppled her. “Holy fuck.” She clamped her mouth shut a second later.

Tears burned her eyelids. She couldn’t breathe, but that lasted for only a second. The pleasure might have set her ass on fire, but it also turned her pussy into a volcano about to blow.

“Do not swear, little sub. For that, I might have to end your punishment.”

“No, Sir. Please. One more.” The heat and pain took her to near oblivion.

“As you wish.” The next strike almost tore a scream from her throat. Her ass throbbed and pulsed, the ache the most intense blow yet.

Wait for it.

Honey oozed down her thigh. The glory took her someplace else. All sounds ceased. Two sets of hands stroked her body, helping to calm her.

“I can smell your arousal, slave. Do you wish to have a cock?”

Her body almost turned limp. “Yes, Sir.” She wet her lips.

“Then you wish to submit to us completely? It is your choice.”

“Yes, Sir. Yes.”

Both men moved away from her. The sound of metal clanking filled the air. Something soft, fur perhaps, clasped onto her ankles rather tightly. Brady was on her left and Lucas on her right. They spread her legs wide, causing her to wobble.

“Put your hands on your knees,” Lucas commanded.

She did and now felt more secure. Not knowing their next move heightened the excitement. They whispered to each other, but she couldn’t make out the conversation. A drawer opened, and soon a slight hint of strawberries filled the air.

Large hands rested on her ass. “You have the best cheeks in the world, baby. Your ass is so red and ripe. Open the gates, because I’m about to enter heaven.”

She hoped that meant Brady would fuck her pussy at the same time Lucas was enjoying her ass. Being able to make love to both men at the same time would be total nirvana.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He smeared lube on her back hole. She didn’t flinch this time, and it wasn’t because her rear was too tired to clench. She now welcomed having him come inside her. He punched in his thumb and circled her muscled ring to loosen her up.

A hard belly bumped her head. She could smell Brady’s arousal under her nose. She debated sucking on his cock, but he might burst before she was ready.

“I hope your swollen nipples aren’t too sore, sugar.”

She bet they would be, especially after the whipping. Remembering that the pain had turned to euphoria made her pussy clench and cramp once more. Brady rubbed the tips, and her mind blanked. She relived the delicious pain to pleasure continuum once more. He continued to pull them taut. Each tug made her pussy slicken.

She was so involved with what Brady was doing that she hadn’t realized Lucas’s cock sat at her entrance. He stroked her back.

“Don’t clench, baby, or I’ll go off like a cocked gun.”

She inhaled to calm herself. He pushed his cock past her tight anal entrance. Lucas took his time, easing down her darkened channel, hitting a small bundle of nerves. He moaned, as did she.

“Oh, baby. You are so fucking tight.” He clasped her shoulder with one hand to keep her from jerking forward as he drove into her.

He slid the other hand under her belly and pressed on her clit. Heat swamped her, and she soared. He knew just how to rub her clit to bring her maximum pleasure.

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