Grump Next Door (MF)

Love Next Door

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 30,000
0 Ratings (0.0)

Dylan Greaves is a grump who has sworn off women. He discovered his wife had been lying to him for years so that she could live a comfortable life, and then proceeded to cheat on him with any man that would have her. There was no way he was ever going to trust another woman again.

Robin Caites could be grumpy. After selling her blog, making herself a very wealthy woman, she also discovers the man she married had been cheating on her from the very beginning. Now she's divorced and has sworn off men.

When Buttercup, his rescued Jack Russell, kept escaping into Robin’s private garden, he had no choice but to retrieve her. In doing so, Dylan can't quite get his neighbor out of his head. After he sees the renovations she has done to her house, he asks her if she'll do his. Only, a simple kitchen repair turns into a nightmare.

Robin has to open her home to her neighbor. Dylan is very much a man, and so far, breaks down her walls. When his forgotten anniversary present is ready to be cashed in, Dylan takes Robin away to a private island for peace and relaxation. That's not all that happens—the chemistry between them has been sizzling.

Grump Next Door (MF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Grump Next Door (MF)

Love Next Door

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 30,000
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

He saw the flush on her chest and the points of her nipples. Dylan couldn’t fight this. He wanted to give her space but at the same time, all he wanted to do was touch her. It was a battle, but the need to touch her won, and he took a step toward her then reached out to stroke her cheek.

“I find it very hard to believe your husband could be close to you and not want to touch you.”

Ex-husband, and trust me, he never touched me like that, or like this.” She closed her eyes and pressed her face against his knuckles.

He’d stroked her cheek and now he cupped it, then sunk his fingers into her luscious brown locks and closed the distance between them by pulling her in close. Staring into her eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to look away. She was so beautiful.

“What about this?” he asked, and then slammed his lips down on hers, kissing her.

At first, Robin didn’t respond. Her arms were down by her side, and Dylan had never felt anything like her lips before either. She felt incredible, like her body was meant to belong to him, like she was designed to be his.

He couldn’t get enough of her. The feel of her tits against him and her soft body—it was exactly what he’d been searching for all his life.

Then, Robin responded. She slid her hands up his body and wrapped them around his neck, drawing him closer to her. She was amazing.

He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue across her bottom lip, and he got the response he was looking for as she released a gasp and then he slid inside her mouth. Another moan escaped her.

He felt an answering pulse between his thighs as his dick hardened once again. When he thought he’d upset her, his dick hadn’t been happy, but now he was fucking ecstatic as she kissed him back.

Wrapping an arm around her, he slid his hand up to the nape of her neck, then back down again toward her ass. He heard her slight gasp as he gripped her ass tightly and drew her closer to him, so she knew exactly how aroused he was by her.

His cock was so fucking hard. It had been a long time since he’d wanted to fuck.

With Robin he didn’t just want to take her to bed, he wanted to explore her whole body. Letting go of her neck, he continued to kiss her but slid his hand to her shoulder, teasing at the strap of her bathing suit. He wanted to finally see those full, ripe tits.

Robin didn’t pull back or do anything to stop him, so he slowly slid the strap down her body. He couldn’t believe her ex-husband didn’t take the time to explore her body.

Breaking from the kiss, he knew he had to give her the chance to stop.

“Tell me to stop,” he said.

“I don’t want to.”

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