Guilty (MM)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 29,309
1 Ratings (5.0)

[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic romance, Alternative, Contemporary, Thriller, Romantic Suspense, MM, HEA]

Luke Arley is wrongfully imprisoned for murder. In this maximum-security prison, he meets Adam Mills, his cellmate who is ten years older than him. Within the first five minutes of meeting, Luke concludes that he needs Adam’s protection from the other inmates.

Adam, a former hitman, is a handsome yet rough man with a tricky past and a few deep secrets as to why he’s incarcerated. He’s a laid-back inmate feared by everyone. Luke is no exception, as Adam has a few strict rules Luke must follow. To him, Luke is fiery and asks too many questions. But he also falls for Luke, and their cat-and-mouse romance begins.

Luke’s physical and mental states decline as his lawyer can’t seem to find new evidence. He fears he will stay in prison for the rest of his life. Adam is set to be released not long after they meet. However, there’s an unexpected turn, and Luke learns what Adam’s secrets are.

Guilty (MM)
1 Ratings (5.0)

Guilty (MM)

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 29,309
1 Ratings (5.0)
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Cover Art by Harris Channing


The most awkward moment of Luke’s time in prison had begun. He walked into the shower room naked as he followed Adam, who was just as naked, and so were the other inmates. This looked like any locker room, yet the walls and tile were cracked and the lights were bleak. Steam filled the air.

As he’d expected, Adam stood out, and not only for his height. The problem was that he was following Adam around even into the showers.

Luke stood under the first showerhead he saw available. An inmate had just finished his shower, and he didn’t want to face the awkwardness of showering right next to Adam. Luke set his towel aside and pressed the button of the shower. Hot water sprayed onto him. They had fifteen minutes, which was enough for him.

When he looked over at Adam to his right to check where he was, they locked eyes. Luke faced forward without a second thought and continued showering. Technically, he hadn’t left their cell yet.

From one second to the other, Luke felt someone kicking his left ankle, causing him to slip and fall on the white tile flooring. At least, he’d fallen into a seated position instead of hitting his head somewhere. But it still hurt his knees and ankles.

“You’re nothing without Adam,” the inmate next to him said, smirking down at him.

Another inmate smacked the man’s arm. “You got here after Adam. At least look around first. He’s right there, you moron.”

Luke got up slowly as water kept spraying on him and he saw Adam approaching with his towel draped over his right shoulder, the other inmates stepping aside. He avoided looking at Adam’s naked body.

“I’m done with my shower.” The same man who had tripped Luke paced past the two guards at the door and into the locker area.

Everyone returned to what they were doing without a word, and Adam went back to his spot.

“Weren’t we supposed not to touch him only yesterday?” an inmate asked another.

“That’s what McCannon told us. I don’t know anything about today,” the other responded.

Luke shampooed his hair. He could hear them clearly from either side. They didn’t care that he was present.

After showering, Luke went with Adam to the other room to change into their uniforms. It was packed with other inmates. He put his dark orange pants on and spotted one of the guards approaching them.

“Adam, the warden will see you right after breakfast. I’ll meet you in your cell to take you to her office.”

“He’s coming with me. We’re both going to make the request for his transfer,” Adam said.

The guard shrugged one shoulder. “Fine with me. I’ll let her know.”

Luke put his white T-shirt on and his feet in his slippers. Nothing would change Adam’s mind. Sighing to himself, Luke held his uniform shirt. He was too hot after taking a shower and didn’t feel like putting it on. Since Adam was ready to leave, Luke followed him.

They cut the line to the cafeteria and Luke went through the same process as yesterday’s lunch. Adam had his own table in the corner. Breakfast was made up of oatmeal, one orange cut in half, one boiled egg, and he’d chosen tea over milk. His thoughts were so jumbled that he didn’t know what to think anymore. His stomach and back hurt from how tense he’d been. He was afraid.

Adam got up when he was done with his breakfast, so Luke did the same.

Things were happening too fast for Luke to keep up. They walked into their cell to wait for the guard to take them to the warden’s office. If he could stop time, he would.

“Adam, Luke, the warden is ready to chat,” the guard said, knocking on the door with his baton. He slid it open.

Luke approached the guard, looking down at the floor.

“When you talk to the warden again, tell her I’ve changed my mind,” Adam said from his bunk. “He can stay here.”

With his eyes almost impossibly wide, Luke froze in place. The guard didn’t say a word and closed the door. Luke couldn’t move for a few seconds, feeling a tad lightheaded.

Adam sighed. “What are you doing standing there?”

Luke turned to him. “Why did you change your mind?” he asked quietly.

“Do you want me to call the guard?”

“No, of course not,” Luke blurted out. He walked up to Adam and moved his hands toward him, but quickly stopped himself. “Thank you, Adam. Can I hug you?”

Adam tilted his head. “Why would you—?”




After dinner in their cell and going to the library with Adam since Adam had finished reading his book and wanted another one, they returned for the night. Luke reveled in the sound of the door locking automatically. He went to his bunk.

Luke froze in place when Adam hugged him from behind, sliding one of his hands underneath his shirt. Adam could be so cold, yet sometimes rough with the way he showed affection, if that was it to begin with. Luke’s heart pounded as Adam kissed the side of his neck. But he wasn’t satisfied with Adam’s answer earlier. “Can you wait for a second?” Luke said and turned around.

Adam stopped hugging him. “What?”

“What exactly are you expecting us to do?” Luke asked quietly.

“What else would it be? Sex. You don’t want to?”

Luke glanced down. Adam didn’t seem any different. “What if I did stop you?”

“How many times are you going to think so little of me?” Adam gripped Luke’s shirt.

“You’re always focused on what you’re doing, so it seems like you don’t even see me here,” Luke said.

Adam sat on his bunk with a sigh. “I don’t want to be doing this with you in a prison cell.”

Luke gazed at him. “So you want to imagine we’re somewhere else?”

“You ask too many questions.”

“Because I want to know more about you and what you think,” Luke uttered. He didn’t enjoy that something he could say would tick Adam off, but he knew Adam was slowly warming up to him.

“Why?” Adam held Luke’s wrist and sat him on his lap, facing him.

“You know why,” Luke answered, and Adam kissed him. He let out a moan when Adam wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him against his firm torso. The kisses grew more aggressive until Adam laid him back first on the bunk. Luke’s heartbeat reverberated in his ears with the way Adam pressed several kisses to his lips. These were the only moments Adam showed how he felt.

With his hands on Luke’s hips, Adam slid his own hips between Luke’s thighs. He rubbed his crotch against Luke’s in deep thrusts, keeping their lips connected.

Quiet moans escaped Luke. He’d seen Adam in the showers a few times before, but being alone with him like this made him desire to touch his naked body. He entered a daze when Adam held the hem of his uniform pants and pulled them off for him. As usual, he was a tad rough, but at this point, Luke had gotten used to Adam’s way of being.

“I haven’t asked yet. Were you in a relationship with anyone before you came here?” Adam asked and took Luke’s T-shirt off.

“Not for a couple of years. And you?” Luke uttered.

Adam wrapped his hand around Luke’s hard prick and stroked it. “Not for a few years,” he said before he grazed his teeth against Luke’s shoulder. “You can’t make too much noise.”

Luke peered at Adam’s clothes. “I’ll try not to.” He tried to remove Adam’s shirt, yet Adam held his wrists away.

“If anyone comes in here by surprise, I’ll cover you. Your noises might catch the attention of one of the guards,” Adam said, to which Luke nodded. “Are you disappointed because you wanted to see me naked?”

“I don’t want to answer that question,” Luke responded. Instead of that bothering Adam, he rested his thumb on Luke’s chin. Luke opened his mouth, and Adam filled it with two of his fingers. Now he knew what they would do next, and he hoped no one would interrupt them.

With two of his fingers soaked, Adam replaced them with his tongue while he teased Luke’s hole with one of them. With his other hand, he stroked Luke’s prick in swift motions.

Luke moaned against Adam’s lips. He had to remember where they were, because otherwise someone outside their cell could hear him. Adam thrust his finger into Luke, causing him to grip Adam’s shirt. With this, Adam wasn’t rough, which put him at ease.

The minutes passed as Adam stretched Luke. He added a second finger and pumped deeper into him. Adam kept kissing Luke’s lips, neck, and shoulders, as if it didn’t tire him in the least to do this for him.

A bit more and Luke would come, so he moved his hips away from Adam. “That’s enough,” he said quietly, panting from having to hold back. He inhaled in anticipation when Adam moved his cock into view from inside his uniform pants and guided it into his hole. Luke leaned up and pressed a light kiss to Adam’s lips while Adam focused on filling him.

“I won’t be rough. For now,” Adam said.

In slow movements, Adam thrust deeper, and then faster. Luke grew used to it, pleasure increasing by the moment, until Adam bumped into him, his prick rubbing against his prostate and every sensitive spot. Luke clenched his jaw so he wouldn’t moan. Not only was Adam’s cock perfect, but his motions searched to pleasure Luke.

“If you’re not quiet, I’ll have to make you,” Adam said before he picked up the pace, quiet and deep grunts escaping him.

“You’re making it difficult,” Luke uttered. He rocked closer to the wall each time Adam smacked his hips against his ass. His back slid up the wall, positioning him between it and Adam. Compared to him, Adam was like another wall. His hips alone spread Luke’s thighs to the sides. Adam had to put his knees on the bunk, and Luke rested his hands on Adam’s firm chest.

Adam thrust his cock hard into Luke’s throbbing hole, making him suppress louder groans. The bunk beds creaked. He squeezed Luke’s hips in his hands so half of Luke’s torso remained on the mattress. “You’re still making noise,” Adam said and kissed Luke’s lips.

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