Chris is a newcomer to Green Hill. His family has settled in, even his brother, who made the mistake of trying to take the alpha position from the Green Hill pride alpha, but not Chris. He feels like he doesn’t belong, and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
Meeting his mate might help.
Drake is in love with love, but love doesn’t work for him. Every time he’s in a relationship, he gets dumped because of his personality—he’s too needy, he talks too much or expects too much from his boyfriend. He hasn’t given up, but when he meets his mate, he decides that something needs to change before he sends Chris running, too.
That something is him.
While Chris does his best to get to know the real Drake, Drake does his best to hide his personality from Chris. The push and pull is maddening for both of them and can’t continue forever, but who will win?
Chris felt out of place, but then how could he feel at home when he was surrounded by a bunch of tigers?
Part of him felt like he wasn’t supposed to be here. He was supposed to be back home with the pack, in the place where he’d been born. He would still be there if his family hadn’t had to move.
All because their alpha had kicked his brother out.
Chris scowled at the wall, since he couldn’t scowl at his old alpha. Alpha Davis had always been an asshole, but Chris had never realized just how threatened the man felt by Kyle. He wasn’t even right to have felt that, because Kyle couldn’t care less about being alpha. Kyle might have postured when he’d first arrived in Green Hill because he thought it was the only way for him and the rest of their family to be safe, but he didn’t want to be in charge of a bunch of people, be they wolves or tigers. He just wanted to be disgustingly happy with his mate, and now he was.
Chris had been looking for his brother, thinking they could spend time together. It had been a while since they’d done so, mostly because everything had been a mess after they’d arrived in town. Kyle had been an idiot and had tried to take the alpha position from the Green Hill pride alpha. He’d failed miserably.
Well, not miserably. He’d failed but had been glad for it because he didn’t actually want to be the alpha and because he’d met his mate.
Which was who Kyle was spending time with right now.
Chris eyed them. They were on the couch, the TV on, but neither of them was watching. He wasn’t sure what they’d been doing, but Kyle was stretched out against Dennis’s side, his head tucked under Dennis’s chin. His eyes were closed, and Dennis was cradling him close and watching him with a sappy expression.
It wasn’t like Kyle to fall asleep in the middle of the day, especially not in a spot where anyone could see him. For a while, he’d continued acting as if he was a strong tiger shifter who could be the alpha if he wanted to, and he was—he just didn’t want to be alpha. Now that he’d settled in, though, he’d relaxed and looked at home here.
Chris supposed he was. Kyle’s father was the previous alpha of the pride, and while the man was gone, the place kind of was Kyle’s ancestral home. But it had more to do with the fact that Kyle found his mate here than who his father was. Either way, Kyle had settled in, and it was like he’d always been here. He belonged.
Something Chris couldn’t say about himself.
He moved back into the hallway, not wanting to bother Dennis and Kyle. Dennis hadn’t noticed him yet, and he didn’t want to be seen at all. Dennis would insist on waking up Kyle, and that wasn’t what Chris wanted, even though he felt alone.
He looked right and left, but the hallway was empty. Kyle was busy, which meant Chris would have to find someone else to spend time with. He didn’t have friends here, which meant he was stuck spending time with his family. Jennifer was next on his list.
It took a while to find her. She wasn’t in her room or in any of the communal living areas in the house. That left the yard, but Jennifer didn’t usually spend a lot of time outside during fall and winter. She disliked the cold and rain.
But that was where Chris found her. It was the middle of November, and Jennifer was outside, willingly jumping in puddles. Chris watched her from the kitchen back door, wondering when his sister had been kidnapped by aliens and replaced by a pod person. There was no way this was the sister he’d grown up with.
Yet it was. There weren’t many wolves in the Green Hill pride. In fact, there were only three of them—Chris, Jennifer, and their grandfather.
Chris swallowed as he watched his sister pounce on a massive tiger. He didn’t recognize the tiger, but if he had to guess, it was Annabelle. She and Jennifer had become close friends, which made sense since Annabelle was Dennis’s sister, and Dennis was Kyle’s mate. They were like a big happy family.
Except for Chris.
He huffed and turned away from the back door. Kyle was busy with Dennis, and Jennifer was playing around with Annabelle. What was Chris’s grandfather up to?
Chris had seen him in the library earlier, so that was where he headed. Sure enough, his grandfather was still there, reading a book by the fireplace. It was cozy, and Chris was tempted to shift into his wolf form and curl up by his grandfather’s feet. He didn’t want to bother him, though. If Chris did that, his grandpa would get worried, and Chris didn’t want that.
His grandfather looked peaceful. He hadn’t had an easy life, especially after losing his only daughter. Chris remembered how much his grandfather had loved her. Their life had been a mess because she’d refused to marry the alpha, but they’d been happy until she died.
That seemed to be when everything had gone to shit. The pack had tolerated them before, but after she passed away, everyone had kept as much distance from them as they could. Kyle had been angry, but Chris didn’t blame them. They’d known the alpha would do something to them, and he had.
He’d kicked Kyle out.
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