
Krsnik Clan

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 38,608
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When Chris told his friend that he didn’t want a mate, he didn’t expect to meet his mate anytime soon. But here he is, a human mate to a Vila, and he’s not sure what to do about it. He might not have wanted a mate, but he has one now, and being Gary’s only chance at bonded happiness is a heavy weight.

Gary only ever wanted to be safe. After losing his clan and being on the run for years, he’s found a place to call home, but nightmares plague him. When he meets Chris, he’s delighted to have found his mate, but Chris is human and a hunter. Gary has already lost everyone he loves—can he bear to be with Chris when Chris has no plans to stop hunting Kudlaks?

Will Chris have to choose between what he feels is his duty and his mate? Or can Gary accept the way his mate willingly puts himself in danger?

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Krsnik Clan

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 38,608
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Cover Art by Angela Waters

The air smelled of dust and fresh wood. It had become familiar in a way few things were in Chris’s life. Chris couldn’t say he minded. In fact, he didn’t. The smell reminded him that he was building his future.

He took a step back and stared at the wall in front of him. Okay, maybe his future would be a little crooked, but it was the thought that counted, right? The house didn’t have to be perfect. It just had to be perfect for Chris, and as far as he was concerned, it was.

All the houses in the village needed work, including this one. It was decent enough that he could live in it, but every room needed a fresh coat of paint, and some needed more. He’d started getting rid of the old wallpaper, and the thought of the insects he was finding under it made his skin crawl. That was why he’d decided that painting would be easier than putting up new wallpaper, but he’d been wrong there, too.

It didn’t matter. He was the only one living in this house, so he’d be the only one to see how crooked everything was. He had no idea what he was doing when it came to renovating his house, and he thought he was doing a pretty good job.

As long as he stayed away from anything more significant than painting, he should be able to continue. He needed help with anything more complicated, but that wouldn’t be a problem. He had friends in the village.

He grinned at the wall like an idiot. He did have friends, and they were all part of this clan now. In his life, both before he became a hunter and after, he could never have imagined he’d be a clan member. He was human, and there was nothing special about him, yet Clay and Rowan had decided to take him in. He was safer than he’d been in years, and no one was yelling at him to fight like a man, like in that Disney movie.

He snorted at the thought of Cornelius shirtless and with long hair. It didn’t fit, and Cornelius was much more cruel than the guy in the movie—and not nearly as handsome. Luckily, Chris would never have to deal with him again.

Thank God for small mercies.

His phone vibrated on the kitchen counter, and he put down his paintbrush to see who it was. It could be Rowan or Clay with orders to gather so they could go kick Kudlak ass. In that case, Chris would have to be quick leaving the house. Luckily, it wasn’t them, and Chris’s smile widened as he answered the call. “Ronnie,” he exclaimed.

There was a pause before his childhood best friend answered. “You sound happy.”

His words made Chris feel guilty. “I’m okay, I guess. What about you?”

Ronnie sighed. “I didn’t mean that you had to stop being happy or apologize.”

“I didn’t apologize.”

“You might as well have. I want you to be happy, Chris. It makes me feel better about you joining the hunters.” He sighed again. “I wish you would come home. I miss you.”

Chris closed his eyes and leaned his hip against the kitchen counter. He had so many feelings when it came to Ronnie that it was hard to make sense of them.

Ronnie was his childhood best friend. They’d grown up together, and they’d had each other’s backs. They’d seen each other every day until the night they’d been attacked by a Kudlak.

They’d both survived. Chris was pretty sure that sometimes Ronnie wished he hadn’t, but even though he was scarred, he was alive. That was all Chris cared about, but it wasn’t all Ronnie cared about.

Chris had thought that by joining the hunters, he’d make Ronnie happy that someone was avenging him and making the world a safer place, but he didn’t think he’d succeeded, at least not entirely. He suspected Ronnie was still angry at him for leaving him behind, and he didn’t blame him. They’d promised each other they’d always be together, but Chris had left, and Ronnie hadn’t been able to follow.

But things were different now. Ronnie didn’t know all of it, but it was time to tell him so he could make a decision Chris had known was coming for a while now.

He pushed away from the counter and flopped into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “I miss you, too. Maybe you could come visit,” he offered.

“You know I can’t.” Ronnie’s voice was small, something Chris didn’t think he could ever associate with his friend. 

Ronnie had always been bigger than life. He’d been popular and open and had always had a smile on his lips. Everyone loved him. Knowing what he’d become because of the attack made Chris’s heart ache, but he knew from experience there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t help Ronnie where he was now. Ronnie himself  was the only one who could do anything, but Chris could gently push him along.

“No, I don’t know that you can’t. I know you feel that your house is the only place you can be safe, but I told you about the village the last time I called, didn’t I?”

“The village where you live with Krsniks?”

“They’re good people. They were literally born to kill Kudlaks, so you’ll never have to worry about that or them hurting you. We also have more people arriving daily who can help with the magic surrounding the village, so it’s definitely safer than your apartment. It’s only going to get safer once we get more of those people.”

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