The Sea Serpent's Sweetheart

Legendary Shifters 12

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 38,469
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Ryland is content with his life. His brother is finally safe, and they can both settle down in Rosewood. The only thorn left in Ryland’s side is Fulton and his auctions, but the pack is working on stopping him.

Mercer knew Ryland was his mate as soon as he met him, but so far, he hasn’t found the right moment to tell him. He has finally found a home in Rosewood after drifting for so long, but while his life is here, Ryland’s isn’t.

Or maybe, it is.

Ryland isn’t going anywhere now that he has Pembroke back, and when he and Mercer end up locked in a closet and Mercer confesses Ryland is his mate, he’s surprised but ready to give it a go. Can he convince Mercer that he isn’t leaving? And together with the pack, can they finally close Fulton’s operation and make him pay for everything he did to Pembroke and so many other shifters?

The Sea Serpent's Sweetheart
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The Sea Serpent's Sweetheart

Legendary Shifters 12

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 38,469
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Cover Art by Angela Waters

“She did what?” Ryland asked. His hand tightened around his phone. He took a deep breath and told himself to relax.

“She snuck out the back while Tony was restraining her ex,” Braden answered with a huff. “We found her in her car with another guy. This isn’t what I signed up for when I agreed to work for you and Remi.”

Ryland pinched the bridge of his nose. “I realize that. I’m sorry I had to assign you and Tony to this client, but with everything that happened, you were the only ones available. I’ll cancel her contract right away. She knew what she was signing, and in the contract, she agreed to obey the orders of the bodyguards assigned to her. Clearly, she didn’t.”

It wasn’t a surprise. Ryland was used to dealing with more or less famous people. He and Remi owned a security company, and a lot of their work came from that. With the Internet, everyone could be famous these days, including this client. She was an influencer who’d contacted their company because she thought someone was following her. So far, Ryland hadn’t been able to find any proof of that. Neither had Tony and Braden, who were following the client around. That wouldn’t be so bad if the client weren’t trying to make their lives harder. She was supposed to listen to what her bodyguards said, but instead, she’d created trouble and had snuck out on them.

“If it makes you feel better, I don’t think there’s anyone following her. I haven’t seen any signs of it, and I’ve looked for that.”

“I’ll make sure to tell her that when I call her.” Ryland trusted Braden. He had to, now that he’d moved to Rosewood permanently. He couldn’t be as hands-on with the company as he’d been before, but if he had to choose between the company and his brother, it would be easy.

He’d been looking for Pembroke for too long. Now that he had him back, he wasn’t going anywhere. Rosewood was the safest place for his brother, which meant Ryland would stick around, too.

The problem was that under any other circumstances, Remi would have been back at home, taking care of the business. That wouldn’t be possible since Remi and Pembroke had fallen in love, which meant that both Ryland and Remi were moving to Rosewood.

All of this gave Ryland a headache if he thought too hard about it. He had too much to deal with and not enough hours in the day. Before, he’d dedicated most of his time to work, and he hadn’t minded. It had been a way to distract himself from the knowledge that his brother was out there somewhere, probably being hurt. It had been easier to focus on work than on what was happening to Pembroke.

But Pembroke was safe now, which meant that Ryland could and should slow down. It was hard to let go of the control over the company, though, which was why he’d been working overtime. Doing everything from Rosewood wasn’t easy, but thankfully, the Internet made everything smoother. Ryland and Remi would still have to take some business trips, and they had to find someone they trusted who was willing to be in charge of their main office, but Ryland was sure that eventually everything would slow down and he’d be able to enjoy his time with Pembroke in their new town.

That was going to be a big change. Ryland had always lived in big cities, but Rosewood was small. He’d also always lived in apartments on his own, while the Rosewood pack was very close and didn’t think anything of visiting and asking how he was. That might partly be because Ryland was still living with the alpha, but he wouldn’t be for long. His home was almost ready, and he couldn’t wait to have his own space.

“I’m really sorry this didn’t work out,” Braden said.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. You did your job. There are always difficult clients, but I won’t allow anyone to disrespect the people who work for me.” Especially when they were as good at their job as Braden.

He was ex-military, which was why Remi and Ryland had been excited when he’d asked if they had work for him. He was Remi’s friend, and while Ryland didn’t know him as well, he’d worked with him long enough to respect him. That was one of the reasons he wouldn’t allow anyone to disrespect him. Braden took his job seriously, and the least the clients could do was do the same.

Ryland would be happy to get rid of this client in particular. She’d been nothing but trouble since she’d hired them, sneaking away from the people who were supposed to protect her, lying, and not caring one bit about her safety. It was why Ryland had doubts that someone was actually following her, but he hadn’t wanted to risk it, so he’d asked Braden to check and keep her safe. 

Braden was one of the people who’d helped Ryland get his brother back, and Ryland trusted him with his life. He wouldn’t force him to continue dealing with this, no matter how much the client was paying them.

The phone call with Braden was the easiest part of Ryland’s day. After they hung up, he had to call the client to tell her that she’d broken the contract she’d signed, which meant they were out. She wasn’t happy when Ryland explained why he was making this decision, and after the first few threats, he hung up on her. He called the people back at the office to warn them about what had just happened, then leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes.

He was used to spending a lot of time in front of his computer, but he’d had enough for today. Maybe taking a break would help.

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