Love Under Two Extroverts (MFM)

The Lusty, Texas Collection 26

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 68,344
35 Ratings (4.7)
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, HEA]
Jacqui doesn’t want to fall for New York City slicks Will and Norm Kendall. But their cheesy pick-up lines are stealing her resolve. They remind her of her dad—a natural salesman whose business has always been more important than his only child.
Will and Norm come to Lusty to decompress from their high-stress careers. They expect to relax, read, and more or less zone out. They don’t expect to be drawn to prickly Jacqui Bethune. The more they see her, the more they want to get to know her better.
But a problem arises in the form of a former client of theirs, a man who’s now wanted by the law. And he blames Will and Norm for his problems.
And the closer this miscreant gets to Lusty, the more stressed out Jacqui becomes—and the more Will and Norm learn about family—Lusty Style.
A Siren Erotic Romance
Cara Covington is a Siren-exclusive author.
Love Under Two Extroverts (MFM)
35 Ratings (4.7)

Love Under Two Extroverts (MFM)

The Lusty, Texas Collection 26

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 68,344
35 Ratings (4.7)
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Cover Art by Harris Channing
I love this whole series and have every one of them. Great book.
In the style I came to love, Cara Covington brought to life another HEA, Lusty style :D
Loved the two extroverts, Will and Norm, their banter with Jacqui made me laugh out loud. Jacqui is a spunky heroine, the kind I love and I am glad she has the two hunks to help her thru the rough patches. She gets to put some ghosts to rest, makes peace with her Father for which I am happy. 'Cousin-speak' and the family feeling of Lusty, Texas leaves me feeling happy after each book I read. Grandma Kate is still my fave character, she is a classy lady and you got to love her mischievous matchmaker streak.

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She didn’t have to wonder if the men knew she was aroused. She could see that knowledge in Will’s eyes and feel it in the erection that now pressed against her bottom.

“You’re so damn responsive.” Will lifted her chin with his finger, and added a slight pressure from his thumb to hold her in place. And then, as Rascal Flats sang about doing it one more time, Will Kendall kissed her for the first time.

His mouth covered hers, his kiss hot and wet and carnal. Jacqui wondered if the rubbing of his lips on hers and the glide of his tongue as he tasted her was enough to give her an orgasm.

He lifted his head and used his thumb to rub his kiss into her lips. Unable to stop herself, she parted her lips, and let her tongue slide out to caress his thumb. His smile, slow sweet and sexy, did amazing things to her girl parts.

He released her, and then gently turned her around. She looked up into Norman’s glittering gaze. His blue eyes held her captive as his head began to lower.

“My turn.” His words brushed her lips a heartbeat before his mouth settled on hers. His flavor combined with Will’s on her tongue, and just like that, she knew she was addicted. Wet and wild, and oh so wonderful, Norm Kendall, with one covering of his lips and sweep of his tongue, proved that with his cousin, he owned her mouth.

Norm raised his head as the last strains of the song dropped away. Both men had eased her in closer and she thought between them they generated enough heat to combust. She also understood that when Norm had told her earlier they’d both be hard, he hadn’t been kidding.

“I think your aunt is staring at us,” Will said. “We should go back and…cool down just a little.”

Jacqui sighed. She laid her head back, rubbing her hair against him for just a moment, and then straightened. She took a tiny step away from them.

“That’s probably a good idea.”

“This will be just a little time out, sweetheart, not a full-fledged retreat.” Norm lifted her hand to his lips one more time.

They walked back toward the table, hand-in-hand-in-hand. Jacqui nodded. “A part of me wants to do just that.” She’d told herself the day before that she was no coward. Maybe she never should have agreed to this date, but she had. And now that she had, she understood there would be no going back. She had only two choices. She could walk away forever, or do as Will suggested and move forward, one day at a time.

That was really no choice at all. “No, not a full-fledged retreat.” She couldn’t go back and she really didn’t want to walk away. But she didn’t have to plunge ahead at light speed, either. They were likely going to end up rolling on the sheets, and if she was to be honest with herself, she was looking forward to that.

But it didn’t have to be tonight.

As they came back to the table, Nancy stirred, yawned, and looked around. “What did I miss?”

“Will and Norm conducted a very intense tonsil inspection of our girl Jacqui, here,” Chloe Jessop said.

“Well, hell, that’s why we’re all here, to prevent that sort of thing.” Nancy looked so disgruntled that Jacqui laughed.

One of the cell phones on the table vibrated, and Eli nodded to Will. “You might want to get that. That’s about the sixth time it’s gone off in the last five minutes.”

“And when yours wasn’t ringing,” Jeremiah said, “Norm’s was.”

Will scooped his phone just as it stopped ringing. He looked at the display screen. Frowning, looked over at Norm who’d picked up his phone and checked his missed calls.

“Who is Monique Havens?”

“Shit. Cheryl’s mother. Something must be wrong.” Norm said. His phone rang and he answered it immediately.

“Who’s Cheryl?” Jacqui asked.

“Our office admin, back in New York. She’s been holding down the fort for us…” Then Will’s voice fell away as they listened to Norm’s side of the conversation.

Jacqui moved in closer to Will, but her attention was on Norm, whose worry clearly showed on his face.

“Please let us know if there’s anything you need, and please keep us informed.” He said a few more words that Jacqui didn’t catch. Then he hung up his phone and looked at Will.

“Cheryl was assaulted earlier today. She’s in the hospital. They’ve got her sedated now and her mother’s with her. But she spoke to the police and told them who’d attacked her. Will, it was Rick Wilde.”




They came down on the bed, one on either side of her. Wasn’t this every woman’s deepest, darkest fantasy? Having two naked, buff men whose sole attention was her—her body, her pleasure, her needs—was a fantasy she’d never acknowledged to herself until now. But how did this work, exactly?

“What—” It was the only word she got to say before Will put his finger over her lips, silencing her.

“Just lay there, sugar plum, and let us have our way with you.”

“We promise,” Norm said, “that you’re going to like it.”

She wanted their touch, but she wanted to touch in return. She wanted to take, yes, but she needed to give back. “I want y’all to like it, too.”

“Oh, baby, don’t you worry about that.”

They took a moment, each of them, to look at her, to trace her curves and dips and valleys with their eyes and then their hands. She knew enthralled men when she saw them, and Will and Norm definitely liked what they were looking at.

“Does this taste as good as it looks?” Norm ran a finger back and forth over her nipple. His touch thrilled her, pouring fuel on her arousal, making it burn hot.

Jacqui felt bold and daring. “Why don’t you find out, slick?”

“Mmm, why don’t I?”

And then as one, they moved. Will turned her face toward him and sealed his lips against hers while Norm bent to her nipple and lapped it with his tongue.

One lover sucked her tongue into his mouth, the other her nipple, and Jacqui’s hips bowed off the bed as her clit quivered with need. Then they put hands on her, and slowly, together, began to make good on their promise.

Like didn’t come close to describing how she felt about their attention.

They’d put her arms above her head, and there was an element of being captured—and didn’t that make her girl parts dance with joy? And then thought evaporated as Will and Norm traded places, as Will moved down and suckled her other nipple into his mouth while Norm’s mouth covered hers.

Their tongues dueled and danced, a slow and sexy glide and slide that enflamed her need and fed her greed. And all the while she drank him in, Will moved down her body, petting and kissing, stroking and sipping.

When he wordlessly urged her to, she parted her legs.

Oh, God. She’d read about this and heard about this but her previous two lovers—could she even call them that?—had refused her this. Refused while demanding she service them.

The first hot, wet nuzzle of her feminine folds made her gasp and jerk and gush.

Norm lifted his head, his gaze intent on hers. She felt a tug and realized that he’d been playing with her breasts as he’d been kissing her.

Everything was just so rolled up into one great big ball of fuck, yeah she couldn’t even keep track of who was doing what. So she let that go, and just enjoyed.

“You like having your pussy licked,” Norm said. “Your nipples turned hard as rocks.”

“I’d hoped I would.” Jacqui realized once the words had left her lips that she’d confirmed Will’s “shiny new” comment.

He blew a stream of air on her slit. “You’ll find we aren’t selfish lovers, Jacqui. You’ll always come first.”

“And we mean that in every way, sweetheart.”

Norm was gently caressing her nipple while Will gave tiny little licks and kisses all around her feminine folds—except where she needed to feel him most.

“Oh, please.”

“Please what, baby?” Will spoke against her wet flesh, and the vibration of his voice just ratcheted her arousal even higher.

“Please give me more. Please make me come.”

She met Will’s gaze. The image of him between her thighs, looking up at her from just above her pussy, was the sexiest sight she’d ever seen.

He gave her a very lecherous smile, and then buried his face in her cunt at the same time Norm bent and suckled a nipple into his mouth.

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