Not Your Father’s Mafia (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 41,185
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Tito, heir to the Barbarotti crime family, faces the challenge of modernizing the family's operations while navigating the complexities of forbidden love. His encounter with Rico, a clandestine FBI agent, sets the stage for a gripping tale of romance and intrigue.

With the looming threat of the Bad Town Faction and the specter of assassination attempts, Tito and Rico must confront their deepest fears and confront the truth about their feelings. The stakes escalate during Tito's Uncle Sully's funeral, where an assassination attempt puts Tito in danger. Rico's heroic act of saving Tito's life reveals his true identity, shattering Tito's trust and leading to a journey of forgiveness and redemption.

In a crescendo of emotions at the heart of the Barbarotti family's Christmas gathering, Tito and Rico find themselves at a crossroads. Yet, in the thick of the chaos, their love remains unwavering, casting a beacon of hope on a path fraught with challenges that brims with the promise of a shared destiny.

Not Your Father’s Mafia (MM)
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Not Your Father’s Mafia (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 41,185
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

The news of the bombing shattered the peace of our intimate refuge, leaving us both reeling in its wake. Rico watched helplessly as my composure crumbled, my knees buckling under the weight of the devastating revelation. The inferno consuming my home seemed to mirror the inferno raging within our souls, fueled by fear and uncertainty as my expression shifted from confusion to despair.

Clutching my hand tightly, Rico vowed, “I’ll stand by your side through the darkest hours, our love will serve as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.”

As we began to confront the grim details, Rico's mind raced with ominous possibilities. The Bad Town Faction Gang had finally made their move, and now we were confronted with the chilling reality that nowhere was safe. The flames licking at my home served as a stark reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows, ready to consume us at any moment.

With each passing second, the urgency of our situation intensified. Rico felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him, a fierce determination to shield me from the storm raging outside. But as we hurried to leave Rico's apartment, a sense of foreboding settled over us like a suffocating blanket. The night was far from over, and the darkness held more secrets than we dared to imagine.

Once Rico and I arrived, we were met with a devastating sight -- nothing remained but ashes, the remnants of my cherished memories. The acrid scent of smoke lingered in the air, assaulting our senses, and evoking a profound sense of loss. My eyes, red-rimmed from the lingering smoke and ash, scanned the desolate landscape, each charred beam and crumbling wall a painful reminder of what once was.

“All my memories are gone,” I lamented, my voice heavy with sorrow.

Rico wrapped his arms around me, the warmth of his embrace a beacon of comfort amidst my desolation. “They're just material things, Tito,” Rico murmured softly, his words a gentle reminder of life's enduring treasures. “You're alive, and your memories remain intact. Everything else can be replaced,” he reassured, his voice filled with compassion.

I buried my head into Rico's chest, overcome with emotion. “It could have been both of us. I'm so sorry for putting you in harm's way,” I confessed between sobs. Rico held me tighter, his heart aching for my pain.

“It's not your fault, Tito. But it's a stark reminder to steer clear of organized crime. You're a natural leader, and you can achieve greatness in any endeavor,” Rico affirmed, his words laced with conviction.

Just then, Virginia and Sal, my parents, approached us, concern etched on their faces. “Are you both okay?” Virginia inquired, her voice filled with worry. I nodded, my gratitude toward Rico evident. “If it weren't for Rico, we would both have been inside,” I admitted, my voice trembling with emotion.

Rico chimed in, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. “It was merely luck; this is unbelievable. Who can prepare for something like this?”

Nothing could have fully prepared us for the harrowing turn of events. It was unquestionably a stroke of luck, perhaps guided by a subconscious intuition or even divine intervention, that the two of us ended up in Rico’s apartment. In hindsight, the decision proved crucial, saving both our lives.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, Rico recognized the imminent danger they had narrowly escaped. The thought of further assassination attempts loomed ominously, prompting Rico to cling to me even tighter, determined to keep me safe at all costs.

Virginia and Sal joined us, and we formed a group hug. Sal spoke with determination, “With each passing moment, the urgency of our situation becomes increasingly apparent, fueling our resolve to safeguard ourselves from further threats.”

“Someone wants to erase the Barbarotti family leadership, but they won't succeed,” Sal continued, his voice echoing with steely resolve amid the desolation of my charred home. “This isn't merely an attack on property; it's a direct assault on our legacy, our heritage,” he emphasized, his tone grave yet unwavering. “But mark my words, whoever dares to challenge us will face not only the strength of our resolve but also the full force of our family's unyielding spirit. They may have scorched your home, Tito, but they will never extinguish the flame of our legacy.”

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