Promises and Candy Canes (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 17,014
0 Ratings (0.0)

Finn Shulz and Sascha Klein were best friends growing up. They promise to marry, but then Sascha’s family moves away and no one knows where or why. Poor Finn is devastated, wondering if he’ll ever see his best friend again.

Years later Finn is tired of his current boyfriend’s cheating ways. He’s manning a candy stall at the German Christmas market when he sees his old friend Sascha. Things don’t work out between Finn and his current boyfriend, but will he and Sascha finally get the chance to be together? And will Sascha keep his promise to marry Finn now that they are grown?

Promises and Candy Canes (MM)
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Promises and Candy Canes (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 17,014
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

Ben showed up two days later. He didn’t do a very good job of covering that big-assed hickey on his neck.

Finn just walked over to him and hooked his finger in the collar of the knit sweater and pulled it down.

“Ooh,” Emma said as she looked.

The mark went down to his nipple. “Who marked you up?” Finn asked.

“I can explain,” Ben said.

“Don’t bother,” Finn said. “If he’s that good that you go missing for two days, why did you even bother to come here?”

“You don’t understand. He’s just a friend,” Ben said.

“I’m a friend, your boyfriend. On what planet is cheating acceptable, Ben?”

Emma had been listening to the entire conversation. “The toy store is open.”

Finn might be interested, but now, he was trying to straighten out this situation with Ben.

“You never pay me any attention.”

“Oh, so you messing around with some other guy is my fault?” Finn asked.

“You’re only interested in your candy business.”

“It’s my job,” Finn said. “Not all of us were born with a silver spoon in our mouths.”

“That’s not fair, Finn. I work just as hard as you do.”

“I can see that. So maybe you should go back to him because there’s no way I’m going to let you run wild and bring me something dirty.”

Ben stomped past them and left the shop.

“Why did he think you wouldn’t be mad?” Emma asked.

Finn shrugged. “He’s just looking for an excuse he thinks I’ll accept this time.”

“Are you going to forgive him?” Emma asked.

“No. As far as I’m concerned, it’s over between me and him.”

Someone cleared his throat. It sounded like a customer. Finn went to the opening to see.

“Excuse me. Can I have a candy cane?”

Finn gasped. “Sascha? Is that you?”

“Hello, Finnie. Yes, it’s really me.”

Finn ran out of the shop. He picked Sascha up and held him tight. “I thought you were dead.”

Emma peeped at them. “It is him!”

Finn put Sascha down and tried to invite him in.

“Can’t. I don’t have anyone to mind the store,” Sascha said, pointing across from them.

“You reopened your family’s toy store?” Finn asked happily.

“Yes and no. Just this stall for Christmas.”

Like a ghost in the night, he had returned, looking fifteen years older and all grown up. Finn would know him anywhere since his innocent face was etched in Finn’s memory. The hair was different. Instead of light brown curls, he had a manlier style, long in the front and shaved underneath with a tapered back. Yet, there was no mistaking those sky-blue eyes and sweet smile. He had gotten taller but still a shorty compared to Finn. The winter weather brought a bright blush to Sascha’s cheeks. He was still a cherub in Finn’s eyes.

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