Return of the Alpha (MF)

Katu Wolves

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 16,000
0 Ratings (0.0)

Can the animal I have become take a step back and allow the man inside to reclaim his life?

For so many years I have been locked up, caged like the beast I had always been accused of being. My rescue comes from an unexpected avenue, but I couldn’t be more grateful. Not only have I been reunited with my daughter, but I have also been welcomed into a new pack, and the Goddess has seen fit to bless me with a second chance at life and love, with a new mate.

Even though I am happier than I have been in years things are never simple. My mate is not what she seems and will not simply fall at my feet. This may be the hardest I have ever had to fight for anything.

Return of the Alpha (MF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Return of the Alpha (MF)

Katu Wolves

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 16,000
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

I wasn’t expecting any of the things he would do. One moment he is sitting at the table that looks too small with him there, and the next he is kissing the sense out of me. His hand on my hip has a firm grip but he isn’t hurting me.

No, he is awakening feelings I didn’t even know I had. His kiss is deep and brutal, savage, just like the man before me. It’s soul-consuming and I know I will never be the same after this.

Just as quickly as it started, it is over, and I am left trying to remain upright. James is standing against the opposite wall, his hands fisted as he fights his animal for dominance. I see the magic shimmer and his wolf pressing against his skin, but he is able to fight him back, dominating his animal into submission. Barely.

Both of us are breathless, our chests heaving as we stare at each other.

“Don’t for one second think I am going to give you up without a fight, April,” he says lowly, a growl building in his chest. “The only reason I don’t bend you over that table and fuck you senseless is because I know you’ll kick my ass for it. You are my mate and eventually I will claim you. But I will wait until you come to me.”

He doesn’t let me say a word before he strides out of my house, leaving me confused and aroused. A moment later the howl of a wolf rips through the entire compound and I know he has finally given his animal the free reign it has been craving.

I want to follow him but I know he is trying to protect me by keeping his animal at bay until we are fully mated. His animal won’t be as lenient with me if he catches me.

I feel like an utter bitch for everything I said but it’s the truth and I can’t stop the thoughts replaying in my mind. I am too young for him. Add in the fact that we are two different species and it’s clear we don’t belong together.

I just can’t figure out why the Goddess would see fit to give me a mate and then make it impossible for us to be together.

My heart hurts and I rub at the center of my chest. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to have James in my life and in my bed. I don’t want to give up on my mate, I just need to figure out how to keep him.

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