Short Spurts (MM)


Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 59,925
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Rob Rosen, editor of the renowned Best Gay Erotica series, thirteen-times novelist, with more than 200 published short stories to his credit, brings you twenty of his erotic short stories from the past decade. These tales run the gamut from soft and tender to rough and tumble, humorous to emotional, sci-fi to contemporary, and all in his award-winning signature style.

Here you’ll find young hippies at Woodstock, old friends meeting under unexpected circumstances, Christmas elves, magical fairies, naked bowlers, and macho military men. There’s also a randy mountain ranger, a college student with an unusual sexual talent, a conquering alien, a down-and-out homeless man, and a hairy jockey. With these, as well as a whole slew of other memorable characters who leap off the page, Short Spurts delivers with its unique settings, striking plot twists, and scorching hot, unabashed romance.

Short Spurts (MM)
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Short Spurts (MM)


Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 59,925
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

FROM "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell"

I spotted him outside a café, sipping his coffee and looking like he had the last time I’d seen him nearly five years earlier, except maybe he was even more handsome, more rugged -- if that was even physically possible.

I waited across the street, staring at him. He didn’t seem to notice me. Then again, he didn’t seem to notice me the first time around either, all those years ago.

I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. See, I’d just enlisted. Was sent to Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina. It was a hot, sticky, miserable place, but it was my only alternative. In and out of foster care, juvenile detention halls, and local jails, there were no jobs waiting for me, no future to look forward to.

So I joined the Army: free food, free education, and free housing, until I got my shit together. There were lots of hunky men, too, which was a problem, but hopefully not an insurmountable one. Then again, they didn’t ask me if I liked men when I signed up. Needless to say, I didn’t tell. But, of course, I did like men. Boy, did I ever.

They threw me in with a whole mess of them, all young, most of them like me: a little lost, in need of some discipline. I’d seen guys like this before. Fucked a whole bunch of them, too. It wouldn’t be so easy this time, though. There’s some irony that they call you Private, considering the Army is anything but. So sex, it would seem, was out of the question -- for the next nine weeks of basic training, anyway.

That first night was when I noticed him. The day had been long and grueling. Most of the men in my unit went directly to their cots and fell fast asleep. Not him, though. He went right to the shower and washed the muck and the grime off, then came swaggering out in nothing but a barely-there towel.

In the standard greens, he looked practically like the rest of us. Not naked, though. Not by a long shot. He was two bunks over from me, so I could watch him, which I did, intently.

He had thick, hairy legs, with massive, well-worked calves. Tree trunk legs, we called them. The kind that could break your neck, if you were lucky enough to get in between them. Above the towel were abs that defied the traditional six pack. The guy seemed to have ten of them -- all rock-solid, all hairy as hell, all sliding and rippling against each other. Then came the two massive pecs, just as hairy, just as hard, with two thick, pink nipples begging to be tweaked, to be sucked, to be bitten. And the face, man oh man, was it handsome: stubbled jaw, Roman nose, the greenest of green eyes, laser intense, and, of course, the now prerequisite crew cut, brown, with just a hint of red when the light hit it just right.

“Come on,” I whispered to myself, just under my breath. “Drop the towel. Drop the fucking towel.”

The towel dropped, thank goodness, as did my mouth. The guy was huge. Even soft, his prick hung down four or five inches, with big, hairy balls that swayed two inches even lower. He turned around and bent over in order to dry his feet. It was an ass I’ll never forget for as long as I live. Two mounds of solid, hairy flesh with an even hairier crack that ached to be spread apart and violated -- by me, of course.

When he was done toweling off, he glanced up, looked around, and locked eyes with me for the briefest of seconds. My stomach lurched. I quickly looked away and got ready for bed. When I again looked up, he was already down for the count.

Damn, I thought, it’s going to be a long two months.

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