Summoning the Sex Demons (MMMF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 32,385
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Louise is a good girl, a student determined to be the top of her class. But on Halloween, when the spookiest of things can happen, she finds herself pulled into a world she never imagined possible. And for a student studying the magic of the occult, that's pretty damn difficult.

After a failed attempt at summoning sex demons, Louise is actually a little disappointed, if also seriously relieved. But everything is not always as it seems. When three handsome men save her and a friend from her thug of an ex, will all hell break loose?

It's Halloween, there is magic in the air, and raising a little hell for the night could just be the most fun Louise has had in years. But will someone end up paying the price?

Summoning the Sex Demons (MMMF)
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Summoning the Sex Demons (MMMF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 32,385
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“Where is Seb?” I whispered into the darkness of the room, feeling as if we were not whole without the third demonic brother.

“I am here,” came the whispered response and as if he were suspended from the ceiling, Seb appeared atop me, materializing from nothing to lean over me on his hands and knees. “I am always here.”

Dropping onto my back, I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him down to kiss me just as I had kissed the others.

“I've missed you. I've missed you all. I will miss you ...”

The words tumbled from my mouth until Seb consumed my lips with his own in a kiss that pulled me back to the present, reminding me that our time was not yet over.

There was still time left to be with them, to feel every inch of them, to enjoy the time we had left.

It was a bittersweet feeling, one that I ought not even to be feeling. They were, after all, demons. They had said themselves how they might have killed so many people were I not a distraction to them.

Perhaps this was somehow my civic duty. I had summoned them and so I was somehow the only thing standing between them and the utter destruction of the human race.

It was a stupid thought, but it was one that I entered into willingly. If sleeping with these three beautiful men was my heroic gift to humanity, then who was I to argue?

If somehow fate had chosen me to be with these three demonic beings, how was I supposed to resist?

For what felt like the hundredth time in the last few hours, I started to lose myself all over again.

And somehow, it felt like the very first time. Only this time, I felt no fear, I felt no need to run. I felt nothing but sheer, unabating bliss.

Wrapped in the arms of my lovers, I knew soon our time would be over and I was determined not to waste one more minute of it.

“Haven't you had enough of us yet?” Kol whispered into the darkness between us, and I felt his face nuzzling against my own.

“No,” I whispered in return, “never.”

I never wanted this night to end. And once more I found myself fighting the urge to beg them to take me with them. Could hell truly be so bad if they were there with me?

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