Punish Me (MF)

The Orchard 7

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 27,707
0 Ratings (0.0)

[Siren Classic: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, BDSM, MF, HEA]

Master Hudson and August Beal's relationship started in an unconventional way. He'd caught her breaking into The Orchard, the BSDM club he is a member of. Something about her vulnerable sweetness convinced him not to turn her in. Instead, he invited her to a party at the club. Was that a mistake, though? He thought he saw good in her but was he being a fool?

August knew the man she was in a relationship with, Frank, was no good. He treated her poorly and was a criminal. He'd put her up to breaking into the club. She regretted it but maybe something good had come from it. Hudson was exciting and treated her better than she thought she deserved. Would her past ruin the possible future with Master Hudson and The Orchard?

Punish Me (MF)
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Punish Me (MF)

The Orchard 7

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 27,707
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Harris Channing


August stood trembling at the locker room door of The Orchard, her hand tightly gripping her empty gym bag.

What the hell am I doing here? Am I crazy?

She took a deep breath and held it. A giggle came from inside the locker room, causing her stomach to drop. August exhaled roughly and took a small step back. She couldn't go through with this. Yes, she'd made a promise, and, yes, she was in debt to someone. At this point, more than one person but she just couldn't.

She’d never imagined herself being a part of a BDSM club. Actually, she had, in a few of her wildest dreams, but they were just that, dreams. She wasn’t there for her pleasure. She was there because of a dumb choice she’d made and a follow-up promise to a Dom here.

Parts of her conversation from last night ran through her mind.

“Please don’t turn me in.”

“I don’t get the impression you’re doing this of your own accord.”

“I mean…. I don’t—”

“Tell you what. Be here tomorrow. Through the front door this time.”

She closed her eyes, frustrated. She didn’t think she was strong enough to be at The Orchard. Her arms shook more violently, and August turned around but was stopped in her tracks immediately. In the doorway that led farther into The Orchard stood one of the men she was in debt to, Hudson. Well, here “Master Hudson.”

The gym bag in her hand dropped to the floor, and her eyes widened. His exceedingly handsome face wore a sinful smirk. His sky-blue eyes seemed to dance, and his dark blond hair looked perfectly styled. Master Hudson unfolded his arms and took a few steps toward her. August shook and willed her legs to shuffle to the side in retreat. They disobeyed and stayed put.

 "You decided to show?" He cocked his head to the side, his smirk gone now.

"I..." Her mouth was dry. The words were stuck.

Master Hudson lifted his chin, looking down on her. August couldn't tell if he was trying to make her uncomfortable or the opposite of that. Was he waiting for her to pull herself together, or was he trying to intimidate her? It didn't matter. She was a wreck.

"I'm glad you're here, little one.”

Little one? That seemed so intimate for a man she’d talked to only once before. She bit her bottom lip, her eyes wide, taking him in.

“We both better get ready, or we'll be late, and you know that won't fly here."

“Umm, if…”

She wanted to say something, but no more words came. He nodded with a small grin and turned around, not giving her more time for her mind to catch up.

August watched him return to the massive wooden door that led into the club. He never looked back as he disappeared inside. That was it. Those few sentences and then he’d left her to her own mind. Was he so confident that she’d stay, or was he trying not to pressure her? Sending the message it was her choice? Her arms trembled again as she took several quick breaths, her eyes tearing up slightly from stress.

Just then, a louder giggle from inside the locker room cut through some of the tension. On the night she entered into his debt, he'd made it very clear this was all her choice. He guaranteed to never force her, but he also warned that once she had made a promise to him, she was expected to keep it. No matter what the consequences.

Breathe, August. Breathe. You can do this. You will do this.

She bent down and retrieved her bag. Master Hudson had been more attractive than even her memory had given him credit for. He was tall, striking, and domineering.

August squared her shoulders and turned back around. She opened the locker room door with no more hesitation. She was not an adventurous person. This was certainly out of the norm for her. She knew then that The Orchard and Master Hudson would test her more than she could prepare for.

And what about Frank? Besides her own stupidity, he was the underlying reason she was here. After meeting Master Hudson, although it had been brief, some of Frank’s hold on her had weakened. She shook her head, not able to dive into those feelings at that moment.

I just hope I can handle this with grace. As much grace as I can muster.




Hudson ground his teeth together as he turned away from Ben and his camera. His plan had been to let her go, run free. See how long she wanted to play up to the crowd or when she started to look lost, scared. That had changed, however, as the scene had started to torture him.

Why? He nodded at the stage Master as he walked past with his sub. He’d played this game before and many more intense ones. This game with this slave had felt a bit deeper than normal. Why?

As the music faded behind him, he reached his club bedroom door, shoving it completely open with his foot. August squeezed his arm as he made his way to his bed, finally laying her down. Hudson turned around and shut his door as she started to speak.

“Sir, weren’t you enjoying the party?”

He exhaled and turned to her. “Baby, we’re still partying, just alone.”

Her lips lifted into a crooked smirk, and Hudson started to remove his black slacks. How to do this? After removing all his clothes, he placed his hands on his hips, taking her in. She was gorgeous, her long dark hair looking slightly messy with the ribbons starting to fall out. Her brown eyes danced.

Something inside him then knew exactly how he wanted to take her. He slid onto the bed, and she complied by lying back fully. He slithered farther up to lay on top of her, her body heat bleeding into him.

“Did you have a good time?” He reached out and twirled one of her pigtails in his fingers.

“Mostly.” She giggled before burying her face in his neck.

“Well, I hope you enjoy this part more.”

Hudson left a few soft kisses on her neck and cheek before quickly reaching for and taking care of his condom. He reached between her legs and leisurely ran his fingers between her pussy lips. Her eyes fluttered shut as he continued to tease her.

“I want this to be soft, Baby.” Hudson didn’t think he had ever said that in this room.

Her only answer was to lazily grind her hips into him. A smirk played on his lips as he slid a finger into her cunt. He kissed her lips, soft and slow. His little one had a bit more spunk, however. As he kissed her one more time, August opened her mouth and bit his lower lip.

He froze for a moment as she held on. Hudson felt her lips smile as she pulled his a little harder. His finger slipped from her cunt, and he reached up to her nipple, pinching it. He twisted, pulling harder until she moaned around his lip. After a few more seconds of pain, she released his lip.

“My pet wants it a little rough?” He narrowed his eyes on her.

“Well...” She shyly looked at his chest. “I think I’d like what you give me.”

Hudson chuckled softly before taking her lips again with his own. This time his kiss was rushed and rougher. He grabbed her breast and squeezed until she again moaned against his lips. He pulled back to look into her dark eyes. He saw reverence but something else. Something needier.

“Okay, let’s give us both something,” he whispered.

Hudson slid up on her and slowly pressed his cock to her pussy. He reached his hand down, parting her lips before sliding into her. Her back came off the bed for a moment while a whimper left her. His hips started a slow but deep motion. August’s lips trembled against him, causing his jaw to clench. She pressed her fingers into his shoulder, and he sped up his thrusting. Her warmth was inviting, but he didn’t want to get too comfortable here. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and thrust deep and hard a few more times, loving her small noises.

Holding her still, his cock deep inside, he whispered into her ear. “Now…”

With no more warning, Hudson let go of her shoulders, pulled his dick free from her, and sat up. She looked up at him in confusion, but it was brief as he gripped her hips. The Dom pushed and pulled her body, flipping August onto her stomach.

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