Our Time to Love (MFM)

Pipers Creek 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 33,268
1 Ratings (4.0)

[Siren Menage Amour: Erotic Romance, Menage, Contemporary, Small Town, Romantic Suspense, MFM, HEA]

Eileen is a shy nurse who doesn’t like drama. Blake Collins and Henry Malloy are sexy as sin and known to play around.

The men pursue her promising that their intentions are honorable. Should she take a chance and risk her fragile heart?

Henry and Blake are not giving up on the blonde beauty. But someone from their past is determined to destroy any chance they have with Eileen. Can they protect the woman they are falling for or will it blow up before they can convince Eileen they are fighting for love.

Our Time to Love (MFM)
1 Ratings (4.0)

Our Time to Love (MFM)

Pipers Creek 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 33,268
1 Ratings (4.0)
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Cover Art by Harris Channing


The next time Henry opened his eyes the scenery was a lot different. Cold. Sterile. Harsh lights that hurt his eyes. He was sore and achy and he let out a groan of pain.

He recognized his best friend Blake Collins as soon as his eyes focused. Blake was sitting in a chair, leaning forward and staring at him with concern. Blake was a good friend but Henry wanted his angel back. “Where is my angel?”

Blake’s dark eyebrows went upwards. He looked around the small sterile hospital room. “No angels here, man. It’s just us in here. The nurse just stepped out and she was no angel, more like a military sergeant.”

Henry sighed with disappointment. Had it all been an illusion? It had felt so real. His angel had been beautiful, looking down at him as if she was genuinely concerned about him. When was the last time somebody was concerned over him? Not his mom. She had moved away with her lover as soon as he turned eighteen. She couldn’t wait to start her own life, she told him. Henry went away to college where he met Blake. Blake had become his best friend. A friendship that lasted all these years. They worked together and shared a house together.

“Only you would have the bad luck of getting hit by a car going into the gas station. And on your day off, too.” Blake shook his head and looked at Henry, his blue eyes filled with concern.

Henry groaned, closing his eyes back up, trying to let go of his fantasy woman and deal with reality. He had been walking into the station to get a cold drink and never saw the car coming but he sure felt the painful impact and falling to the hard ground. He heard yelling, then his angel asking him to hang on. Then he woke up here.

“How bad is it?” he asked, feeling sore but thankful he wasn’t seriously injured. He wiggled his toes and felt them move with relief. He was achy so that had to be a good sign. Pain was better than no feeling at all, wasn’t it?

“Luckily you have a hard head,” Blake teased. “Mild concussion, but no broken bones. Some bruises with the fall. A kid not paying attention hit you. Says he tried to stop but couldn’t. There are better ways to get days off, you know.”

Henry laughed then stopped immediately, holding his side when it hurt. “Don’t make me laugh. My body hurts.”

Grabbing the small white control for the bed, Henry pushed the button until he was sitting up. He noticed he was in one of those ugly generic hospital gowns with an open back. Wincing, he felt his head protest at the movement. He had a headache from hell. Just great. He hated being sick or injured and knew he was the worst patient ever. “God, tell me I can get out of here soon and back into my own clothes. Did you already peek at my ass?”

Blake chuckled, a look of horror crossing his face. “Hell no. But I am sure the two nurses and doctor handling you must have peeked by now. No wonder the nurses ran out of the room with horror. I thought it was your ugly mug.”

A nurse walked into the room, smiling when she saw him awake. She was an older woman wearing pink scrubs with her dark graying hair pulled up on top of her head. “Good to see you awake, Detective Malloy. You have a mild concussion but you should be fine. You were lucky.”

“Sure, lucky.” Henry nodded with relief. Now that he was wide awake he wanted out of the hospital as soon as possible. He did not want to spend any time in a hospital if he didn’t have to. “When can I go?”

“The doctor is releasing you immediately since your roommate here said he would drive you home and keep an eye on you. I will bring your discharge papers in a minute. Make sure you take it easy for a few days. Take Tylenol for the achiness,” she said efficiently but Henry was already tuning her words out and thinking of his angel. Was she real or had he imagined her? God, he hoped she was real because in those few seconds he had felt enchanted.

 Lately his life had been all about work. As a Pipers Creek detective he often worked long hours. Pipers Creek, Texas was a small town outside of the larger city of San Antonio but still had crime. Henry and Blake had just busted up an auto theft ring that took months. Henry had been looking forward to a few days off but not as an injured man. He had planned to hit the bar, play pool and maybe pick up a cute barfly to hook up with. It had been a few long weeks since he had time for himself. Obviously now his plans would include nothing fun like he hoped for. He wanted to go home and maybe dream of his blonde angel. She just had to be real. Life couldn’t bring him such bad luck.

* * * *

Eileen Davis walked down the long hallway of the ER in Pipers Creek General Hospital. It was quiet right now but that could change at any minute. There was never a dull moment in the emergency room. Every day was different but she enjoyed that aspect of it. It kept her on her toes.

She thought of the handsome man she had assisted a few hours ago outside of the gas station in town. Tall, blond and gorgeous like Thor. She found herself smiling at her fanciful thoughts. She needed to stop reading so many romance books. It wasn’t like she had a lot of free time to meet men in bars but she could read and create the perfect man in her head. Her own private fantasy.

She had stopped at the local gas station during her lunch hour. Right away she noticed the man walking by. Who wouldn’t notice a hunk like him? Tall, blond with broad shoulders and snug fitting jeans. She found herself admiring him as he walked by without noticing her.

She’d been horrified to see a car heading right for him. She yelled out a warning but he hadn’t heard her over the noise of the rush hour traffic. The driver had been on the phone and didn’t stop in time. There had been an awful screech of tires. The car hit the unsuspecting man with the bumper hard. When she saw him hit the pavement with a loud thud she had run into action, assessing the situation like the nurse she was trained as. Fantasy flew out the window and her training kicked in.

Holding his hand and looking into his deep brown eyes, she had felt an electric current running through her but quickly dismissed it as the adrenaline. He had smiled up at her and whispered, asking if she was an angel. She had smiled down at him, bemused by his words. She had scrubs on, her face was clear of makeup. Her hair had been a wind-blown mess. Hardly a pretty picture. She assumed he hit his head pretty hard.

The moment the EMT came she stepped aside but felt his loss right away. A man as handsome as he probably had a girlfriend or a wife. Sending up a silent prayer for his well-being, she put her mind back to work. Her shift still had hours to go before she could clock out. She loved her job but it was also tiring physically and mentally. No time for a real flesh and blood man in her life.




Eileen felt like her soul had been captured by these two men who were making her feel out of control and wild. Had she ever felt so aroused? She didn’t think so. Sex was something that happened in the dark and fast. Why pick her out of all the beautiful, sophisticated women they had to know? She was devoted to her job and not very exciting. For the first time in her life she didn’t feel alone and it felt wonderful. But it was also a scary feeling. She didn’t do well with hurt and what if they got bored and dumped her after tonight?

She heard herself moan when she felt Blake’s lips on her shoulder and Henry’s hands cupping her bare breast. She was too turned on to feel self-conscious about being topless. She undressed in dark rooms before, not in her living room with the lights on. Thank goodness she had put on her favorite lacy bra and matching panties tonight. She felt the cool air hit her heated skin as Blake lowered her jeans and his hands went inside her panties to cup her mound.

“So wet, baby. You want us?” he commented.

“Yes,” she moaned.

While Henry kissed her Blake tweaked her nipple, kissing her shoulder. Oh god, it felt so good. It had been so long since she had sex. Throwing her head back, she felt her panties getting wetter. Her knees felt weak as she clung on to Henry’s shoulders tightly, trusting him to not let her fall. Her world tilted on its axis, sensations tugged from her nipples to her very core. Seeing Henry without his shirt made her moan. His muscles and thick arms made her want to explore every inch of him. She let her hands slide up and down his smooth hairless skin, feeling his breath increase. Meanwhile Blake’s warm hands explored her breasts, making her shiver. She felt her jeans being unzipped and sliding down her thighs. She was so turned on she thought she wouldn’t be able to hold herself up any longer. Her hands found their way to Henry’s jeans since they were in reach. She undid the button and zipper, feeling his enormous cock spring out. Holy cow, she thought to herself. He felt big and hard. She was afraid to look but then she couldn’t help herself. He was big and hard, so hard.

“We need a bed, baby.” Blake’s voice sounded deep and intense.

She blinked, snapping out of the haze, realizing she was topless and now nude except for thin panties in the middle of her living room. She blinked from the sexually induced fog she had been in. She looked behind her at Blake, who had taken off his shirt too. He was tan and had a sprinkle of dark hair on his chest. They were better than any imaginary hero she could fantasize about. From now on she would dream of only them. “Yeah, a bed is good,” she blurted out, forgetting where her bedroom was.


Blake stared at the beauty before him, her skin flushed a pretty pink. She looked amazing nude except for white lacy fabric that barely covered her mound. He felt his mouth water. She was a vixen, a siren. Blake undid his own jeans, freeing his cock from its restraint. Henry was sitting on the bed, watching her and stroking his hardness at the same time. Her pale skin was silky smooth. Her breasts were large and her stomach flat but she had hips and he liked that. She was a vision he would see in his dreams for the rest of his days.

“I have never seen anything as seductive as you, Eileen Davis,” Blake swore with sincerity.

“Me?” She blushed.

Henry pulled her towards him, kissing her tummy slowly. Eileen put her hands in his blond hair, tugging and giggling. “That tickles, Henry.”

Blake laid her flat on the bed with a smile. They had never played with their flings. It had been about just having satisfying sex. “Trust me?” he asked.

“Of course,” was her quick reply and his heart swelled with more emotions he wasn’t used to feeling.

“Put your hands above your head,” he ordered, feeling his cock twitch with excitement when she instantly obeyed. “Don’t move until I tell you, pretty girl.”

He gently pulled her legs apart, exposing her pussy to his view. She had a shaven pussy and he liked it. She was slick already. He lowered his head between her legs and began to lick those slick folds. “Mmm,” he mumbled. “Sweet as honey.”

Wasting no time, Henry began to feast on the rosy tips of her breasts.

Her hands moved to grip Blake’s hair but he stopped her. “Don’t move, baby girl. You’re going to like this, trust me.”

She obeyed him, closing her eyes, her head thrown back exposing her slender neck. He loved the taste of her, so sweet and addicting. He took his time, not wanting to rush his time with her. He wiped her clit with his tongue, causing her to arch upward. Her legs shook and he knew she was close to an orgasm. He let his tongue explore her until she screamed out her climax then her body went lax.

“Oh goodness,” she moaned. “That was intense.”

He needed to be inside her now. “On your knees, angel.” She immediately moved into position, hanging on to the headboard for balance.

Henry was underneath her. “Suck my cock, Eileen,” he told her. She leaned down, taking Henry’s length into her mouth. Henry groaned loudly.

Blake stroked her firm round ass, squeezing her cheeks. He never felt so turned on before. He had placed a condom close by earlier. His hands shook as he opened it in a hurry. He rolled it on his hard cock. The feel of his cock sliding into her wet pussy was creating a friction that vibrated deep inside of him. His hands held on to her hips, pushing his cock all the way in as her vaginal walls gripped him. He could hear Henry moaning as Eileen sucked his cock. He slid in and out slowly, not wanting to get to the finish line too quickly. That would be embarrassing. It was difficult. Her vaginal walls gripped him so tight and he felt sweat pouring down his face as he closed his eyes, concentrating on the currents traveling throughout his body as if he had been shocked. Pushing in and out, he found his rhythm and the feeling was so intense as if he was climbing the highest mountain. “So fucking good, Eileen.” He swore, thrusting in and out of her, squeezing her ass cheeks, lost in the moment. He knew he never felt anything so deep, so forceful.

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