The Barman and the Barrister (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 17,234
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When Hayden comes to visit his shy, hardworking cousin Jason, all Jason has in mind is a few days off to enjoy his cousin’s company. To welcome Hayden, Jason decides to take him to Warm Glow and sample their signature liqueur, Shimmer. He’d heard the rumors that Shimmer can be anything and everything in your drink, but Jason isn’t convinced.

However, when he meets high-flying barrister Daniel at a casino in Skycity, Jason finds himself acting out of character. Outgoing and flirtatious, he captures Daniel’s attention, and more besides. But there’s a darker side to this new Jason.

Will Jason’s lies ruin his chances of happiness with Daniel, or can the truth save him?

The Barman and the Barrister (MM)
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The Barman and the Barrister (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 17,234
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

“I’m going to play the roulette wheel.” Hayden hurried over to him. “Wish me luck. See you over there.”

“Good luck. Don’t get carried away.” Jason gazed fondly after Hayden, then went to purchase his tokens.

By the time Jason reached the roulette table, Hayden was engrossed, laughing and chatting with people around him. A shard of jealousy jabbed through Jason, but then he shrugged. Hayden was as extrovert as Jason was introvert.

Taking a deep breath, Jason shoved the feeling aside. Jason refused to begrudge his cousin anything, especially since Jason was the recipient of Hayden’s generosity. He glanced at the tokens he held, then at the table, deciding on what to play.

Settling a token on eighteen red, Jason looked up to meet the blue-eyed gaze of a man on the other side of the table. But his eyes weren’t the same non-descript blue of his own, these were more violet, so striking that Jason blatantly stared at him for several seconds.

Then, on seeing the stranger’s smile, Jason winked. Before he had time to realize what he’d done, Jason was distracted by the croupier’s call. To Jason’s delight he’d won. Glancing across the table, Jason was disappointed to see the stranger wasn’t there.

Although his own boldness still shocked him, Jason wished the attractive stranger had seen him win.

“Congratulations. Maybe if I stand by you, some of your luck will rub off on me.” The voice at Jason’s shoulder belonged to the stranger and as Jason looked into his eyes, he was sure he could drown in those amazing laser-blue depths.

“I’d be only too pleased to see if my…luck will rub off on you.” Jason returned the stranger’s warm smile.

“Well, in that case, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Daniel.” He held out his hand.

“Jason. Good to meet you.” Jason took the proffered hand, holding it a few seconds longer than necessary. “Let’s see if I can be your good luck charm.”

For the next few minutes, Jason chose the numbers, and Daniel placed the bets. Jason’s excitement grew as they won more often than they lost. Once or twice Jason caught Hayden’s eye and received an enthusiastic thumb’s up from his cousin.

“How about a drink to celebrate?” Daniel counted his tokens quickly. “I didn’t expect to have more than I started with and I could do with a break.”

“Why not? Let me just text my cousin. We came together and I don’t want him to worry.” Jason moved from the table and thrilled at the feel of Daniel’s hand at the small of his back.

“Of course.”

Jason’s thumbs flew over the letters as he typed a quick message. Hayden’s reply came back almost instantly.

He looks nice. Enjoy your drink. Keep me posted. I’m on the poker table.

The mix of caution and encouragement was Hayden to a T and Jason smiled. “All sorted.”

“Good. So, have you got a favorite bar here?” Daniel asked.

“Well, not really. I don’t come here that often. Going to a bar is a bit of a busman’s holiday for me.”

“Ah, work in hospitality, do you?”

“You could say that. I own a bar.” The lie flew easily from Jason’s lips. Without a care, Jason glanced over his shoulder. “Let’s hit Rouge Bar.”

“Works for me. But let me get the drinks. After all, you were my good luck charm tonight.” Daniel’s voice was rich and warm and Jason resisted the urge to move closer.

Instead he nodded. “I’d like that. Thanks.”

Side by side they left the casino and ambled into the bar. As one of the popular and trendy places to go, Jason wasn’t surprised to see it was busy.

“See if you can find a couple of comfy seats. I like my comfort.” Daniel stood and waited.

“My pleasure.” Jason resisted the urge to purposely sway his hips as he headed toward a table he’d spotted as they’d come in, aware that Daniel was watching him before dodging through the crowd to get to the bar. Why did I ever worry about small talk? It’s so easy. Daniel and I are getting on like a house on fire.

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