The Nehalem Pack Collection, Volume 4 (MM)

Nehalem Pack

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 92,569
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[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Contemporary, Paranormal, Werewolves, MM, HEA]

A Wolf's Forgotten Life

Dominic Gabardi is living life one day at a time. After waking up from a coma he has no recollection of his past and struggles every day to find some sense of normalcy. Everything changes when Roderick Morgan walks into his life. Remembering his past takes a backseat when up against his strong attraction toward Roderick.  

Roderick is a hunter who is set with the task to create peace between his fellow hunters and wolf shifters. In doing so, he must also find a way to keep their secret from the human world that shifters do exist, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to guard that information.  

When Roderick learns about Dominic’s condition he immediately wants to eliminate the problem for the greater good, that is, until he meets the man. Now Roderick must find a way to help Dominic remember his true nature before he loses control of his wolf and exposes his secret.

The Hunter and the Wolf's Unexpected Family

Seth Kemp’s quiet and secluded life out in the woods is disrupted when he’s attacked by a pack of cougar shifters. Hurt and bleeding, Seth has no other option but to seek help from the few friends he has, the Nehalem Pack.

All Caleb Kline wants to do is retire from being a hunter. He feels like a failure and just wants to live a normal life away from all things shifter-related, but before he can call it quits he’s asked to go on one last mission. To escort a wolf shifter back home safely. It should be easy enough, or so Caleb thought.

Discovering that Caleb is his mate is more than a little unexpected for Seth, but the attraction is undeniable. Seth now has to decide if he can give up his life of solitude to build a future with the man of his dreams or let his fears keep him from living his own happy ever after.

The Nehalem Pack Collection, Volume 4 (MM)
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The Nehalem Pack Collection, Volume 4 (MM)

Nehalem Pack

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 92,569
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

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A Wolf's Forgotten Life


“How was your trip?”

“Exhausting.” Roderick answered Brandon as he threw his suitcase in the back of the man’s truck.

Over the past seven weeks, he and another hunter, Phillip, had started the interview process on all hunters that were current members of the East Coast section of the hunter’s council. Phillip was one of the only other hunters he trusted to assist with the interviews. There were hunters who truly wanted to accept the new changes and those only saying they agreed but continuing to kill. It was a cluster fuck to try and weed through the mess.

Roderick had grown tired of all the lies he had heard over the past few weeks. Most of the hunters who worked with the council didn’t know Roderick’s background and he didn’t give the information to just anyone.

Prior to working with the hunter’s council, he had been a marine. Joined up right after he graduated high school. He loved the daily life of a soldier. He knew what was expected of him and he was good at following and giving orders.

His ability to pay attention and keep calm in any situation made him a valuable asset as a sniper. To be able to sit for long periods of time and just watch his mark before he could take a shot. Roderick had been good at that. But like most things in life, things changed and after too many years of killing human beings, and watching too many of his friends die, he needed a change.

Killing wolf shifters was different for him at first. He’d seen what a crazed, out-of-its-mind wolf could do to a person’s body and it wasn’t pretty. Roderick thought he was doing a public service by ridding the world of these beasts. It wasn’t until he met one did his opinion start to change.

Just like humans, there were bad and good. Roderick had only been shown the bad until he met a sweet female wolf shifter. His boss on the West Coast council’s son fell in love with one of the wolves he was ordered to kill. The love those two shared was beyond anything Roderick had ever seen before. Watching those two together proved to Roderick that it was wrong to kill off an entire species based on what a few had done wrong.

Now Roderick worked to protect both humans and wolf shifters. There were humans who hunted wolf shifters for sport and wolf shifters who did the same to humans. Evil was evil and it didn’t differentiate between human and not-completely-human individuals.

For Roderick, it gave his life a better purpose. He didn’t want his life to be nothing but blood and death. Killing for the past ten years had starting to tarnish his soul. He needed a change and so did the council.

“But it’s for a good cause.” Brandon pulled away from the curb and headed for the highway. Roderick eased his chair back and closed his eyes. “There are hunters out there who need to be stopped and those that want to protect those who cannot protect themselves, be it humans or wolves.”

“Yeah, but it’s tiring to have to read between the bullshit to see who really believes what they say and those who just want me to believe what they say so they can go on like they have been.” Roderick rubbed a hand over his eyes. “If I see one more report about a kid wolf shifter being killed, I swear I’m going to kill the hunter responsible.”

“I hear ya. Ever since I met Erik, I feel the same way. All I was ever taught was to believe these beings were evil and deserved to die. Until you see it firsthand, it’s hard to accept,” Brandon said.

“Yeah, I know. It’s hard to accept change.” He looked over to Brandon. “But in this case it’s either change or the council will find a way to eliminate you. Don’t get me wrong, there are some bad motherfucking wolves out there that need to be put down, but we can’t classify them all in the same manner.”

“True.” Brandon looked at him and held Roderick’s stare. “These new changes make our jobs harder, but it’s worth it. You know that, right?”

“Of course I do and that’s why I’m not bitching about it.” Roderick turned to face forward and closed his eyes again.

“Oh I almost forgot. Dominic woke up while you were gone.”

Roderick opened his eyes just a bit to keep the bright sun out of his eyes. “That’s good. Does he remember what happened?”

“Nope, not a single thing, and when I say a single thing, I’m not exaggerating.” Brandon blew out a deep breath. “He doesn’t remember anything from his old life. Not his job, his hobbies, if he’s gay or straight. Nothing.”

“So are you saying this guy doesn’t remember he’s a wolf shifter?” Roderick waited for Brandon’s answer. He’d just gotten back in town and he didn’t want to have to deal with this, too. A wolf shifter who doesn’t know he’s a wolf shifter was a serious problem.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Brandon answered.

“Shit,” Roderick mumbled under his breath. He’d never met Dominic but he had to assume the other members of his pack might get a little upset if he had to put Dominic down out of safety for the community. “Does he suspect anything? I mean, fuck, how does the guy not remember something like that? Forgetting what your favorite food is or if you can drive a car is one thing but this?” He shook his head. “This is bad, Brandon, and you know it.”

“I know and that’s why I avoided calling you. I wanted to give Dom time to remember.” Brandon’s grip on the steering wheel tightened and Roderick could see the whites of his knuckles. “It’s only been two weeks, Roderick.”




The thought of another man doing this to Roderick pissed him off. Dominic reached around and curled his fingers into the tight muscle of Roderick’s ass, forcing him forward. He needed to prove he was the only man Roderick would ever need.

“Fuck, Dom.” Roderick used his hand to try and urge Dominic to look up but he ignored him and went down deeper, swallowing around the flared head. “Dominic!” Roderick snapped as he simultaneously pulled Dominic by the hair to get him to release his cock. Dominic looked up panting for breath. “You need to watch those nails, baby.”

Roderick rubbed his thumb over Dominic lips and Dominic sucked the digit into his mouth. He circled his tongue around it and hummed as Roderick pushed it in and out of his mouth. Dominic didn’t look away as Roderick fingered his mouth slow and steady over and over again.

Dominic’s cock grew harder in his jeans and the material bit into the sensitive skin. Roderick must have seen the frustration on his face and pulled his hand away.

“Take off your clothes but,” Roderick held up a hand, “don’t get up. I want you to stay just like that on your back.” Roderick jumped off the back of the truck, his cock bouncing from the effort.

As Dominic yanked his shirt over his head, Roderick disappeared to around the front of the truck. By the time he came back, Dominic had his pants flung off and lay there stroking his dick.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” Roderick asked in a stern voice.

“No, sir.” Dominic shook his head from side to side and took his hand away from his aching cock. “You didn’t.”

Roderick’s nostrils flared as he took a deep breath and Dominic could see the man’s hands tremble. He tossed whatever was in his hand up on the blanket then climbed back up and wedged himself between Dominic’s spread thighs. The blunt tip of Roderick’s cock jabbed at the sensitive flesh right behind his balls as he rocked into Dominic, pulling moans from the light, teasing touch.

“I fucking love that.” Roderick braced his hands on either side of Dominic’s head then came down to attack his lips, assaulting Dominic with his forceful tongue.

Dominic opened wide, letting Roderick have his way. It felt good to lose himself in this man’s touch. Suddenly Roderick broke the kiss and started working his way down Dominic’s body. Roderick licked and nipped at his nipples. The sharp pain lessened by the wet warmth of his tongue.

The lower Roderick went, the more Dominic started to thrash around underneath him. Only Roderick’s mouth touched and teased his body and it drove Dominic insane. He wanted to feel those rough, hard fingers caressing him, bringing him pleasure.

As if reading his mind, Roderick sat up and grabbed Dominic’s ankles, pushing his legs toward his chest. Dominic bent his knees and let Roderick position him until his knees nearly reached his ears.

“Put your arms around your thighs and hold yourself open for me.” Roderick waited until he did so before he let go. “Good boy. Now don’t move.” He gave Dominic a mischievous grin as he lowered his head.

“Yes, sir.” Dominic’s words ended with a squeal as Roderick blew his breath out on Dominic’s exposed hole. The hot gust sent shivers over his skin and Dominic’s grip on his legs tightened.

At the first touch of Roderick’s tongue at his entrance, Dominic cried out and would have pulled his thighs tightly together had it not been for Roderick’s broad shoulders between his legs. Roderick licked around the rippled opening, flattening his tongue to paint his spit over Dominic’s hole. Dominic moaned and pushed his ass back toward Roderick’s teasing tongue, needing more of that sensation.

“Fuck, yeah,” Dominic shouted when Roderick’s tongue pierced his opening, breaching the muscle barrier. All the blood in his body rushed to his inflamed cock, making it harder. He so badly wanted to wrap his fingers around his length and stroke himself until he came but he couldn’t do that, not without Roderick’s permission.

His body responded to the wet, soft invasion of Roderick’s tongue, opening up, letting Roderick go in deeper. A finger slid in beside his tongue, going smooth from all the spit Roderick shoved up his ass. The dual sensations of tongue and finger had Dominic whimpering. “Please, sir, I need to come.”

Roderick’s deep, rich chuckle fanned another breeze over Dominic’s over sensitized hole. Roderick sat up and pulled his finger from Dominic’s ass. The loss made Dominic feel empty but he watched Roderick reach for the condom he had tossed on the blanket earlier.

Dominic pulled his legs further apart so he could watch Roderick sheath his red, swollen cock in the thin latex casing. He reached for another little pack and used his teeth to tear it open. Roderick squeezed the clear liquid out on his fingers then rubbed it along his length.

Roderick moved closer and lined up his erect cock right at his opening. The head brushed over the tender flesh, smearing the lube over his hole. Then without warning Roderick pushed forward, the head breaching his entrance.

At the sharp, burning sting, Dominic closed his eyes. Roderick’s cock felt too big and only the head was inside him. He felt like he was being split in two and didn’t know if he could take any more than the small portion of the tip.

“Open your eyes and look at me.” Dominic unclenched his eyes and did as Roderick said. “Good boy. I want you to watch as I fuck your ass.” The sharp tone he used implied there was no room for debate on the issue.

So Dominic took a deep breath and kept his eyes on Roderick’s hard face. Slowly Roderick rocked his hips forward, feeding his cock a little further inside then retreating but leaving the head in him.


The Hunter and the Wolf's Unexpected Family


“Since we’re talking and shit now.” Caleb looked at him from the corner of his eye. “What was up with the way you acted back there? I was starting to think Roderick set me up or something.”

Seth’s fingers tensed around the armrest on the passenger door. He couldn’t just spring it on Caleb that they were mates. For fuck’s sake, he didn’t even know if Caleb liked men.

“Shit, man, I don’t know.” Seth bent in each finger cracking it at the knuckle. He silently weighed his options on to tell Caleb the truth or just give him a piece of it.

What do I have to lose?

“I guess I was taken off guard by how cute you are.” He mumbled the last word, covering his mouth with his hand.

“Excuse me? Did you just say cute?” The truck jerked as Caleb tried to straighten out the wheel.

“Um, yeah.” Seth clenched his eyes tight, exhaling a deep breath. Now he did feel foolish. “Is that okay? I mean does that offend you?” It was better for him to find out now if his fated mate was even gay or not.

“What, that you like me or that you referred to me as cute?” Caleb asked a tilt to his upper lip. “You do realize I’m a man, not a puppy, right?”

Seth started to laugh. This was good. He looked over at Caleb as he sat behind the wheel. His cheeks were a bit flushed, a sparkle was in his eyes, and a grin graced his lips. A pretty sight if Seth had ever seen one.

“I’m quite aware that you’re a man.” His voice dipped low. The familiar throbbing in his pants was a reminder that he found everything about this man sexy as fuck. “So I gather me finding you attractive doesn’t bother you?”

Caleb glanced over at him, the blush on his cheeks going to a deep crimson. Caleb coughed to clear his throat. “No, not bothered at all.”

“So you’re gay?” Seth asked before he could think of a better way to approach the subject.

The truck started to slow down and Caleb pulled over to the side of the road. He put the truck into park and turned in his seat to look Seth dead in the eye. The smile was gone and sweat began to bead up on his upper lip. Caleb’s tongue snaked out to moisten his dry lips and Seth’s eyes tracked each wet movement.

“Why are you asking me this?” Caleb asked.

“I’m curious is all.” Seth leaned forward, a little bit closer to Caleb. “Have you ever been with a man before?” A part of him wanted to know while the other part didn’t. He didn’t want to think of Caleb being with anyone.

“That’s none of your business,” Caleb said in a huff of hot air that fanned over Seth’s face, the strong, rich aroma of peaches cascading over his face. Caleb turned to rest heavily against his seat. “This is the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had with a man I just met. You know that?”

Seth nodded his head. He had to agree with Caleb, this was a first for him as well.

Caleb’s head rolled to the side, facing Seth. He nibbled on his bottom lip, his teeth reddening the plump flesh. “Can I tell you something and you not laugh at me?”

“Of course.” Seth scooted closer and nervously reached out a hand and rested it on Caleb’s knee. He hissed in a breath at the first contact he had with his mate. His fingers tingled with awareness. When he looked up, Caleb’s big eyes stared down at him, his chest almost heaving. “You can tell me anything you want.”

“It’s funny.” Caleb smiled. “I feel like that’s true. Which is weird since I just met you and all.”

“Maybe that’s why it’s easier,” Seth answered honestly.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Seth saw Caleb’s fingers twitch as if he were about to reach down toward his hand, but he held back. “Okay, here goes nothing.” Caleb entwined his fingers of both hands and rested them against his forehead. “I’m a virgin,” he said so quickly Seth almost didn’t catch it.

“Virgin?” Seth’s fingers squeezed tighter around Caleb’s thigh. This was good news. Seth couldn’t believe his luck. “You’re a virgin?”

“It’s weird, I know.” Caleb closed his eyes. It was apparent that he thought this was a bad thing. “I was raised to believe sex was something special to be shared only with someone that I loved. Of course I’ve dated and kissed a few people, but that’s it.” Caleb slowly turned to meet Seth’s gaze. “I just haven’t found that one special person I’ve wanted to share that part of myself with.” Caleb shrugged. “I guess I’m old fashioned that way.”

“I don’t think there’s anything weird about that. I think it’s beautiful.” Seth raised his hand and lightly stroked his finger down Caleb’s cheek. The skin was so soft and smooth.

“Thank you.” Caleb nuzzled into Seth’s touch. After a moment he sat back and met Seth’s eyes again. “But I’m going to guess that you’re not a virgin are you?”

“Why would you assume that?” Seth asked, fighting back a smile.

“No offense, you look like sex walking.” Caleb chuckled. “You have that whole blond, blue-eyed, boy-next-door thing going for you. And—” Caleb held up a finger, pointing it at Seth “—the brooding, tough guy persona. I’m sure the guys and gals dig that.”

Seth could feel the graze of Caleb’s eyes as he looked him over. Heat flared to life in his belly. Caleb found him attractive. That was something. Seth could work with that.

“I’m not sure about the ladies, but the guys? Yeah, they think I’m pretty fucking awesome.” He laughed. “And to answer your other question, no, I’m not a virgin. But I’m starting to wish I was.”




Moving down further, Seth licked a path to Caleb’s left nipple. His mate was hairless and the skin was so smooth against his tongue. While he sucked on the rounded disk, he used his other hand to tweak and tug at the other nipple.

“Oh my gosh. That feels amazing,” Caleb shouted as he pulled Seth’s head closer to his chest. “Harder!” he demanded.

Seth let his teeth elongate and he lightly scraped his sharp teeth over the pebbled peak. Caleb cried out but didn’t relinquish his hold on Seth’s head. As he played with Caleb’s nipples, he could feel his mate’s cock burning a line his stomach. His own hard on drilled into the soft sheets covering his mattress. Seth found it hard to hold himself back when all he wanted to do was plow into Caleb’s tight ass, but he didn’t want to make his mate’s first time terrible. There would be plenty more times for him to take his mate roughly but tonight, tonight he’d go slow.

After a few more minutes, Seth moved to Caleb’s other nipple and showed the same attention, then he departed that area to go lower. Caleb’s body tensed as Seth kissed his way down the center of his chest, past his belly button, until Seth was licking the crown of his leaking cock. He cradled Caleb’s fur-covered balls with one hand while he guided the thick length to his mouth.

Seth teased the tip then licked down the sides. Caleb’s cock was a nice size, only a couple inches shorter than his nine inches. It was the perfect size for Seth to deep throat his lover and swallow around the swollen head and he did just that, not stopping until he had Caleb’s meat lodged in his throat. He worked his tongue and throat muscles together.

“Fuck!” Caleb shouted at the top of his lungs. “That feels so good,” he whispered as his voice trailed off.

Still massaging Caleb’s balls with one hand, he brought his other hand over to his mouth and slid a finger in alongside Caleb’s cock. He made sure to get it nice and juicy, then stroked it down to the sensitive skin between his balls and back entrance. Seth came up on his knees a little bit and used them to urge Caleb’s legs further apart. Once satisfied with the gap between his mate’s legs, Seth slowly worked his finger farther back toward the hot heat emitting from Caleb’s tight hole. He curled his finger and gently rubbed around the tight, rippled hole, painting the wetness on the small opening.

He circled his finger around and around, each time pushing a little harder at the center. Caleb’s fingers tightened in his hair as Seth finally broke through his resistance and pushed his finger inside. Caleb grunted but didn’t fight him or pull away. The snug grip on his finger wasn’t a surprise. This was new to his mate and Caleb needed time to adjust to the new sensations Seth was presenting to his body. With slow strokes, Seth slowly worked his way deeper into Caleb’s channel.

“Seth,” Caleb called out to him.

Seth let Caleb’s throbbing cock ease from his mouth, drinking down his mate’s pre-cum as it dribbled from his slit.

“It’s okay, Caleb,” Seth said in a thick voice. “I got you.”

Seth let go of Caleb’s balls and reached for the lube. He popped the cap and positioned the opening where his finger was buried in Caleb’s ass. He pulled his finger out a little bit and let the cool gel run down Caleb’s crack and cover his finger.

Pushing his finger back in, Seth started an easy rhythm of in-and-out into Caleb’s hole. Once Caleb began to loosen up to one finger, he added another. Caleb’s face pinched in discomfort but soon faded as Seth ran his free hand up and down his spread thigh. Wanting to add to his mate’s pleasure, Seth curled his finger forward, hitting the bundle of nerves that sat nestled in Caleb’s ass. Caleb jerked and cried out to the ceiling.

“Holy shit! What was that?”

“You like that?” Seth nailed his prostate again, causing Caleb to howl as if he were the wolf shifter.

“Fuck yeah, I do.” Caleb was now thrusting his hips down trying to seek more of Seth’s fingers in his ass.

“That, my love, is your prostate.” Seth massaged over it again. “If touched just right, it makes you see stars.”

“I believe it,” Caleb said breathlessly, his eyes clenched tightly together.

Seth added another finger and watched as all three digits worked his mate’s hole. The strong tightness was there since Caleb was a virgin but slowly his mate began to loosen up. Seth scissored his fingers in and out while keeping a close eye on Caleb’s reaction. His mate seemed to be enjoying every single minute of it. He was a natural bottom that would flourish even further once Seth’s hard, nine-inch thick cock filled up his hungry hole.

Pulling his finger free, Seth crawled up closer to Caleb’s ass until his blunt tip nudged at his hole. Seth grabbed the lube and poured some on his shaft then smeared the moisture over his hot pole as his eyes ate up Caleb’s sweat-covered body.

“You ready for me?” he asked as he teased the blunt tip over Caleb’s stretched hole.

“I think so.” Caleb giggled. “It’s now or never I suppose.”

Seth positioned the thread of his dick as Caleb’s opening and slowly pushed forward. He gasped for breath at the tight hole gripped at his cock.

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