The Nightwalker (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 63,186
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Aubrey is on the run from his stepfather, a man who wants to use Aubrey in more ways than one. Aubrey holds the power of light deep within him but he’s afraid of what it is, and what it may do. To outsmart one of his stepfather’s men, he swaps identities with a mail order bride and finds himself in the remote town of Desolation’s Edge, meeting his fiancé Xavier Pendrigh.

To the surprise of them both, there’s an attraction between the two men. Aubrey is afraid of bringing danger and Xavier has secrets of his own.

However, Aubrey’s stepfather becomes the least of their problems when a rival rancher calls on the powers of evil and invites a vampire to his home -- the Nightwalker. The creature is drawn to Aubrey like a moth to a flame.

Can Aubrey master his own power to defeat a creature of ultimate darkness?

The Nightwalker (MM)
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The Nightwalker (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 63,186
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

The remainder of the journey into town was event-free, but Aubrey was glad to finally reach town, get out of the wagon, and stretch his legs. The town of Desolation’s Edge was the same as many he’d seen and traveled through before. Dusty streets, wooden sidewalk, and the same selection of stores.

The saloon looked as tired and run-down as the rest of the stores, but the occasional man shuffled in and out as Aubrey took stock of his surroundings.

“The store gets a decent supply of dried foodstuffs.” Xavier pointed to the right side of the street. We need to pay a visit to the bank, too. And the family solicitor. There’s a ladies’ shop you can visit. Set up a tab with them. I’ll settle any bill as I do with all of them.”

“I can’t --” Aubrey started to object, but Xavier took hold of his hand.

“You need more. Things that I don’t have for a lady. I know a goldsmith. He’ll be delighted to create rings for us. If you haven’t changed your mind?”

For a moment, another vision filled Aubrey’s senses.

Somewhere dark, cold. Xavier, holding my hands, calling my name. I want to respond, but it’s so difficult. Something’s trying to stop me, but it’s important I reply. I must break free. Danger, such terrible danger.

“Aubrey?” It wasn’t Xavier’s voice that snapped him from the vision, but Patli’s, and from the anxious expression on his friend’s face, he’d need to explain later.

“Sorry. I got ... overwhelmed. No,” Aubrey tightened his grip on Xavier’s hands. “I’m not going anywhere else.” If there was one thing that seemed increasingly clear to Aubrey, he was not only meant to be here, but he had a connection that ran much deeper than attraction or lust for the man holding his hands.

He makes me feel as if there’s light all around me.

“Why don’t you go to the ladies’ store.” Xavier released Aubrey’s hands and pointed in the direction of several stores clustered together. “Get whatever you need. The hotel over there does decent food. We can meet there in a couple of hours. I’ll make sure my solicitor knows we’ll see him later. I warn you now, he isn’t a pleasant man.”

“I’ve dealt with unpleasant men, Xavier. They hold no fear for me.” Aubrey smiled as reassuringly as he could.

No matter how unpleasant this man might be, he won’t hold a candle to my stepfather and his ... unpleasantness.

“I brought you a parasol.” Patli handed it to Aubrey. It had been hand-painted with Aztec symbols. “The pattern is an old one handed down by my people. It’s to keep you safe.”

“Thank you.” Aubrey set it against his shoulder. A sense of wellbeing suffused through his veins, and he nodded at Patli.

“It looks very becoming, ma’am.” Abe touched the brim of his hat. “I’ll help you at the store, Patli.”

“Yes,” Xavier coughed, his cheeks flaming bright red. “It does. Now, don’t forget. My credit is good. Get whatever you need. I don’t know how quickly we’ll be coming back to town. We need to get as much done as possible.”

“Where shall I find you?” Aubrey asked.

“Right here. Then we can have a bite to eat in the hotel, and the men some food and beer in the saloon. I’d like a little fortification before meeting Hemsworth.”

“That’s the lawyer.” Patli leaned forward, dropping his voice. “Nasty little piece of work and as long as Xavier remains unmarried, can take a monthly salary from the money held in trust. He’d be more than happy to withhold it permanently. And I have my ideas as to who’s encouraging him to be more difficult than he is by nature.”

“But we can’t prove anything, Patli.” Xavier’s voice held a warning tone and Patli grimaced.

“Maybe not, but that doesn’t stop me being certain who’s behind all of this. A man of greed and with a lust for power.”

“Just so long as you don’t say it out loud. Not here, where there could be any number of men, or women, in his pay. People may not like him, but they take his money anyway.” Xavier glanced around, his expression anxious.

“Don’t worry, there’s no one close enough to hear us.” Patli shook his head. “Trust me, Xavier. Have I ever let you down?”

“No. Never. I don’t know what I would have done without you and your friendship.” Xavier stood a little taller. “Maybe it’s time I worried less and acted more.”

“I’ll see you soon.” Aubrey leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Xavier’s cheek, the gesture surprising him as much as it clearly did Xavier, who blushed scarlet. “Bye, Patli, Abe.” Aubrey nodded at the other two men and hurried away, still trying to make sense of his unexpected action.

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