Of Goddesses and Cruises (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,478
0 Ratings (0.0)

Tyr has one major problem in his life. He’s in love with his best friend, Ethan. Since it’s the best friendship he’s ever known, Tyr isn’t keen to rock the boat.

Then Ethan wins a fourteen-day Caribbean cruise for two. And to Tyr’s delight, Ethan wants him to accompany him. It also coincides with their friends’ wedding. Nothing could be more perfect. If only Tyr can pluck up the courage to confess his love.

They arrive in time for the festival of Erzuli, and Tyr leaves the goddess an offering. When Tyr sees Ethan with someone else, his heart is broken, until he receives a little divine inspiration. Will he have courage enough to claim his man?

Of Goddesses and Cruises (MM)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Of Goddesses and Cruises (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,478
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

Tyr was up long before their alarm rang. He’d been sitting in bed reading for the last couple of hours. He knew there was no chance he’d disturb Ethan. He gazed at his lightly snoring companion, and unrequited love.

Ethan was blissfully unaware of Tyr’s inability to sleep. Ethan liked to wear a sleep mask to ensure he was in full darkness. In truth, Tyr had never been more glad of it. He’d tossed and turned before sitting up and reading, the attendant’s words kept going around in his mind.

We give off such couple vibes. Well, we’ll soon know just how much of a couple we can really be. Once the wedding’s over, I’ll ask Ethan on a date. And if he refuses ... Tyr swallowed. A cold hollow sensation settling in his chest. If he says no, well, that’s it. I just hope we can still be friends.

A soft sound alerted Tyr that Ethan was starting to wake. He was surprised at how quickly he’d picked up on little signs. He’d already flicked off the alarm, confident that he wouldn’t fall back asleep. He slipped out of bed and padded across to the bench where the kettle he’d filled earlier waited.

Flicking it on, Tyr prepared a coffee plunger for Ethan who never seemed able to get going without his coffee fix, and a pot ready for his own tea.

“Morning.” The mumbled greeting from beneath the sheet told Tyr he’d been right.

“Good morning to you, too. There’s no hurry to remove your mask. I’ll have coffee brewing soon.” Tyr chuckled.

“How can you be so awake?” Ethan muttered.

“You are so not a morning person,” Tyr laughed. After all, he could hardly admit to having been awake for hours. Then Ethan would be concerned and ask why.

Let’s just not go there for now. I’d like to be able to enjoy a little more time together. Where at least Ethan is oblivious, and I still have my dreams.

“We land tomorrow, don’t we?” Ethan slowly emerged from his cocoon. “One more night aboard and then three days ashore.”

“Yes, that’s right. We land the day of the pre-wedding party, and have to be back on board the evening of the day after the wedding. Perfect timing.” Tyr swallowed around a suddenly dry throat.

Sitting up, Ethan had shoved the bedclothes down, giving Tyr an uninhibited view of his tanned, darkly furred chest, and broad pecs. Tyr bit back a whine that threatened to break loose, smothering it with a cough as if clearing his throat.

What I wouldn’t give to stroke my cheeks against that lush hair, play with those dark nipples, kiss my way down --

“Yes, it was. Is that for me? Thanks.” Ethan pointed toward the mug of steaming coffee Tyr still held.

It jolted Tyr back into the present, and with a forced smile he extended it toward Tyr who accepted it, sniffing appreciatively at the aroma.

“Ah, bliss,” he muttered, then blew on the coffee before taking a swift sip. “Oh, yeah. That hits the spot. You make great coffee, Tyr. Thanks.”

Pleasure. Tyr felt his cheeks heat, and ducked his head quickly. “Glad you like it.”

“Well, considering your personal preference is tea. Some people can’t brew a decent coffee, but yours is always good.” Ethan demonstrated his appreciation by blowing and sipping once more.

“Well, while you drink that, I’ll shower. I’ve wrapped my teapot in a towel to keep it warm. I’ll leave a note for more towels while we’re out. Won’t be too long.”

“Okay. Um ... you know, I was thinking,” Ethan called out just as Tyr was about to close the bathroom door.

“Oh, yes?” Tyr hesitated.

“How about we get in some practice tonight for the dancing we’ll be expected to do tomorrow night? We could go to one of the cocktails bars with live music. Practice a few moves? What do you say?”

“Yeah. Sure. Sounds great.” Tyr plastered a fake smile on his face, then ducked quickly into the bathroom. He had no desire to do any such thing. But if it was what Ethan wanted, then he’d find a way to tolerate it to be with him.

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