The Rescue for Hire Collection, Volume 3 (MM)

Rescue for Hire

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 64,351
0 Ratings (0.0)

[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Light Consensual BDSM, MM, HEA]

Gabriel's Pretty

Welcome back to the world of Rescue for Hire. Meet the team members that form a family of heroes. Gabriel Simmons has just interviewed and has been offered a field

medic position with the rescue company, when a rescue call comes in. When the helicopter pilot arrives, the attraction between them is instantaneous and Gabriel’s wild, single days are over. But they have to push it aside because it’s going to take clear heads to save a kid mauled by a bear.

Little did Pete Kenyon know on the day of his father’s funeral, he would get a call to find a missing hiker and meet the love of his life. Of course, trust doesn’t come easy for an abused kid who grew up in a drug den. Then there’s the puzzle of his uncle’s threats to stay away from the house and land he just inherited. Can Gabriel and the team get there in time when Pete finds out the truth?

Brad's Rock

Top tracker Rock Morrison travels from Alaska to interview with Rescue for Hire. Short and wiry, sporting long dreadlocks, tattoos, and piercings, Rock knows what he wants, and now, after meeting Brad Hayward, who he wants.

Brad Hayward may be tall, muscled, and an all-American blond. But losing his children in a tragic event, and an overbearing mother, has left him a shell of a man. Rock takes him away to heal and discover the joys of two men being together. Life starts looking up for Brad until his mother shows up with vile threats and brain-numbing demands.

Rock has his hands full on his first mission finding a missing dementia-afflicted old man, confronting Brad’s mother, and tracking down an on-the-run Brad. Not all take-charge bad boys are tall and muscled. Not all battered souls are twinks. But with the Rescue for Hire men, it’s always a fun ride as their love conquers all.

The Rescue for Hire Collection, Volume 3 (MM)
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The Rescue for Hire Collection, Volume 3 (MM)

Rescue for Hire

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 64,351
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Gabriel's Pretty


“Are you going to get your ass moving over there, or just keep looking at the rock?” Treb’s voice broke through his thoughts.

Gabriel climbed another ten feet. Tipping his head up, he estimated there was about twenty more to go. Treb was just a little ahead of him, but the smaller wiry man had a tough out-crop coming up and was going to have to take his time getting over it.

The warmth of the sun heated Gabriel’s back as he advanced a few more feet, and he was glad for the small breeze that kept him from overheating.

This last week had gone well. It had been decided that he would stay at Cade’s until he found a place of his own. The rest of the team had finally made it back about two days after his arrival and there had been a team-meeting the next day. He had learned then that the team met at Cade’s for a meeting every week, although everyone was in and out of Cade’s office most days.

With one last foothold and using his arm strength, Gabriel made it over the ridge and landed on his back, taking a moment to catch his breath and look up at the bright blue cloudless sky. Seconds later Treb was joining him just a few feet away.

“So, you want to tell me why Pete got all flustered when Damian asked him how everything went, when he took the helicopter out on a rescue with you?” Treb asked.

Gabriel blinked. He really had two choices dealing with the deadly man. He could answer him honestly. Or, he could answer him honestly. The only one scarier than Treb on the team was Cade’s brother Shane, who everyone called, Commander. Gabriel knew a few moves of his own, but he wasn’t foolish enough to take on either of those men.

“You’re taking too long to answer and thinking too much. Am I going to have to cut something off to get you to talk?” Treb asked.

Gabriel would have laughed, but he knew Treb wasn’t kidding. “I’m interested in Pete.” There, he said it. Now he had to see how long it took before he would be fighting for his life.

“Interested, as in screwing? Dating? A hot and now? Or a forever?” Treb’s voice had gone cold and calm. The hair on Gabriel’s arms stood up straight. Shit.

“I want to spend more time with him. Get to know him better,” Gabriel answered. “But I’m planning on a forever.”

Treb was quiet for a long time and Gabriel started contemplating his chances of ever being able to walk again if he threw himself off the rock cliff they had just climbed.

“I’m getting thirsty and I’m sure Damian has left some food in the refrigerator. Want to come over for a beer?” Treb asked.

Gabriel deliberately didn’t look at the belt around Treb’s waist that held a half-full bottle of water. “Sure, that would be great,” he answered.

* * * *

Pete picked up his fork, ready to work on eating a group of large meatballs, swimming in rich red sauce, covering a huge plate of spaghetti. It was good to be back and sitting at Damian’s table ready to discuss any concerns about the planes. They would also go over the maintenance and flying schedules.

“How was the trip? Did Iowa treat you right?” Damian asked.

“It went okay, no problems,” Pete answered. Carefully he separated the meatballs so they weren’t touching each other, before cutting them up into smaller pieces.

“I was a little surprised that you stayed there instead of coming back right away. The clients had said upfront that their meetings would last almost a week, if not more.”

Pete stared at his plate of food. He should have known Damian would eventually ask. His intension had been to find as many hookups as he could, so that when he came back, he could withstand Gabriel’s charms and leave the man in the dust.

Except, that awesome plan completely backfired. Gabriel kept calling and Pete couldn’t stop himself from looking forward to every second of those calls. Meeting men in the bars every night was easy. Taking it a step further, was like hitting a solid wall of ice. He wanted no part of it. He wanted Gabriel’s warm strong arms wrapped tightly around him.

“I just thought a few days in the city would be fun.” Yep, that sounded lame.

“My Treble thought life was easier if he avoided emotions and complications,” Damian said.

Pete looked at Damian, not sure what the man was getting at.

“It took a bit of doing, but Treble eventually found out that life is so much better when you share it with someone.” Damian’s tone was so calm and kind, but his face was very serious.

“What are you trying to say?” Pete asked.

“Five years ago, I gave you the opportunity to get out of that hole you grew up in. I know you hated having to leave your cousin behind, but you did everything you could to help him, and still are. In that time I’ve watched you grow stronger and heal more every day.” Damian set his fork down and folded his hands over his plate. “The Rescue for Hire Company is a team of men who have to work closely together to be as outstandingly successful as they are. That closeness has also made them a family. The kind of family that worries, cares, supports, and meddles in each other’s business.”

“What has that to do with me? I’m your employee.”

“How’s Gabriel adjusting to working with Jack and the rest of the team?” Damian asked, changing the subject abruptly.

“He really likes it. He says it’s the perfect fit for him and he’s been working hard to be ready for their first rescue together,” Pete answered automatically. Then he saw the huge smile on Damian’s face and knew he had been busted.

“Welcome to the family, Pete,” Damian said.




Gabriel followed Pete’s fine ass up the stair steps and right into his apartment. Entering the bright sunlit, yellow kitchen, everything sparkled and shined at him from the smooth white cupboards to the creamy tan colored tiled floors.

Nothing was out of place on the kitchen-counters, not a crumb to be seen. He also couldn’t help but note that the three pairs of shoes sitting on a red, yellow and black striped rug were lined up so that their heels were in an exact straight line. His pretty Pete definitely had a few quirks.

Beyond the kitchen was a small living room, its brown carpet worn, but clean. Sometime in the future Gabriel had plans for the dark-brown leather sofa that matched the oversized chair that adorn the room. These plans included a naked Pete. Besides an average-sized television the room didn’t contain much else. Gabriel couldn’t contain a smile when he saw that there wasn’t a book, newspaper or dirty glass in sight.

Pete disappeared through a doorway on the left. Gabriel reached the door and stopped. Before him was his pretty Pete, T-shirt off and carefully folding it, before laying it on a hard backed wooden chair. The ever-present dark-blue coveralls pooled at his waist exposing Pete’s beautiful golden tanned skin that extended from his arms to his shoulders, and down his back.

Going over to his soon to be lover, Gabriel couldn’t and didn’t want to stop his hands from stroking the small of Pete’s back. Slowly exploring as much as his widespread fingers could reach, Gabriel caressed the silky skin all the way up to the nape of Pete’s neck. He was rewarded with Pete arching back into his touch and lifting his arms until fingers locked around the back of Gabriel’s neck.

“Keep them there, lovely,” Gabriel ordered.

Putting one hand on Pete’s warm flat belly, Gabriel reached with his other for the brown nipple that was pebble-hard begging for his touch. Still holding on with his back delightfully arched, Pete rested his blond head against Gabriel’s chest, while Gabriel pinched the nip hard and then rubbed it soothingly. Pete’s small whimper caused Gabriel’s cock to jerk hard in his jeans.

Again Gabriel ran his fingertips over the nip before taking it between two fingers and pulling it out tight. A little twist had Pete humping the air in front of him.

“Gabriel,” Pete whispered. He looked so pretty in his pleasure, eyes tight, and his mouth slightly open.

Gabriel followed the smooth golden-tan skin to the other nipple and pressed his blunt finger nail into it.

“Ah,” Pete moaned. “More please, more.”

Gabriel’s rough hand glided over Pete’s smooth taut stomach. After he dipped his finger in Pete’s belly-button a few times, Gabriel followed the white-blond silky treasure trail to the waistband of Pete’s blue jeans. The pants of the protective overalls clung precariously to the jeans, ready to fall into a heap at his ankles at any moment.

Gabriel had no problem sliding his hand under the waistband and exploring the course hair surrounding Pete’s cock. Taking a few minutes to card his fingers through the hair, he searched out the swollen root of Pete’s dick. Circling and rubbing the edges where the base met the hair-covered skin, Gabriel continued to tease Pete.

“Please Gabriel, hold it, squeeze it tight,” Pete begged.

Gabriel ignored Pete’s begging and reached in further past his tight ball sack and started rubbing the flat piece of skin behind it. Pete surged on to his toes, crying out. With his free hand, Gabriel flicked the overalls loose as he opened Pete’s jeans. The clothing easily slid to the floor with a soft whisper.

“Let me go and step out, lovely,” Gabriel ordered.

Pete’s arms dropped down and he stepped forward with Gabriel pressed close behind. Hands rough and over dry from climbing rocks and water training exercises swept over Pete’s naked body leaving goose bumps in their wake.

Gabriel leaned down and placed his lips on the vein pulsing with excitement on Pete’s slim neck. Moving further up to the tender spot behind Pete’s ear, Gabriel bit down lightly on the paper-thin skin, before soothingly licking it, then he roughly sucked up a deep bruise.

“Shit, damn, oh, oh. Come on Gabriel, shit, I’m going to come.” Pete’s words turned to moans.

“We need supplies, lovely,” Gabriel whispered in the ear next to the spot he was tormenting.

“You need to let me go. They’re in my overnight bag.”

While Gabriel watched Pete move to the closet and pull a small black toiletry kit off the shelf, he quickly took his own clothes off. By the time Pete came back, Gabriel had the top covers pulled down to the bottom of the bed. Something niggled at Gabriel’s mind, but by the time he was settled in the soft bed he had a naked wiggling Pete in his arms and forgot about figuring out what had bothered him.

Flipping Pete onto his back, Gabriel covered his body and started humping his hips so that their straining hard cocks rubbed against each other. Pete caught on real quick and soon both men were breathing hard from the sensations against the sensitive skin of their pricks.

Bracing himself on one hand, Gabriel took both leaking cocks into his large rough hand and held them firmly together. Humping his hips faster, brought out deep moans from Pete and Gabriel felt his balls pull up tight. Knowing that if he kept the pace going, he was going to come, Gabriel slowed his hips down. Pete’s eyes opened and he glared at Gabriel.

With a smile, Gabriel said, “Put a rubber on me.”

As Pete leaned up to grab the opened box of condoms, Gabriel swiped up some leaking pre-cum from the head of his cock and reached around to wet Pete’s small tight hole. He continued to rub the cum around, softening the rosette until it let one of his fingers press inside. By now Pete had the condom on Gabriel’s almost painfully hard dick.

Pete stretched under him and his fingers grabbed the well-used tube of slick next to the box of condoms. Flipping the cap, Pete waited for Gabriel to hold out his hand. Reluctantly Gabriel pulled his finger loose. After letting Pete squeeze some of the lubricant onto his fingers, Gabriel quickly pressed two fingers inside Pete’s warmth.

The tube was dropped, forgotten as Pete started impaling himself on Gabriel’s fingers.


Brad's Rock


A wet nose nuzzled up under his hand and Brad automatically ran it over the big bloodhound’s head and body. As a veterinarian his eyes skimmed over the animal checking for any abnormalities. See none the animal lover in him enjoyed petting and cooing over the beautiful creature.

“Aren’t you a pretty girl, Lily,” he said. “I know Bud is going to think you are the best thing since the invention of peanut butter.”

A noise by the door had Brad watching Rock come inside the cabin, before shutting the door tight and taking his shoes off. Immediately he slipped his red and green mismatched socks into stuffed bear paw slippers that sported long fake claws.

“Who’s Bud?” Rock asked, unzipping his heavy winter parka. Lean muscled tattooed arms were revealed as he slid the coat off and hung it on a hook by the door. Clad in just a camouflaged vest and purple and gray striped pants, Rock made his way over to the woodstove and Brad.

“Bud is Alex’s bloodhound. According to my brother, Brian, he’s one of the best tracking dogs around.” Brad chuckled. “Of course Bud and Brain have a mutual admiration society going on between them, so he might be bias.”

“You should smile more often.” Rock walked over to a straight-backed chair next to the rocking chair Brian was sitting in and he sat down. Leaning over he picked up a piece of wood from a wooden box and opened the glass door of the wood stove and threw it in. Once the door was shut again he leaned back in the chair and looked at Brad, eyes lazily traveling over him.

“What are you looking at?” Brad asked, starting to feel uncomfortable.

“You,” Rock smiled.

“Why?” Brad really wanted to know.

“You have no idea how attractive you are, do you?” Rock skimmed a finger down the side of Brad’s cheek and dipped into the spot where his dimple was.

Brad was at a loss of what to say. He had felt like a loser for so long, struggling to keep his head above all the demands everyone made on him. And then the accident that took the life he had built, away. Suddenly he longed for the comfort of his only friends, whiskey, gin, and vodka.

“Brad, let’s go find something to eat and have an early night. Tomorrow I’ll show you around, and then the next day we can get things packed up and start heading back to Granite County.” Rock stood up and pulled Brad to his feet. Lifting his head, he gave Brad another one of those quick kisses. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

Rock pulled Brad into the corner kitchen area, and they proceeded to fry up some fish Synn had left for them. From then on things were easy between them and Brad felt the constant tight knot in his chest ease a little. That was such a new feeling, that Brad stopped and enjoyed breathing easier for the first time in years.

“You okay, honey?” Rock’s fish filled fork stopped halfway to his mouth.

Brad smiled. “Yeah, this fish is delicious.”

“Thank you.” Rock smiled back and continued eating.

The rest of the evening went smoothly and Brad felt so at home in the secluded cabin, he started to wish he could stay there forever. But then Rock dropped the bombshell that they would have to walk outside in the dark woods for about fifty feet to use the outhouse. Brad’s first thought was, “Hell no!” He wasn’t afraid of the dark, but he did remember the warning about hungry predators.

That thought must have shown on Brad’s face, because Rock immediately took a hold of both of his hands and reached up and kissed him. This time Brad returned the quick kiss, liking the pleasantly surprised look on Rock’s face.

“Come on, big guy, together we’ll brave the elements and deal with the poopsicle house.”

“Do you know how gross that sounds?” Brad pointed out.

“Yeah.” Rock laughed, taking a key out of a knothole in the log wall and unlocking a cabinet, before pulling out forty-forty magnum handgun. “Hurry up and get your coat on honey, so we can get back and snuggle in that warm bed.”

Brad froze. “Um, Rock, um…”

Pausing while locking the clip into place, Rock looked over his shoulder at Brad. “Stop stressing. There’s only one bed. Nothing’s going to happen, but sleeping.”

Brad relaxed and followed Rock to the door, while zipping up his coat. Rock turned the doorknob and paused. “That is, unless you want it to.”

With that quip, Rock sailed through the door into the cold and darkness. Vowing to get back at the man for his teasing, Brad hurried after Rock.




A pretty blush stained Brad’s cheeks, but he didn’t hesitate, and followed Rock over to the big king-size bed. Sliding his hands under the hem of Brad’s T-shirt, Rock lifted it revealing tight muscled abs, and a wide chest. Brad pulled the rest of the shirt off and threw it on the floor.

Rock reached for Brad’s jeans and made quick work of opening them. Before he could push them down, Brad unzipped Rock’s favorite army green vest with multiple pockets.

Brad whistled when he discovered the small black barbells threaded through Rock’s nipples. A shiver raced up Rock’s spine when the tip of Brad’s finger touched the end of his sensitive tight nipple.

“I wonder what else you’re hiding?” Brad murmured, giving the barbell a slight twist.

“Keep doing that and you just may find out, honey,” Rock said, and pushed Brad’s jeans to the floor making sure to take his underwear with them.

Rock ignored Brad’s fingers working on opening his long cargo shorts and became lost cupping Brad’s furry sack, gently rolling the balls inside. Moving on, he traced the prominent veins running under the translucent flushed skin of Brad’s thick hard cock.

Looking up, he said, “Let’s go see how comfortable that bed is.”

Stepping out of his shorts and purple canvas shoes, Rock climbed on and crawled to the middle of the bed, lying back on it. “Straddle me and let me taste,” he ordered.

Gracefully Brad knelt above Rock and wrapped his long fingers around his hard dick, guiding it until the smooth skin was pressing against his lips. Rock reached up and encircled Brad’s hips, holding them tight while he opened his mouth and sucked in the wide head. Rock licked around the spongy flesh until Brad started rocking forward, sinking his dick ever so slightly deeper.

With one hand Rock searched under the pillow until he found the small tube of slick he optimistically put there when they arrived at the motel, and popped it open with his thumb. Continuing to suck on Brad’s dick, Rock squeezed lube on his fingers not caring about making a mess on the cheap comforter.

Pressing his tongue flat against the slit in the tip of Brad’s cock, Rock rubbed it back and forth firmly over the top, sliding easily when a gush of sweet pre-cum coated the way.

“Rock,” Brad exclaimed, thrusting his hips forward.

Brad’s smooth fleshy ass cheek beckoned Rock to explore massage and squeeze it until he dipped the greasy ends of his fingers into Brad’s crack.

Opening his mouth wide he let the big man fuck it, while he rubbed his finger against Brad’s soft wrinkled rosette until it widened and the tip slipped in.

“Rock, I don’t … I’ve never…” Brad collapsed over Rock bracing himself with his arms. This opened his ass cheeks up giving Rock room to easily sink his finger inside Brad’s silky hole up to his second knuckle.

Moving his finger around easily Rock pressed a second finger in. Sucking Brad’s cock in deep he swallowed around the head, loving Brad’s hoarse groan in the quiet room.

Continuing to swallow around Brad’s flesh, Rock put a third finger inside the lovely moaning man. Brad was a natural and pushed out allowing Rock’s fingers to slide in deep.

After a few minutes three fingers were able to move around freely and Rock wanted to feel that silky warmth around his cock. He thought about ordering Brad onto his hands and knees, but the man had felt he was on his own during most of the events of his life, and Rock would not have him feeling alone right now.

Rock pressed his free hand against Brad’s hip until that huge dick pulled out of his mouth. Slipping his fingers from the warm wet heat of Brad’s ass, he ordered, “Lay down.” Rock took great pleasure in Brad’s immediate compliance, loving the flex of muscles and bare skin.

Kneeling between Brad’s bent legs Rock kissed the soft pale skin on the inside of Brad’s knee, and grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed. “Lift your hips,” he whispered.

With Brad’s hips elevated, Rock gloved up and applied more slick to the latex. All the while light blue eyes intently watched his movements. Just to give him more of a show, Rock stroked his cock a few times, getting it nice and hard. Keeping one hand wrapped around his dick, Rock widened his legs, reach down and lifted his balls, giving Brad a peek at his guiche piercing.

“Fuck, that’s sexy,” Brad whispered. “Is that a ring?”

“Yeah,” Rock answered, letting go of his balls, ready to move things along now that he had spiked up both of their excitement.

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