The Twin Pines Grizzlies Collection, Volume 3 (MM)

Twin Pines Grizzlies

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 60,606
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AVAILABLE: Thursday, October 24th

[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Paranormal, Shape-shifters, Light Bondage, Sex Toys, MM, HEA]

Strong Alpha

Running from his destiny… One kiss was all it took for Kade Rogers to fall in love with his best friend, but convincing Aaron Ludden they belong together is going to be a lot harder, especially when Aaron refuses to talk about what happened during that kiss. Aaron’s attraction to Kade is strong, but the kiss they shared the night of their high school graduation sparked terrifying visions. Aaron doesn’t understand why he saw them shifting into a bear, or why a future of loving Kade will lead to his own death. The powerful kiss drives Aaron to try to recreate that high without Kade through erotic asphyxiation. Aaron finds a man who indulges his kink, but he also puts Aaron’s life in jeopardy. Kade can’t tolerate the bruises around Aaron’s neck anymore. Determined to save his best friend, Kade convinces Aaron to give him a chance to show him just how good they can be. When they come together, the results are more electrifying than anyone can imagine. Now that their legacy with the Twin Pines Grizzlies is revealed, will the brotherhood be able to handle the changes this new pair brings?

Dedicated Alpha

He was willing to suffer a broken heart to protect the man he loved… Getting a second chance at love is more than Luke could ask for, but discovering Dillinger is a cop has him running for the door. Luke has a secret that could destroy Dillinger's career, but keeping his distance from the sexy officer might be more difficult than Luke ever imagined. Dillinger was dedicated to uncovering the truth behind Twin Pines College, but when he reconnects to Luke, a man he never forgot, he is willing to let his goal slide. Luke is more than Dillinger could have ever hoped for, but just as suddenly as he reappeared, Luke vanishes. Each man is willing to suffer to protect the other, but when their resistance to their own fate puts an innocent man in jeopardy, the leader of the Twin Pines Grizzlies has to intervene. The only question is, will he be too late?

The Twin Pines Grizzlies Collection, Volume 3 (MM)
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The Twin Pines Grizzlies Collection, Volume 3 (MM)

Twin Pines Grizzlies

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 60,606
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Strong Alpha


“He’s going to fucking kill you.”

Aaron Ludden pulled away from Kade Rogers and got on the football team bus. Aaron picked a seat close to the coach, but when Kade sat down next to him, Aaron got up, climbed over him, and moved toward the back.

Kade waited until the bus was about to pull out, got up, moved down the aisle, and sat down next to Aaron. When he tried to get up this time, Kade wouldn’t let him. Using his slightly bigger, stronger body to block his exit, Kade knew it was a bully move, but he felt he had no choice. If he didn’t say something, Aaron’s boyfriend was going to go too far and kill him.

“Fine. Sit there. I’m still not talking to you about this.” Ignoring him, Aaron settled in the seat and glared out the window.

“Did you really think a turtleneck was going to fool me?”

“It’s none of your business.” Aaron pulled the hunter green shirt up around his neck then crossed his arms over his chest.

“It is when you’re my friend.”

“Well, then, we don’t need to be friends anymore.”

The comment stung far worse than Kade expected. He had a moment to deal with his frustration when the equipment manager handed out blankets because the bus heater was still on the fritz. Kade took a blanket and a deep breath. Getting into a pissing contest was not what he’d planned on doing for the four-hour ride to Lone Pine for the second away game of the season. Kade had carefully considered what he was going to say to Aaron, and how Aaron was likely to respond. Kade had the argument down pat in his head. What he wasn’t counting on was Aaron refusing to discuss the issue at all.

“If you need it that bad, let me do it.” Kade really didn’t want to get into erotic asphyxiation, but if he didn’t give Aaron another option, he was going to end up dead, and Kade couldn’t tolerate that. “We’ve been friends since high school, and if you can trust anyone to know your limits, it’s me.”

Aaron continued to look out the window, but the anger in his face softened. “I know you’re not into it.”

“So? In a way, that’s good. As a dispassionate observer, I can give you what you need and keep you safe.” Kade found a deep irony in that they were both safeties on the Grizzlies football team. Kade was a strong safety, and Aaron was a free safety. Thankfully they didn’t compete for playing spots when their skill sets were uniquely different.

“And what will I do for you?” The rumble of the bus almost overpowered Aaron’s soft voice.

Kade hadn’t considered this part since he didn’t expect anything in return. Kade’s goal was to protect Aaron, not get off in exchange. He’d never really done much of anything, so he didn’t really know what turned him on. The one time he’d kissed Aaron had made him so fucking hot he’d just about gone crazy, but Aaron insisted it was an accident, and the wonderful event had never been repeated. Still, Kade knew if he didn’t ask for something in trade, it was unlikely Aaron would even give his idea any further consideration.

Waiting until Aaron looked at him with his bright, kelly-green eyes, Kade said, “I want you to ride me while I choke you. I want to feel what it does to you.”

Aaron’s eyes widened, and then his gaze slid down the front of Kade’s team sweatshirt to his lap. Kade was at half-mast from just sitting next to Aaron. He was used to the constant arousal and had gotten good at ignoring it, but when Aaron noticed, his cock hardened further, almost like an invitation.

Aaron’s gaze returned to Kade’s face. “You don’t know anything about how it works.”

“Actually, I do.” Kade leaned in close enough to catch a fleeting whiff of Aaron’s cologne. Damn, he was wearing that crap his boyfriend gave him. Kade snarled. He wanted Aaron to wear the stuff he gave him for graduation. “There’s this thing called the Internet. You should check it out as it’s very informative. There’s also this other quaint thing called a library. They have books and stuff.”

Aaron cracked a smile. The first one Kade had seen grace his face since he’d met the fuckhead called Darnell. If ever there should be a retroactive abortion, Darnell would be the poster child. Darnell was six feet of pompous bully who thought he was so attractive everyone wanted to bang him. Kade had taken one look at Darnell, and yeah, he wanted to bang him all right—bang his face into the nearest wall. Darnell was self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish. Kade wouldn’t be surprised if Darnell went around singing me me me me. Kade had actually caught Darnell gazing fondly at himself in the mirror. Darnell was a complete waste of space, and to top it all off, he had the man that Kade had wanted since he was a freshman in high school. Arrogant egomania aside, Darnell also enjoyed erotic asphyxiation, but he enjoyed watching Aaron struggle as he fucked him. And if Kade didn’t step in, his best friend was going to die so some dickwad could get off.

“Since you read about my kink, you think you know everything?” Aaron turned his attention out the window.

“I think I know enough to do it safely.” Actually, Kade didn’t think that at all. The thought of choking Aaron scared him shitless, but less so than the thought of attending his funeral.

“We’ve always been friends.” Aaron turned his attention onto Kade. “Only friends.”

“That was your rule, not mine.”

Aaron looked away again and sighed.

“Give me this weekend to prove to you that I can do this.” As crazy as it was, Kade thought maybe, just maybe, he could get Aaron to see that they could be so damn good together. That one kiss had stayed with Kade since high school graduation. They were freshmen now at Twin Pines College. Six months after and Kade still couldn’t forget that kiss. He’d been stone sober, but Aaron said he was drunk. And then Aaron claimed both of them were drunk. And the kiss was an accident. And a mistake. And God damn it all but Kade wanted to kiss him again just to see if that blast of electricity struck a second time.

“Darnell is expecting me back on Saturday night.”

“Fuck him.”




“Are you sure?”

He nodded.

Ever so slowly Kade pulled down his sweats. Since Aaron was going commando, he had nothing on below. His cock was hard, standing up in a tidy forest of black hair. Aaron’s cock was almost as wide as it was tall. Kind of like a fireplug in shape. Kade took his time kissing his way between Aaron’s strong legs. He teased his hands over the sparse, dark body hair that covered him from ankle to just below his hips. By the time Kade got near Aaron’s sac, he was moaning in earnest.

Teasing him with his hot, moist breath caused Aaron to moan, but he held himself steady, waiting for the first contact. Kade reveled in his frantic groans, and then when Aaron was surely convinced contact would never come, Kade extended his tongue and licked Aaron’s sac.

“Finally. Fuck!”

Kade chuckled. “Anticipation is the best aphrodisiac.”

“You’re making me crazy for you.”


Aaron leaned up so he could see Kade between his legs. “I thought you didn’t want to do this to a crazy person.”

Kade rose up as if he would debate the point, but instead, he dipped his head and took the tip of Aaron’s cock into his mouth while holding his gaze.

Aaron’s eyes went wide then rolled up as he fell back on the bed. Nonsense and gibberish were all the sounds that came from Aaron’s lips as Kade sucked his cock in and out of his mouth with excruciating slowness.

When Aaron tried to rock his hips to help him along, Kade pinned him down.

“Get up on the bed. I want to suck you. I want to…”

Aaron’s voice faded into a curiously high-pitched, breathy moan when Kade slipped his finger under his sac and teased around his pucker. It was the same slow, circular motion he’d made with his tongue on his palm.

Lifting his legs, angling them back, Aaron spread himself wide for Kade.

Every erotic dream he’d ever had led him to this moment. Finally, after years of lust and longing, Kade had the man he loved writhing in ecstasy. From the duffel Kade made a point of tucking by the bed, Kade withdrew a bottle of lube, slicked up his finger, and then teased the now-slick digit around and around the snug entrance to Aaron’s passage.

Uttering more gibberish, Aaron lifted his legs higher up his chest, offering up every hidden spot on his body.

Into Kade’s head came a veritable chorus of words that screamed possession. Kade felt the need to conquer, claim, and command Aaron. Greedy as an invader to plush territory, Kade wanted to plant his cock in Aaron almost as if he were symbolically planting a flag in his soil. All this is mine. Even in the confines of his own mind he was stunned by his audacity. That was not what this was supposed to be about. This was supposed to show Aaron that they were good together, that they belonged together. Gentle lovemaking was supposed to show Aaron that he deserved a man who appreciated him in every way.

Try as he might, Kade could not quiet the clamoring voice. The more he considered claiming Aaron, the stronger that flush of electricity became. As he eased his finger within the tight ring of Aaron’s bottom, his cock flexed, demanding he replace that slender digit.

“Please, don’t tease me anymore.” Aaron looked down between his legs. His face was flushed, his eyes were overly bright, and his lips were almost obscenely wet. “I need you.”

Kade had planned a long, lingering seduction, but all bets were off when a scent, what he could only call the scent of his mate’s need, filled his senses.

With one hand, Kade shoved down his sweats and his underwear, exposing the length of his cock. Long, thick, and surrounded by black pubic hair, his cock pointed toward Aaron’s exposed bottom with a hungry, greedy need.

Rising up, Kade stroked his fist over his shaft, coating himself from tip to base with slick lube. Without another thought in his head, Kade planted the tip of his prick against Aaron’s hole. When Aaron’s sphincter quivered around the head of his cock, Kade pushed forward.

Words and images of possession swirled in his mind with teasing scents that were Aaron, all Aaron. The taste and smell of his surrender, of his need, of his willingness to give everything all up to Kade made him mad with lust. Roaring, Kade descended on Aaron, claiming his mouth as he slid his cock balls-deep.


Dedicated Alpha


Something strange was going on over at Twin Pines College, and Officer Nicholas Dillinger was determined to find out what it was. He hadn’t been a police officer for long, but he didn’t need to be an expert to know things just weren’t right. After attending the academy in Denver and working two weeks in the heart of the city, he’d been shifted to Twin Pines to “better his outlook and approach to law enforcement.”

Dillinger thought that was a lot of bullshit. Much more likely was the revelation of his homosexuality freaking out his commander. What was it with some men who thought every gay guy desperately wanted them? Dillinger wouldn’t fuck that balding piece of shit for a million dollars. But the transfer went through, and there was nothing for him to do but suck it up and deal.

Ironically, the homophobe did him a favor. Life was pretty sweet up in the mountains. For a small college town, crime in Twin Pines was almost nonexistent. Just the usual petty theft, some drunk and disorderly, and the weirdness that all seemed to trace back to the college. Dillinger’s supervisor thought he was nuts but told him to feel free to investigate, as long as he did so on his own time. And then the body of Darnell Gary Cline showed up in a stairwell at the school. Dillinger thought for sure he’d be taken more seriously, but nope. Darnell’s death was ruled an accident.

“He fell. Case closed.”

Dillinger interviewed Darnell’s boyfriend, Aaron Ludden, but he claimed they had broken up a week prior. Concerned that his turtleneck was hiding marks, Dillinger had sniffed around and found out that Darnell was known for pushing Aaron around, but they said it was some kind of rough, kinky sex. As far as everyone knew, Aaron and Darnell’s relationship was consensual. For the life of him, Dillinger didn’t understand that kind of abuse being passed off as sex. Rough was one thing, but choking the life out of your lover? He got the shivers just thinking about it.

With the coroner’s report now in and his commander telling him to leave it, Dillinger dropped his investigation. Well, officially he dropped it, but on the sly he added the mysterious death to his list of general weirdness. Into his little spiral notebook went all the curious things that he’d taken notice of since he’d come to Twin Pines in August.

One thing that had set off some curiosity flags was that animal hair had been found in the stairwell. The medical examiner, on loan from Denver, suggested that perhaps one of the kids in the dorm had a pet. One look at the hair told Dillinger the strands hadn’t come from a dog or a cat. The stuff was thick, dark brown, tipped blond, and looked exactly like some other animal hair from some other odd scenes he’d encountered. Convincing himself he was simply doing his due diligence, Dillinger sent the hair off to the lab in Denver. With any luck, he’d have an answer before he reached retirement age.

Determined to keep his eye on the campus, Dillinger had decided to take a continuing education class devoted to public policy. It was utterly dull, but taking the class gave him access to the entire campus, and he hoped the students would see him as just another student. That didn’t pan out at all. Everyone knew there was a cop around almost as if he had a neon sign over his head. Still, Dillinger stuck with the class more from an inability to quit anything once he’d started than keeping up some charade.

On his way out to the parking lot after class, he saw a spot of brightness in the dark. As it moved toward him, his eyes widened. A blond. A hot blond. A hot blond with a very familiar face. When the man was within talking distance, Dillinger couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Luke?”

The man’s eyes narrowed but then went wide. “Dilly!”

“Fuck.” Dillinger glanced around, hoping to God no one heard his despised nickname. “Still just as annoying as ever.”

“Well, isn’t it good to know some things don’t change.” Luke McCall flashed a dazzling smile that managed to warm Dillinger right down to his toes.




“I can feel your ass trying to pull me in, just like that toy.” Luke edged into him, darting his gaze from where their bodies joined to Dillinger’s face. “Big, begging cinnamon eyes.”


“What manners.” Luke flicked his hips, grinning when Dillinger braced himself only to receive another incremental bit of his cock.

“Fuck me.”

“Ooh, bossy.” Luke tsked and pulled his prick all the way back out, which caused Dillinger to growl. “What happened to my sweet, mannerly, fastidious—”

“You better get your cock in my ass or—”

“Or what?” Luke tugged on Dillinger’s balls then wrapped his forefinger and thumb around the base again. “What are you going to do?”

Dillinger took a deep breath and met Luke’s gaze. “Have your fun, cowboy, because when my turn comes, and it will, I’m gonna make you holler uncle so loud we’ll wake the neighbors.”

“That sounds more like a promise than a threat.” Up went Luke’s brows. “Now, let’s see if this big old cock of mine will even fit in this tidy little hole.”

Anticipation just about made Dillinger crazy, but he knew if he tried to hurry Luke along, he’d just slow down again. Oh, but when the tables were turned, Dillinger was going to make him pay. Already the plans in his head grew ever more elaborate and darkly erotic. There were things that Dillinger had always wanted to try but had never quite felt comfortable enough to discuss. That was not going to be a problem with Luke.

“Look at your eyes. All hot and speculative. You’re gonna fuck me like a wild creature, aren’t you?”

“I’m gonna make you scream.”

Luke flicked his hips and buried half his cock in Dillinger’s sensitized hole. Dillinger’s eyes crossed, rolled back, and he would have bucked himself onto Luke’s prick, but Luke pressed his hips into the bed then lay on top of him.

“You gonna make me scream in pleasure or pain?”

“Both.” Dillinger kept his place on the pillows, but right now he swore he’d sell his soul to kiss Luke.

“You’re gonna cry for me.”


“Oh, yeah.” Luke rubbed his nose to Dillinger’s. “You’re going to beg me to fuck you.” Luke pulled back a bit. “Oh, wait, you already have.” With his lips tauntingly close, Luke whispered, “Ask me nicely, Dilly.”

“Stop calling me that.” Dillinger had always hated that nickname, especially when the upperclassmen changed it around and called him dill pickle or, worse, little gherkin.

“Now, is that any way to ask a man to fuck you?”

“Damn it, Luke.” Dillinger met his gaze. “Please fuck me.”

“You can do better.”

“Pretty please won’t you fuck me? With a cherry on top.”

Snickering, Luke flicked his hips, sliding in just a bit more. “Cherry on the bottom.” He pressed his lips close. “And I think that poor thing is just about gone.”

“You trying to break me?” Dillinger didn’t think Luke wanted him passive forever, but for right now, that was exactly what he needed. So that was what Dillinger gave him. Lowering his face, he looked up, making his eyes as big and innocent as he could. “Fuck me, Luke. I want you to take every last bit of my cherry. I want you to ram your sweet cock into me as deep as it will go, and then I want you to ride me until I scream.”

It was as if an explosion went off in Luke’s body. His lips captured Dillinger’s. As Luke traced his tongue along Dillinger’s mouth, he thrust his hips forward and buried his prick into Dillinger’s welcoming ass.

“Fuck!” Dillinger arched up into him, deepening the angle, intensifying Luke’s possession of him. No toy had ever felt this good. That it was Luke, and Luke bareback, was just pushing all the right buttons in Dillinger’s body and brain.

“You want more?”

“Give it to me.”

“Talk dirty to me.” Luke kissed him hotly. “Tell me what I want to hear.”

Dillinger wasn’t certain, but he had a gut instinct that Luke was a man who liked rough, raunchy talk. And he was more than happy to give it to him. But he didn’t quite know what to say. So he said the first thing that came to mind.

“Ride me, cowboy.” Dillinger kissed Luke. “I want you to pound my ass so hard I’ll be walking funny tomorrow.”

Luke grinned down at him. “You haven’t done a lot of nasty talk, have you?”

“Not really. Why, wasn’t that—”

“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be tasting my cock at the back of your throat for a week.” Luke snarled and bit Dillinger’s neck. Working his way back up to his ear, he hissed. “I’m gonna come so hard and deep I’ll make your belly warm.”

Dillinger couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I’m sorry. I’ve got the giggles suddenly.”

“Yeah? Me, too.” Luke untied the strap from his arm. “And I want to pin you down myself.”

“Think you can take me, cowboy?”

“I know so.” Luke flicked his hips. “I’ve already filled your tight little ass with my cock. That gives me a distinct advantage.”

Dillinger gave a halfhearted struggle, but he honestly didn’t want to dislodge Luke from his body. He liked him right where he was.

“That’s it, Dilly. Give in. Now spread your legs good and wide for me.”

When he did, Luke fell into a slow pounding rhythm that matched Dillinger’s heartbeat. Every time he went down, he dug into the bed just a little deeper, pushing himself in just a bit more.

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