The Wilde, Nevada Collection, Volume 1 (MFMM)

Wilde, Nevada

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 101,062
0 Ratings (0.0)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Romance, Consensual BDSM, Cowboy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Spanking, Sex Toys, MFM/MFMM, HEA]

Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters

Mackenzie works undercover as a waitress, hoping against all odds to find her missing brother. She's been on the trail of one man she believes might know something but hasn't had any luck. Could it be she's been too distracted with the cowboy Masters twins instead of focusing on her task? Their never-ending advances seem impossible to deter, and Mackenzie finds herself daydreaming about what it would be like to share their bed if only for one night.

Wade and Wyatt Masters's failed attempts to win the heart of Mackenzie lead them to change their pursuit tactics. It seems to work, and after tearing down her walls, they discover the gorgeous outsider has a dangerous secret. Will the evil who is behind her brother's disappearance destroy everything they've discovered, everything they hold dear—or will the three work together, holding on to each other, and save her brother, allowing them a future?

Her Three Wilde Champion Men

Shelby Taylor is from Wilde. She’s grown up in a poly family. She’s been in the life as a submissive. She’s given up on dating outsiders after a horrific turn of events with a previous boyfriend. Wilde is her home. Always. And since love has eluded her, she’s resigned herself to being a club instructor for those new in the life. Not the future she dreamed of, but she believes this is as good as it will ever be.

The three Champion brothers—Alex, Justin, and Brandon—are from Elko. Outsiders. They’ve known about Wilde and its craziness since high school. Shelby’s ways are foreign to them, but each brother pursues her on their own.

When the sexy submissive is accused of two murders, they must face their prejudices about Wilde girls head on.

Will they choose love and save her? Or will the killer gunning for Shelby send her to an early grave?

The Wilde, Nevada Collection, Volume 1 (MFMM)
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The Wilde, Nevada Collection, Volume 1 (MFMM)

Wilde, Nevada

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 101,062
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Her Twin Wilde Cowboy Masters


Mac thought the past twenty-four hours had been quite a roller coaster. She felt like she might be losing her edge, her investigative detachedness—hell, even her hope that her brother might actually be found.

Wade squeezed her hand. “You stay close to me, Mackenzie. Understand?”

She nodded, happy to remain next to him. The Masters’ Chambers was more theatrical than she’d imagined it would be. Also, she’d found it odd she had to fill out paperwork at the reception area. The rules, better known as “protocols” here, were strict, and management expected them to be followed. The giant bouncers around the place didn’t help to make her feel any better. Not a single one had a smile on his face. Fierce was the best way to describe them.

“Keep your eyes off of other men. Don’t look them in the eye, sweetheart.”

“That wasn’t one of the rules on the form, was it?” she asked her guide.

“It’s my rule. You’ll follow it and anything else I say to the letter.”

She nodded, though he didn’t seem to expect her to respond, just to obey. Best to shove aside her overactive imagination, which was being magnified by the dim lights of the club, and take notice of what might help her find her brother, or at least get some clue on how to find him.

Wade placed his arm around her shoulders and an electric heat shot through her. The back of her knees weakened, and she leaned into him instinctively, relying on his frame for balance. She wanted to blame it on nerves, but that wasn’t entirely true. Everything about this cowboy called to her body, to her mind, and to her very core. His brother, too. The two had invaded her dreams, delivering erotic pleasures that had her waking up soaked almost every night since meeting them for the first time at the café when she’d first arrived in Wilde.

Her nerves were getting the best of her. Had agreeing to come to the club been a mistake? Wade seemed at ease here. All the smiles sent his way from the women amazed her. Clearly he was a regular at The Masters’ Chambers. It pleased her to be on his arm.

“You ready to see more of what the club is about, sweetheart?”

“Yes. Please.”

Knowing Austin Wilde owned this place gave her more reason to keep her eyes wide open. Many residents of the town visited the sex club from time to time, but much of the clientele were from far-flung places around the globe. Wherever they came from, their pocketbooks and bank accounts had to be bursting at the seams. Outside in the parking lot were the priciest luxury vehicles in the world, including Rolls-Royces and Maseratis.

“I’m taking you over to that area.” Wade pointed across the large room that held both stages and a large dance floor. “They’re setting up a demonstration for newbies and tourists like you.”

“Okay.” She had a sudden thought to run out of the place.


Bolstering her courage and clinging to her curiosity, she told herself that she’d been in some much tougher spots tracking down a lead. This was going to be a piece of cake. Deep down she knew it wasn’t.

As they got closer to the stage with the “scene,” which Wade had told her these things were called, she had to stifle a nervous giggle.

Wade guided her to the front row and the center seats. “You sit there.”

She bit her lip and sat, unable to resist him. “What can I expect from this?”

“Don’t expect anything, Mackenzie. Just watch and learn. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

“You’re leaving me.”

He placed his thick index finger to her lips. “Quiet. I’m just going to talk to the Doms who are running this class. I won’t let you out of my sight.”

“Really?” She clasped her hands together in her lap. Her normal calm seemed absent here at the club.

“Yes, sweetheart.” He didn’t leave her. In fact, he sat down in the seat next to her and took both her hands. “Relax, Mackenzie. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Got it?”

She liked hearing his words. They steadied her nerves a bit.

“I’m going to give you your first lesson.”

Her temperature rose, and her heart raced. “B–But you said we were only here to watch.”

“And that’s what we will do, but you’re out of your comfort zone here. I want you to feel safe, and I only know one way to make that happen. You’ve got to trust me.”

“I do trust you, Wade.”

“That’s not true, sweetheart.” He sighed. “God, how I’d like to really train you tonight, but that’s not what you need.”

Train me? He wants to train me. Since learning about Austin’s sex club, she’d done more than a little research on the various kinds of kink the place delivered up. She shivered imagining what kind of schooling Wade wanted to give her. Would he take her up to the stage for any who wanted to watch? Shivering from a mix of unease and excitement at the prospect, she looked down at her outfit. Most of the women wore miniskirts. Not her. She wore jeans and a green top that currently felt tighter than it had been when she’d put it on.

“I’m not going on that stage, cowboy. I just can’t.”

“Cut the ‘cowboy’ here, sweetheart. It’s not appropriate. Best to call me ‘Sir’ or ‘Teacher’ but not anything else. Got it?” Wade cupped her chin and kissed her cheek.




“Bench or cross?” Wyatt asked.

“Bench,” Wade answered. “Good place to start.”

“Agreed. Color, slave?” Wyatt’s icy, calculated tone sent another shock through her that settled deep in her pussy.

“I am green, Master.” Her clit throbbed madly, her need for relief rabid.

Four big Dom hands grabbed hold of her, lifting her off her feet. Together, her cowboys carried her to the bench. In no time, she was facedown, her arms and legs tied to the thing with ropes. Being on the bench in this position, with her ass jutting out, helped her understand why it was used for spanking.

“Let’s paddle her a few times with the green one before we put a plug in her ass.” Wade’s big hands cupped her ass, making her squirm on the bench. “That’ll get our slave really warmed up.”

“I like where you’re heading, bro. We’ll have our pretty sub insane with desire.”

Their depraved talk was working her into a frenzy of arousal. They’d promised to get in her head, and boy, were they delivering. But it wasn’t just her mind they had taken control of, it was also her body—head to toe. Skin. Arms. Legs. Stomach. Mouth. Tongue. Nipples. Clit. Pussy. Every inch of her was under her two Masters’ power.

She yelped when the first sharp slap of the green paddle landed on her ass with a loud thud.

She saw Wyatt out of the corner of her eyes. He was bent down, so she was certain Wade was the one who had thwacked her ass.

Wyatt touched her cheek gently, though his words were clipped. “Color, slave?”

She inhaled a gallon of air into her lungs, then answered, “Green, Master.”

“Go, bro. She’s quite the sub, isn’t she?”

“You’ve got to stop, Wyatt, with all the compliments. You’ll ruin her for us.”

He sent her a sweet wink that made her tingly all over. “I think she’s the one who is ruining us, bro, if the truth be known.”

“Maybe so, but let’s keep our heads, okay? We promised to teach her. That’s what we must do.”

“Agreed.” Another wink, and she was completely undone. “Give her ten more, then we’ll get her pretty bottom plugged.”

A rain of whacks landed on her ass, one after another, each taking her to a dizzy state.

“One left,” Wade said from behind her. “What color, pet?”

She could feel wetness rolling down her inner thighs. “Green, Master.”

She took a deep breath before Wade slapped her ass with the paddle. The last sting was a tinge harder and definitely hotter than the earlier ones had been.

The heat he ignited in her channel inflamed her. Her nipples were crushing against the rubber of the bench, making them throb like mad. Need, crushing need, unfurled like giant hungry sails inside her.

“Please, Masters. I’m dying for more. Please.”

“Now that’s begging.” Wade rubbed her back gently. “Love the sound of that on our slave’s sweet lips, don’t you?”

“You know I do, bro.” Without her realizing it, Wyatt had moved behind her. He spread her thighs, and though she tried to not fight back, her worry about the plug they meant to put inside her ass caused her to try to pull her legs back together.

“It’s okay, pet. Trust us.” Wade’s words helped to vanquish her resistance.

“Bro, keep her distracted for me.”

“Will do. You’re going to see how skilled we are in the life, sub. We are quite the Dom team.” Wade stroked her hair, and her tension backed down even as her trembles stepped up. “Don’t hold back anything from us, love. You trust us, don’t you?”

In her gut, she trusted them with everything. They loved her, most definitely. And she loved them. “Yes, Sir.”

She could feel Wyatt spread her bottom cheeks and apply lubricant to her tight opening. She got even wetter as he pushed his fingers into her constricting anus.

Wade nuzzled her neck, scraping the skin there with his teeth. “Almost there, sub. He’s getting your lovely ass ready for the plug.”

Her backside clenched tight on Wyatt’s fingers. The sting was gone, and taking its place was an urgent need.

She whimpered when she felt Wyatt’s other hand on her pussy’s swollen folds.

“Wow, she’s soaked.” Wyatt’s throaty words pushed her, though she hadn’t thought it possible, even higher and hotter.

Mac whimpered when the plug nudged against her anus, slipping past the tight ring. “Oh, God!”

“Damn, she’s killing me. I would love to roll her over and fuck her senseless right now.” Wade’s barely controlled lust for her made Mac want him even more.

Wyatt chuckled wickedly. “I know what you mean. You should feel her pussy.”

“Oh, I will. Trust me.” Wade’s hot breath on her neck was so intoxicating and dangerous. “We made a plan for tonight. This is her lesson, not ours. We have to stick to the plan.”

“Right. Paddle. Plug. Paddle, again. Whip. Clamps. Then we can fuck our slave.”

“Too much, Masters,” she pleaded. “I can’t. I just can’t.”

“There is a little spoiled submissive inside her.” Wade sighed. “I hate to admit it, but I can’t hold out for the entire plan, bro.”

“Damn, what kind of Dom are you?” Wyatt laughed. “Me either. I swear she’s going to ruin us both. Okay, modified plan. Let me get this plug inside her ass, another paddling, and then we fuck her.”


Her Three Wilde Champion Men


Tossing the package over to him, she let her mind roll over the idea of what kissing him would be like.

Justin winked at her. “Good job, Shelby. Very good job.”

Another tingle. He’s not a Dom. He’s not from here. He’s from Elko. I need to get a grip.

She loved Wilde. The folks here might be odd to the outside, freaks even, but they were absolutely wonderful. She wouldn’t change a thing about any of them.

After consuming two crackers, he finally asked, “Shall we split this?”

“No. I’ve got another one.” She pulled out the other package identical to the one she’d given him from the same emergency snack drawer in her desk. Holding it up for him to see, she said, “I only want a couple. If you’re still hungry, you may have the rest of these.”

“You’re too good to me, darlin'.” Justin stood and got right in front of her. Then he cupped her chin. “Those fools eating that barbeque at the ground breaking ceremony have nothing over on us. This is fucking fine dining if you ask me.”

She grinned. Justin was definitely no pushover, and like it or not she was responding to his blatant come-on. “I agree, cowboy. Still the Wilde men do put out the best ribs in the state.”

“Ribs?” His voice trailed off for a moment, then he shook his head, releasing her chin. “You’re bad, Shelby. Really bad. I think this break is over.”

He sat back down and finished his last cracker. She moved next to him, inhaling his scent of leather and wood. As promised, she handed over the majority of her snack to him.

“Thanks, darlin'. What about something to drink?”

“Sorry, just these. There’s a water fountain in the hallway.”

“I saw it, but it can wait. Besides, I have an idea for later for the two of us.”

Two of us? Damn, this isn’t good.

He wasn’t making this easy for her. She needed to finish this task, thank him, and say good-bye. It would’ve been best if she had not brought him here. Why had she? Because she was a lost cause, always searching and hoping for the impossible. As Justin devoured the last cracker, she realized he did seem to enjoy the snack more than most. He’d eaten them fast.

“Better?” she asked.

“Much. Thanks.”

As they began working on the project again, she turned to him. “Alex is your brother?”

“Uh-huh,” he said, his mouth still full from the last cracker treat. “Him and Brandon.”

“The guy standing with you and Alex before you came over to me with your tired lines?” she asked, teasing him.

“Tired lines? Shelby, those are some of the best lines in the rodeo circuit. Ask anyone?”

“You mean ask the women, right?”

Justin shrugged. “Straight as an arrow, darlin'.”

The man oozed of sexuality, hot male sexuality. “Ditto here, cowboy.”

It was time to change the subject. This was her home, not his, not Alex’s, not their brother Brandon’s. Sure Alex had moved here but he was still an outsider. You could see it in his face whenever he looked at the families in Wilde—not quite a look of judgment but definitely not understanding. She loved Wilde, but realized for most it was too much to take in.

“All done.” She stood. Time to end this now before my heart suffers again. “Thank you so much for your help.”

Alex had more than piqued her interest, and she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Now, she was in her office with his brother, a sexy beast. She’d grown up in a poly family. Two dads and one mom. It made sense on every level for her. Alex and Justin? They were from Elko. And they had another brother, too. Three dreamy men for a Wilde girl like her, but most certainly a nightmare for anyone from Elko like them.

Justin got to his feet and moved right in front of her. On the floor, he didn’t seem like such a…a giant. Now, he towered over her.

“I’d like to collect my pay, sweetheart,” he said, seductively.

“Pay? There’s no pay, cowboy.”

“Yes, there is.” Without warning, he pulled her into his muscled frame and captured her lips with his. Instinctively, she melted into his dominance. Her toes curled as she felt one of his big hands on the back of her neck and the other on the curve of her waist.

Idiot. This will never work. You’ve tried this before. Why go down this path again?

She brought her hands up to his chest and pushed slightly.

He released her mouth. “What, darlin'?”

“I can’t do this,” she confessed and tried to twist free from his hold.

His dark eyes narrowed. “Do what? Kiss me?”

Why had she said yes to Justin coming to help her? Because deep down she dreamed of it leading to Alex and a life, a future, she hoped for.

“Any of it, Justin. You’re from Elko. I’m from Wilde. You and I both know what that means, don’t we?”

He took a step back. “Fuck the old ways, baby. Today, you and I will broker a new path for our hometowns to get along. What do you say? How about we discuss this over a meal at the diner?”

“Yes,” she said, unable to help herself. “When?”

“Now,” Justin said like he’d been a Dom his entire life. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”

Justin certainly wasn’t a Dom, but he sure did have the DNA to be one.




Every possessive urge inside him exploded in response. Shelby was the kind of girl a man should fall in love with and marry. He’d never been in love before. Lust? For sure. Not love. Was this love he was feeling for her? Couldn’t be. Not this quick. Whatever it was, he needed her in the worst way, needed to feel her, to hold her, to pleasure her.

He kissed his way down her neck to her shoulders to her breasts until his lips were feathering her nipples. Then he kissed them, one after the other, before devouring them into his mouth, sucking on her delicious breasts.

Hearing her moan, he felt her fingers in his hair, pulling his head in tighter. The more she moaned, the harder he got between his legs, harder than he ever thought possible. Continuing to suck on her gorgeous breasts, he moved his hands down her body until he found the top button of her jeans. She writhed under him, which urged him forward. He unsnapped the clasp and sent his fingers over the denim’s waist, and felt the silk fabric of her underwear. He pulled down her pants, leaving her with only her panties.

“No fair,” she said.

“No fair, what?”

“What about your pants, Alex?” Shelby giggled, sending a new wave of molten heat through his body and down into his cock.

“This night is about you, sweetheart.” In a flash, he ripped off his jeans and underwear. “My briefs are gone now. So, fair is fair.” He smiled and saw her eyes widen. Then he pulled her panties all the way off. “Better?”

“Let me see.” She moved her hands down his body and then he felt her wrap her fingers around his shaft. “Yes. This is better.

“Fair is fair.” He began kissing his way down her body. Her perfect abdomen was so soft. Coming to her sweet navel, he kissed it. His fingers trailed behind his lips as he dotted kisses over her skin until he was positioned perfectly hovering over her pussy. It was the sexiest, most enticing thing he’d ever seen in his life. He licked up her cream and pressed his fingers into her swollen folds.

Shelby trembled underneath him, and he knew there was no one he would ever want to be with more than her ever again.

* * * *

Shelby’s body and mind were on fire. She’d played at The Masters’ Chambers many times, but no Dom had ever reached her like Alex was right now.

Control? He was in control with every caress of his fingertips, every lick of his tongue, every kiss from his lips—and she was happy to surrender to him. Whatever he asked her to do she would do it. For him. For her. For both of them.

As his hot breath skated over her pussy, Shelby felt tingling lines zip through her body from her swollen lips and nipples to her clit and even deep into her womb. The pressure was building more and more. Everything was firing inside her. Everything was alive. Everything was hot. Everything was uncontrollable. Her body writhed as if it had a mind of its own.

With his hands, Alex urged her thighs wider. She complied instantly, spreading herself for his mouth, for his tongue, for him. She felt him press on her clit and more quakes erupted inside her. She got wetter, which seemed to delight him as he continued to lap his thick tongue over her moist folds.

Crazed and on the edge, she felt him send his fingers into her pussy hitting that just right spot. She scraped her fingernails on the back of his head, as the release he’d given her sent a sea of sensations through her body. Hot. Molten. Her moans morphed into pants as her orgasm swept through her again and again. Alex captured her clit between his lips and delivered the perfect amount of tightness that multiplied the electricity she was already feeling. Then she screamed, lost to the climax, the pleasure, the bliss he’d created for her.

Before she could catch her breath, he moved up her body, again kissing her everywhere along the way, until they were face-to-face.

His eyes were narrowed with lust. She could feel his cock on her mound. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Lost to his every whim, she closed her eyes, moaning into him. She could tell he was reaching for the nightstand next to the bed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Alex’s wicked grin.

In his hand was a foil condom package. “You put this on me, sweetheart.”

God, he seems like such a natural Dom. Unable to resist, she said, “Yes, Sir.” Taking the package from him, she ripped it open and pulled out the rubber. He rolled to the side of her, clearly taking care that their bodies continued to touch. She could feel his heat and it was reaching into her like a runaway fire. With her free hand, she wrapped her fingers around his thick, long shaft and squeezed it. The deep growl that came out of his mouth made her tingle with pride.

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