His Obsession (MF)

The Owners 1

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 55,660
9 Ratings (4.1)

His obsession could destroy them both.

Stephen Knox is the wealthy owner of the exclusive gentleman’s club, Possession. A club where men feel the utmost possession for their women. However, he doesn’t believe in what the club represents until Ursula Mills walks into his life.

Ursula has no choice but to accept the job as a cleaner/cook for Stephen. From the moment they first met, she’s been infatuated by her older employer. He’s unlike any man she’s ever known. Everything about him pulls her in. Their passion ignites to a fever pitch neither could have expected.

But, when an old enemy returns with the intent of destroying everything that Stephen possesses, he must act quickly to protect his club.

When Ursula learns his secret, she has to make a choice. Live without him or learn to be his—completely.

Be Warned: anal play, spanking

His Obsession (MF)
9 Ratings (4.1)

His Obsession (MF)

The Owners 1

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 55,660
9 Ratings (4.1)
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Cover Art by Sour Cherry Designs
Great reading and I love the mystery thats unfolding behind the scenes involving these characters lives.

Stephen sat next to her and was more than content in giving her an orgasm. He ran his hand up and down her smooth thigh. In seconds Ursula pushed him back. She swung a leg over his until she was straddling him once again. She pushed her hair out of the way, her breasts swinging free in front of them. He cupped her back, pulling her close. Stephen sucked on one of her large nipples, relishing the way she squirmed on his lap. She crushed her pussy against his shaft. He felt her arousal on his lap.
“I want you,” she said.
He saw how far gone she was. “Do you know who I am?” he asked. The last thing he wanted was to take her and her not remember it.
“Stephen, you’re my boss, and I want you to fuck me.” She said the words, which sounded more like an order. Gazing up into her eyes, he saw the woman he’d come to care a great deal about. “Please, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
He held onto her hips lifting her up enough to grab his cock in his fist. Stephen ran the tip of his cock down her slit turning his gaze to where they would be joined. Taking one last look into her eyes, he saw the same passion he felt reflected in her eyes.
Returning his gaze between their legs, he pushed his cock to her entrance. She moved down on his shaft, the tip of him inside her.
When he was sure his cock wouldn’t fall out, he held onto her hips with both hands, stared into her eyes, and slammed her down onto his shaft.
She screamed, and he groaned as the tightness of her consumed him. Her pussy squeezed him, already trying to milk his cum from the tip.
His grip tightened on her hips. He stared down to where she sat on his shaft, then all the way up her body to stare into her eyes. Her eyes were wide open as her lips were slightly parted.
“You’re big,” she said.
Stephen chuckled. It was the news every man wanted to hear.
“You’re tight.”
Moving his grip from her hips, he ran his hands around her back, up and down. He slapped her ass making her yelp when she tried to move.
He slapped her again.
“I’m in charge. Stay still.” She kept her eyes on him and then moved once again.
He slapped her ass harder this time, causing her to yelp harder. “I wasn’t lying, or do you like having this ass smacked?”
She moved once again, and he slapped her. Soon her yelps turned to moans as he tapped her ass until she sat still. He loved the way she tested him. Her ass must be a nice blushing pink. Knowing she loved her ass being slapped made him harder than hell. Her pussy was flooded with her cream. He felt it around his cock.

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