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Reviews by Dorise

Searching for the Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story
Trinity Blacio (RAB)
(Published by:
Riverdale Avenue
Categories: Paranormal
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Paranormal
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Title: Searching for the Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story - Prequel to Running in Fear
Author: Trinity Blacio
Published: 1-8-2017
Publisher: Riverdale Avenue Books
Pages: 26
Genre: Erotic Romance
Sub Genre: SciFi & Fantasy; Shifters; Wolves
ISBN: 13: 9781626013360
Reviewer: DelAnne
Reviewed For: NetGalley
Rating: 4.25
Description of "Searching for the Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story" From the Publisher:
In Searching for The Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story, the prequel to best-selling author Trinity Blacio’s Running in Fear series, Alpha shapeshifter Remi LeBlathe has only one thing on his mind tonight—sex. Unfortunately, he can’t enjoy his latest ménage a trios' near as much as he’d like to because he knows there’s someone out there who is his true soul mate.
Life can change in a matter of moments, as it does for him as he finds himself searching for his perfect mate in the most unlikely of places.
My Review of "Searching for the Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story":
Again Trinity Blacio delivers another wonderful story. Although I wished it was longer. I found the characters well done and the plot concise. It may be only twenty six pages, but Ms. Blacio packed a lot in those few pages. My rating is 4.25 out of 5 stars. This book is for adults only, over the age of 18.
My rating of "Searching for the Perfect Mate: Remi’s Story - Prequel to Running in Fear" is 4.25 out of 5 stars.
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 09/12/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Trinity Blacio (RAB)
See all MER reviews for this author: Trinity Blacio (RAB)

A Virgin for Two Brothers (MFM)
Jenika Snow
(Published by:
Evernight Publishing
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Short Stories, Futuristic
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Short Stories, Futuristic
This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good
Title: A Virgin For Two Brothers (The Virgin Auctions Book 2)
Author: Jenika Snow
Publisher: Ever Night Publishing
Published: 5-8-2013
Pages: 40
In the year 2135 arranged marriages for those of wealth are still around, but with a twist. Females are raised from the cradle in the art of submission to their future husband. The art taught how to walk sit, and talk. They also learn how to pleasure their husband through film and books so that they are presented to their masters intact.
After their 22nd birthday they are registered for the Virgin Auction. They arrive at the auction and spend most of the preparing their hair and perfuming their bodies. They are presented to the prospective grooms without clothing so that the bidders can decide how much they are willing to pay the family of his bride for the virgin. The highest bidder wins the bride. She covers herself wia short robe provided by the auction and goes with her new husband and thus they are married. Whether she sees her family or is ever allowed to wear clothing or any other privilege is at the discretion of her husband.
McKenna Grey grew up in a home that although not extremely wealthy the were comfortable. Then business took a down turn and her mother's illness called for very expensive medicine. McKenna's father begged her not to do the auction but they are nearly destitute and she hopes the money she raises will help her family. She does not know who bought her until she arrives at the home of her new husband. She figures he must be very old to be this rich, but unfeeling to have sent a servant to choose and bid for him.
Waiting for her husband, she kneels by the hearth trying to remain calm. Then she hears him enter. At least he isn't wheezing? Wait there are two footfalls. Looking out the corner of her eye McKenna finds she has not one husband, but two. In a time were woman have no rights McKenna does what she feels is necessary to help her family. She knows there will be no love match for her, but maybe they will be kind to her and let her visit her family once in a while. Will she be allowed outside in the sun, or will she be locked in a room without clothing awaiting her husbands' pleasure. What will become of McKenna?
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 09/17/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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A Force of Three (MFMM)
Becca Van
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Western/Cowboys
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Western/Cowboys
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Title: A Force of Three - Elite Dragons ( Book 4 )
Author: Becca Van
Siren Publishing - Paranormal, Menage
Published 1-21-2013 Pages 120
The Elite Dragons - A group of 12 men with special training and special abilites who work for the US Government and are sent where all others fear to go. The four teams of three have been experimented on to make them stronger, quicker, with better hearing and sight than a normal human as well as empathic abilities.
The teams are 1) Coulter, Corbin and Trace Thornell
2) Seton, Wolf and Lander Garman
3) Stedman, Ward and Bronsin Tiltman
4) Codi, Linton and Bryden Healy
The Healy brothers, Codi, Linton and Bryden are undercover looking to finally finishing off the black market organ smuggling ring that is kidnapping women off the street and selling them for their organs. Linton goes to the clinic believed to be the new base for the ring to scan for the blood types they needed for their customers. He lets it be known he is new in town and looking for work. They let it spread around town that Linton can get things across the border that can not go through leagal channels without questions being asked. They meet Nyssa Mathis, receptionist to Doctor Jones. They talk Nyssa into helping them find evidence against Doctor Jones and perhaps information that will help them find the latest two missing women.
The brothers are all attracted to Nyssa, but they had been attracted to Katlynn too. Katlyn was one of the women they had rescued with Brooke, Alicia, and Janie, But she turned out to be working with the kidnappers. She had in fact been finding women for the ring but they had turned on her and threw her the basement with the other women intending to kill her and sell off her organs as well. After the rescue she then tried to get back into the rings good graces by delivering Brooke into the hands of the ring and steal her money. Now they brothers are not sure they can trust their instincts.
They talk Nyssa into spying on Dr. Jones and getting information on potential victims. Soon they are possitive they have the right man, but are unable to find the missing women. Nyssa is their only access to the doctor. They have let her know that they want her to come back with them when they finish their mission, but Nyssa is unsure. A holding pattern developes just before everything hits the fan and Nyssa's life is on the line.
They know they want Nyssa in their lives as well as their bed, but Nyssa is unsure if they are only using her till they finish their mission. Follow along as the last of the Dragons find and woo their women, and as the entire teams finally has a chance to utterly destroy the black market organ smuggling ring enabling them to finally retire to the horse stud farm and starting the families they desire so much. Don't miss this exciting conclusion to the Elite Dragons series, but do not despair Becca Van has other series available to you. If you like werewolf stories their is Pack Law, Or perhaps you might be interested in the town of Slick Rock and the unsual men that reside there. She has also begun another series about The paranormal series Terra-Form about the parallel world inhabited by shape shifters with a portal between the two worlds.
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 09/17/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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Love Found (MFMM)
Becca Van
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves, Western/Cowboys
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Vampires/Werewolves, Western/Cowboys
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Title: Love Found - Book Six of the Pack Law Series
Author: Becca Van
Shifter, Menage
Rylan, Tarkyn and Chevy Freiss, Omegas in the Freiss pack, are finding it harder and harder to be happy for the mated members of their pack. They want a mate of their own, but are beginning to think it will never happen; when suddenly a delicious smell draws them down the steps to a delivery truck. Alyson Redding is hiding from a madman and trying to survive. A new town, a new job, and a resolve to stay away from emotional entanglements. Little does she know her life is about to change forever.
The Freiss brothers do not know how they are going to get the innocent and frightened young woman they recognise as their mate to trust them. They know she is attracted to them, but that she is fighting them. The dominant personalities of the three brothers raises the temper of their fiesty mate and she fights them at every turn. Alyson soon learns not to challenge a wolf. They are not afraid to accept the challenge, nor do they not back down.
The latest brothers are lowly omegas in the Freiss pack and feel unworthy of a mate until they prove themselves to their alpha. When they find Alyson, they find she is running from a madman who wants information only she has. They pack her off to the Pack house to keep her safe. They want her to be proud of them, but more than that they want her to accept them as her mates. Experience has shown Alyson nust because a man says he loves someone doesn't mean he treats her with respect and love. She is running from a man who blames her for his loss of social position and his family. He plans to find her get the information and make her pay for her interfernce.
Along the path of true love these four souls have a lot to learn about each other. Trust is the first thing on the agenda. Especially when Alyson learns the three hot guys she is attracted to are werewolves and that they want to claim her as their mate. Rylan, Tarkyn and Chevy have to stay on their toes to keep Alyson safe and teach her how the heiarchy of pack life works. Alyson, fiesty and independant soul that she is needs to learn that sometimes it is okay to lean on someone and that not all men are abusive. Follow along as they work to resolve their issues. You will enjoy this latest offering of Becca Van's Pack Law series. Enjoy visiting with your old friends in Aztec, New Mexico and let us hope Ms Van has her next Pack Law book available soon.
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 02/28/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Becca Van

Their Colorado Nights (MFM)
Alicia White
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Vegas has nothing on Spirit, Colorado. Welcome to a town where you character is what you are judged by. Love is in the air for 5 friends and this story follows them as they find the loves of their lives.
This is the second in a five book seies. Each book enteracts with the other four. In order to get the full story you need to begin with book one and read them in sequence. You could read his book as a stnd alone and still enjoy this book, but believe me you will want to read the others to find out about their stories and to find out who wins the basket of sex toys. See, you are curious already.
In this book Selena Easton inherited her great-aunt Hattie’s B and B. She has brought it back to the viable business. Her secret fantasy is to experience a ménage. Her friend and cook Ruth Johnson has been trying to fix her up with her sons, Sam and Andrew, but things have never worked out until this year. Once they finally meet Selena really wants her fantasy to come true.
Sam and Andrew Johnson come home to visit their mom and fathers as well as attending a gun show. When they meet Selena they know she is the one to complete their family. They have one week to decide their future. The guys must choose to stay with Selena or return to their home and business. You will root for them, cry for them and want to slap them up the back of their heads, but one thing you will not want to do is put this book down.
Dont miss book three in this series, Peyton Elizabeth's "Her Colorado Wishes".
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 12/14/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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Her Colorado Dreams (MFM)
Melody Snow Monroe
(Published by:
Siren-BookStrand, Inc.
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre
This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding
Welecome to Spirit Colorao. The town where, when it comes to love, anything can and does happen. This is the first in a 5 book seies. Each book enteracting with the others. In order to get the full story you need to begin with book one and read them in sequence. You could read it alone and still enjoy this book, but believe me you will want to read the others to find out their stories and find out who wins the basket of sex toys. See, you are already curious. You are grabbed by the end of chapter one and held to the last word.
What happens when the one you love has a Peter Pan complex the size of the Grand Canyon?
Local DA Lana Dupree is in love with the two Martin brothers. Cal, good looking, mature, serious and ready to settle down; then there is Jake handsome, thrillseeker who is out for a fun time with no strings attatched. They have a desire to share Lana, but is she strong enough to take them on together. The three have a chance at a future but first some need to loosen up and othes need to grow up. Your heart will stutter with two alpha type males and the steamy love scenes will be giving you erotic dreams for weeks.
You can not go wrong with this one. Don't miss book 2 in the series, Alicia White's Her Colorado Nights.
Reviewed by: Dorise
(Date: 12/14/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 6 See all my reviews
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See all MER reviews for this author: Melody Snow Monroe
See all MER reviews for this author: Melody Snow Monroe