The Denim Dom (MF)

Suncoast Society 5

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 99,813
68 Ratings (4.7)

[Siren Sensations: Erotic Consensual BDSM Romance, M/F, public exhibition, voyeurism, spanking, caning, sex toys, HEA]

Who needs leather when you can have denim? A denim Dom, that is.

Shayla Pierce dumped her lying ex and moved to Florida to start a job at a magazine. An assignment to write about BDSM leads her to discover a new world and make a slew of new friends, including the sinfully sexy Tony Daniels. She’s just not sure she can ever trust again.

Tony is used to teaching about BDSM, but he’s never trained a submissive he wasn’t dating before. After losing hope he’ll ever find the perfect submissive for him, Shayla walks into his life and asks him to train her for her series of articles. He knows about her bad breakup and their agreement is supposed to be nothing more than business. But as she raises the ante, he’s finding it harder to keep his heart under lock and key.

Will Shayla stay a hostage to her past, or allow Tony to become her Denim Dom?

A Siren Erotic Romance


Tymber Dalton is a Siren-exclusive author.

The Denim Dom (MF)
68 Ratings (4.7)

The Denim Dom (MF)

Suncoast Society 5

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 99,813
68 Ratings (4.7)
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Available formats
Cover Art by Harris Channing
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A good book
Outstanding book by Tymber Dalton! The Denim Dom is right up there with The Reluctant Dom as the best of Tymber's writing. Can't wait to read Pinch Me, her latest release.
Professional Reviews

5 STARS: "The Denim Dom is another in the Sun Coast series of BDSM novels. Each one shows off a different aspect of BDSM, with some being just fun, and ranging toward more Master/slave relationships. Dalton knows the lifestyle and points out, in each of her books, a different dynamic for differing couples or triads. There are as many different aspects as there are individuals who love BDSM, and I have been enjoying Dalton’s take on all the personalities she has been profiling. Shayla betrayed by her fiancée moves to Florida for a job with an online magazine. She is doing a story on the BDSM lifestyle, and meets Tony along with other members of the Sun Coast Society. All are friendly and open, wanting her to see that they are normal people, not depraved as some would believe. Shayla decides she wants to delve more into the lifestyle with Tony as her guide, both for her story, and to understand how her fiancé could betray her the way he did. As with other Sun Coast novels, various characters re-appear here from other books, but each stands alone. Tony has appeared in several of the novels, and I’m glad to get the chance to get to know his background and feelings. I haven’t read the books in order, which would help if you’re just starting." -- Alberta, Manic Readers

4 STARS: "Shayla Pierce is a journalist who decided to do a peace of the lifestyle, who better to teach her than a seasoned Dom. Tony Daniels, yes one of the Dom’s from Ms. Dalton’s The Reluctant Dom, (ok no worries no tissues needed for this read) is the Dom to show her the ropes. Ms. Dalton truly takes the reader on a journey, as Tony explains his world to Shayla the reader experiences the complexity and nuances of the “lifestyle.” The reaction these two feel become tangible as each starts to feel more than what was originally planned. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Tony struggle with his attraction and experiencing Shayla’s excitement while being trained was so well done the reader could feel it through the pages. Tony is clear in his expectations for Shayla and as this attraction grows the reader sees these two as meant to be together. Tony and Shayla’s journey to happy keep the reader believing in its never too late to find your soulmate! Ms. Dalton does a wonderful job of weaving in characters from her other books, Clarisse Mac and Sully from Safe Harbor, Tilly, Laundry and Chris from Cardinal’s Rule, Seth and Leah The Reluctant Dom. She makes sure to explain just enough about each relationship for them to make sense to readers who have not read any of these books prior and in my case left me wanting to know the full story. So Yes, my next read was Safe Harbor, a 5 star review coming soon. I encourage readers who enjoyed books about the lifestyle to pick this one up and if you are a reader who is “curious” well let Tony Daniels explain it to you and watch him work Shayla." -- Denise, Shh Moms Reading

5 STARS: "Every time I read Ms. Dalton's BDSM themed stories, I remember why I fell in love with her writing. Her writing is what pushed me to delve into the lifestyle through a community rather than just dabble through books and on-line Doms. In THE DENIM DOM, Tony Daniels finally gets to tell his story. It is so good. Tony is a Dom who is respected in his kinky community. He teaches classes, is a preferred play partner and he is a backup dungeon monitor. What he isn't is a Dom with a submissive or a slave. He's single because he hasn't found his one. Shayla is a woman whose trust has been stomped on. Her ex-fiancé lied to her and betrayed her badly. His betrayal makes her question her self-worth and the BDSM lifestyle. Completely vanilla, she takes a stroll on the dark side when her job intersects the BDSM scene in Florida. Shayla's job is to write a series of articles on the BDSM scene in Sarasota, Florida. The newspaper she works for knows that sex sells. They want more than just a fluffy look at kinksters. With grave reservations, Shayla takes the assignment and meets up with Tony. This book is an excellent BDSM Gateway book. Ms. Dalton does an excellent job of showing how a person can first start to learn about BDSM. The reader learns what happens when a person goes to a munch and attends classes. Now, this is a sanitized version. Ms. Dalton hints at the drama lamas and conveniently glosses over them. The BDSM subculture is not immune to human behaviours and flaws. While it is a culture which embodies accepting people for who they are, it still contains judgmental people. Ms. Dalton does a great job of explaining all of this without smashing the reader over the head with a sledgehammer. The education she presents through Tony, et al teaching Shayla is dead on and easy to understand. From a person who had to learn it on my own, the experiences are pretty similar as what is described in this book. Since this is a Ms. Dalton book, I'm not going to go into the accuracy of the BDSM scenes and D/s presentation. They are accurate and a good baseline. One of my favourite explanations of BDSM is through Loren with her scuba diving analogy for BDSM. Since I'm also a master scuba diver, this explanation made perfect sense to me and I loved it. I may use it in my own life to explain to others. Obviously, Ms. Dalton would receive full credit for this awesome method to explain the BDSM umbrella. Ms. Dalton's writing style for her contemporary BDSM stories are fabulous. I love how she creates her characters. They are individualistic perhaps because they are inspired by people in her life. She adds her own brand of humour, which I adore. I loved Tony not because I would love to sub for him, but because he is a realistic portrayal of a man with a great sense of humour. There are a couple of thoughts running through Tony's head that made me laugh out loud. It is because I think the same things about people I work with, unbeknownst to them. 'Like envisioning an employee strapped into a straightjacket, with a butt plug up their ass, a ball gag in their mouth, and tied to their chair. His own personal form of morale improvement.' (p. 21) Funny enough, this is the same kind of morale improvement I'd like to implement. There are a few others I have which I'd love to discuss with Tony. 'Darren naked, hands cuffed behind him, on his knees with a ring gag in his mouth while his fellow department managers used his mouth as a cum dump. (p. 25)' It is reassuring to learn I'm not the only one who thinks about scenes like this. Of course, there would be more anal play involving numerous items. But I digress. This story is a wonderful erotic journey into the kinky world of BDSM. Highly recommended to kinky readers who want a realistic portrayal of how the BDSM subculture exists in real life." -- Book Addict, The Romance Reviews

5 STARS: "When author Tymber Dalton gets it right, she can rip your soul from your body and put everything back together again. In The Denim Dom, she gets it right. While it is not quite as emotional as some of her previous efforts, (don’t read The Reluctant Dom without a tissue), you feel for both the heroine and her Dom and really pull for them to have their HEA. In this wrap up of several of her books, she works hard to explain the attraction of BDSM through the education of a journalist, Shayla. A reporter for an on-line and print magazine, Shayla recently moved to Florida to make a clean break with her former boyfriend, who took out credit cards in her name and ran up bills of over $16,000 for on-line porn, especially hard core BDSM. When she is assigned to do an article on the local BDSM scene, she isn’t sure she can be objective but wants to try. She finds people in the lifestyle welcoming and more than willing to educate her, as long as their real identities are not revealed. After an overwhelming introduction, she decides the only way to give a true representation is to actually experience the lifestyle. The Dom who accepts her for training, Tony, has been lonely, but is not willing to put up with a lot of drama or clinginess from a sub. This leads to some real misunderstanding between them. Can Shayla overcome her trust issues to form a real link with Tony? Throughout the book, we are treated to updates on characters from Dalton’s earlier books, including The Reluctant Dom, Domme by Default, Cardinal’s Rule and Safe Harbor. However, you don’t need to have read any of them to appreciate the Denim Dom. One of the more interesting aspects of Dalton’s book is that she lives the lifestyle. And she gives some compelling reasons why people are drawn to it, although ultimately, as she demonstrates in the book, it takes experiencing it to understand it. The book does contain bondage, impact play and Master/slave relationships. Overall, this was an excellent read, well-written and fascinating." -- Shadow, Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

5 HEARTS: "I loved this book from beginning to end. Shayla is on very strong woman. She was hurt badly and BDSM kind of played a part. When she chooses to write some articles about BDSM she wasn't entirely unbiased but her misconceptions fell away quickly. Tony went above and beyond the call of duty to help her understand and feel her way around. He trained her and didn't use her innocence against her. They butted heads a bit and I loved that Tony wasn't put on a pedestal. It made it feel more real to see that the Dom wasn't perfect. He also wasn't the typical leather Dom which I appreciated. The play/sex scenes were extremely sexy and beautifully written. Not to mention extremely hot! I felt the pull that Tony & Shayla had and I cheered them on every step of the way. I experienced a wide variety of emotions while reading this book. I laughed, got mad and even teared up a bit. This book has characters that tie-in from Tymber's The Suncoast Society series. You don't have to read them to love this book but I would recommend it because you are emotionally connected to more of the characters that way. I read them and loved seeing how those other relationships were progressing. I had been waiting for Tony's story for a while and it didn't disappoint. I would highly recommend this book." -- Kaylyn, Riverina Romantics

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Tony admitted his curiosity had run overtime after her phone call the night before. Over the phone Shayla sounded more timid than ever, a woman wanting to ask something and apparently afraid to spit it out. He’d found her discomfort amusing and endearing.

Not to mention the sadist in him got a little twist out of it in the bargain.

He knew she’d spent the day before with Leah, Loren, Tilly, and Clarisse. He wouldn’t be nosy and ask what they talked about, but he couldn’t help wondering if her call to him was a result of it.

She laced her hands together in front of her on the table, her eyes trained on them. When she spoke, her voice sounded so soft he had to sit forward to hear her.

“You said you’ve trained submissives before,” she said.

He slowly nodded and folded his arms on the table in front of him. “Yes?”

“And you teach, too? I mean, I know you teach the whip class, but you teach other stuff.”


“How much do you charge?”

He thought maybe he’d misheard her. “I don’t understand.”

She still wouldn’t look at him. “How much do you charge to train a submissive?”

“I don’t.”

That forced her gaze up to his before it dropped to her hands again. “But I thought you said—”

“When I train a submissive, it’s because myself and the person have reached a mutual agreement to pursue that. That’s personal, not a business transaction. I’ve never charged to train a submissive. I don’t hire myself out to do that. Now, I’ve taught private sessions on technique with rope bondage, whips, that sort of thing. But the relationship between a Dominant and their submissive is a personal one. At least, it is for me. I know there are people out there who claim to make a business out of training submissives and slaves, but I’m not one of them. What I do in my personal life is for pleasure. The only reason I even accept money for my classes is to cover expenses and time, not to make a profit.”

“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. Her hands disappeared from the table into her lap. “Okay. I’m sorry. I misunderstood you.”

He took a chance and dropped his voice. “Shayla, look at me.”

Her eyes fluttered everywhere and anywhere but where he wanted them until she finally met his gaze. He waited until her eyes were steadily focused on him and nowhere else.

“What exactly is it you’re looking for?” he asked in the same soft, even tone.

He didn’t miss the way she swallowed, the way her throat worked, the pulse point clearly visible under her flesh.

I’d love to pull her head back and nibble all the way down her neck.

He forced himself not to budge as his erection painfully sprang to life in his pants.

“I want to go through training as a submissive. To see what it’s like from that side firsthand. I…I think that’s the only way I’m going to really understand all of this for my articles.”

He let her soft words hang in the air for a moment as he tried to process what she’d said. He couldn’t move, couldn’t sit back. The urge to adjust his pants would be too great, and he suspected what she’d just said had taken every ounce of her courage. He didn’t want to make a wrong move and scare her off.

“You want me to train you?”

Her eyes flickered away, but he waited her out. Her hazel gaze eventually returned to his again. “Yes. If you’re interested,” she quickly added. “I mean, I know you’re busy and if you don’t have the time, or don’t want to, it’s okay. I understand and it won’t hurt my feelings.”

Part of him wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms. A thick layer of insecurity lay behind her walls, of that he was now certain. She’d been rejected somewhere down the line and had taken a massive hit to her self-esteem as a result. He didn’t know exactly how or why, but he’d seen it plenty of times before in others and recognized it all too well.

Of course, he knew he could be wrong, but he doubted it.

“Is this really just for your story? No other reason?”

She nodded.

“Is any of it for you personally?”

He thought at first she wasn’t going to answer him. Then she softly said, “I don’t know. Maybe.”

He allowed himself to slowly lean back in his seat, his palms flat on his thighs under the table. He studied her, noticing the way her gaze dove away from him, down and to the side again, to the dessert menu propped up at the end of the table by the window.

I’ll have to work on that first. She would have to learn to accept direct eye contact with him, to hold and maintain it no matter how uncomfortable it might feel to her.

He realized what he’d just thought and knew regardless of the outcome, he’d probably already made up his mind the other night when they were talking at the club.

He’d just never thought he’d have a chance to make some of those fantasies come true.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll do it.”




“Is that a spatula, Sir?”

He grinned and held the black object up. “Yep. Good for scraping batter out of bowls, or smacking subbies’ asses.” He stepped in close and hooked a finger through the front D-ring on the collar. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said. “And as I told you, you can always call red. But I want to give you a little taste of what I have in store for you later tonight, so you have something to look forward to. Any objections?”

She shook her head. “No, Sir.”

His grin did dangerous things to her reserve. “That’s my good girl. Keep that dress up and those feet apart.”

He released her collar and walked around behind her. She flinched again when she felt his hands on the thong’s waistband.

Then she realized he was pulling it down her legs.

She closed her eyes and pressed her lips together as she felt what little covering she’d had disappear.

He put an arm around her waist to steady her and tapped her right leg. “Step up, pet.”

She lifted her foot and felt him pull the thong off her leg and drop it to the floor, where it puddled around her left ankle. “Foot down, pet.”

She complied.

“Legs apart, like I told you.” This time he nudged her right foot out with his. The boot leather felt warm against the side of her foot through the sandal.

He stepped away again. She heard him move in front of her. “Do you want a blindfold, pet?”

“Yes, Sir.” The words slipped from her lips without even needing to think about them.

“Ah, my poor, bashful pet. I should make you watch this time, but I won’t. I’ll go easy on you.” She heard him walk away. Then he rummaged through his bag, his boot heels making solid sounds on the painted concrete floor as he returned. She felt him slip a soft leather blindfold over her head and buckle it.

“How’s that, pet?”

She nodded. “Good, Sir.”

Even the word “pet” had taken on a new connotation for her. It felt like a new name. She was his pet, his toy, his plaything.

She heard him pick up one of the items he’d left on the floor next to her feet. When the plastic touched the skin of her inner right thigh, she twitched but didn’t draw her legs closed.

“Keep that skirt up, pet,” he said in a low warning tone when she’d let it slip. She yanked it back up again, bunching it in her hands so she could keep her elbows at her sides and not drop the fabric.

He lightly slapped her ass and thighs with the slapper first, just barely enough to be stingy in a pleasant, scratching-an-itch kind of way. After a few minutes of that he switched to the spatula.

He caressed up and down her inner thigh with the spatula, down to her calf, behind her knee, with both the flat side of it and the edge. Then up her thigh, just between her legs where he skipped her clit and pussy altogether and repeated the teasing on her left leg.

“You’re wet, pet. I can smell you.” He sounded amused.

He didn’t chide her for not replying, so she remained silent.

He did that for long minutes, back and forth.

Then the first slap, against her inner right thigh, making her yip in surprise more than pain.

“Legs apart!” he barked. It startled her, and she forced them apart. He started slapping the insides of her thighs with the spatula, up and down, the backs of her legs, her ass. Not as hard as she suspected he could hit, but in a few moments she felt the stinging all over.

He stopped, which shocked her almost as much as when he’d started.

His warm breath blew across her clit. “My poor, wet pet.” He lightly brushed her clit with the spatula.

She froze, which didn’t escape his notice. “Good girl. Hold very still.” He slipped the edge of the spatula back and forth through the folds of her labia and up the seam of her ass, teasing her. She pressed her lips together to try to hold back her whimpers.

It seemed nothing escaped his notice. “Make all the noise you want, pet. It’s just us.”

He dragged the edge of the spatula across her clit. That made her moan and involuntarily thrust her pelvis forward, wanting to maintain contact with it.

“Good girl,” he cooed. “That’s exactly what I want you to do.” He repeated the motion, tormenting her with the spatula, making her clit swell and throb even as her pussy began to dully ache with a cramping need she knew only an orgasm would take care of.

When was the last time I felt like this?

That would be never.


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