The Warder's Leprechaun

Warder's 9

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sweet
Word Count: 17,133
1 Ratings (4.0)

When Asha’s cousin Elhara is struck with a memory-eating spell, Asha knows just who can help. She travels to the leprechaun city, deep in the woods, and faces the man she has been dreaming of for over a decade.

Tuartha has undergone a few changes since he first kissed her in the forest and now, she has to negotiate with a male who blames her for her desertion and agrees to help her cousin under one condition. She is to give herself to him, body and soul.

Asha isn’t sure which part of her will give in first, but she hopes they are in private when it does.

The Warder's Leprechaun
1 Ratings (4.0)

The Warder's Leprechaun

Warder's 9

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sweet
Word Count: 17,133
1 Ratings (4.0)
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Cover Art by Martine Jardin

A page arrived in the doorway and bowed low. “The council has made its decision.”

She finished her third cup of tea and stood up. “Then let’s get this over with.”

Casos walked at her side and hung back when she resumed her place in the centre of the council hall.

She stood straight, staring forward with her eyes fixed on nothing. She would find another way to save Elhara.

“Asha Warder, we have deliberated and have come to an agreement.”

She held her breath.

“We agree to assist you with your cousin’s illness under one condition.” Tuartha was sitting as he read the document in front of him.

“Name it. Anything you wish.”

“You and your cousin will remain here during her treatment. We will send warriors to the goblin settlement of the Crimson clan and have your cousin brought here. All of our healers and magic users will work to bring her back to herself, her memories intact.”

Asha blinked rapidly. That was better than she could have dreamed. “What service may I offer to the leprechaun city?”

Tuartha smiled slowly and a few of the folk in the council hall shifted nervously. “Whatever I command you to do. You will be my personal servant and companion for the entirety of your cousin’s treatment. Welcome to the leprechaun city once again, Asha Warder.”

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