Broken (MF)

Satan's Death Riders MC

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 75,000
0 Ratings (0.0)


Petal is hurting. After Dirty’s horrible betrayal, and losing her baby, she is just taking it one day at a time. She will never forgive Dirty, especially now that she knows the truth—he was only close to her because of Colt’s orders.

Dirty fucked up. He thought this was a good thing. A clean, clear, over and done with. It was good that she lost the baby. It was good that she wanted nothing to do with him. Then why can’t he get her out of his head?

When one of the club gets close to Petal, Dirty can't take it. He spills their secret, and now everyone knows their past. As for Petal, it was over, and she will not even talk to him.

Strange things are happening at the Satan’s Death Riders MC. They have taken over their enemy’s clubhouse and started to demolish it. Now, as they begin construction, everything that could go wrong, does.

Evil Fuckers MC may be gone, but they have not done so quietly. But something doesn’t add up. Someone is helping them. But who?

When the club is put in danger, it's time to initiate a lockdown. Dirty is close to Petal. He will not let anything happen to her. But who is this new threat, and why are they determined to exterminate the Satan’s Death Riders MC for good?

Broken (MF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Broken (MF)

Satan's Death Riders MC

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 75,000
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

Petal got to the office, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. She took a seat, feeling like a fucking coward. This is not who she was, but fighting a shadow in the dark was equally terrifying.

This was not going well. Next time, she would leave when Burto left, or anyone who stayed late.

Someone slashed her tires, but who? There was not a single customer complaint today. No one sent any food back. It was actually a really good day, which was rare.

Why were her tires slashed? Was it someone just vandalizing property? Myth seemed to know there was someone out there.

Her cell phone went off, causing her to jump and let out a little scream.

“Get your shit together, Petal,” she said to herself, answering the call. “Hello.”

“Dirty’s outside waiting for you. He doesn’t have your number,” Myth said.

“Are you going to tell me what is going on?” she asked. She left the office, locked the door, and made her way through. At the door, Dirty stood close enough for her to see.

“I can’t. You need to talk to Warden.”

And like so many other times when Myth didn’t want to be bombarded with questions, he hung up. She wanted to say something snarky or sarcastic, but nothing came to mind. Instead, she shoved her cell phone into her bag. This was the first time she had come face to face with Dirty since that morning when she hit him.

“Hey,” she said.

“Are you all right?” Dirty asked.

“Yeah, I am. It’s just my car. The tires were slashed.”

“Myth told me.”

“Where were you?” she asked.

“I didn’t slash your tires,” Dirty said.

Petal laughed. “I didn’t think you did, I was just wondering.”

Dirty rubbed the back of his head. “I was riding. I hadn’t gone far, but I didn’t want to scare you. I’ve got my bike if you’re ready.”

“I’m ready.”

She secured her bag over her body, quickly doing up the zipper. She was ready. More than ready. She looked at Dirty. A part of her wanted to tell him she would wait for someone else, but she didn’t see the point. There was no reason to argue over the ride home.

It was strange, looking at Dirty had been hard for so long. It had been painful, but this didn’t feel painful.

She locked up the diner, making sure to turn off the lights. Once everything was okay, she followed Dirty out toward his bike. Her car looked so freaking lonely.

“What should I do about my car?” Petal asked.

“I’ll deal with it. Don’t worry. I’ve already called the guys, and they’re coming to look at it.”

“I cannot believe someone slashed my tires.” She shook her head. “I think what is pissing me off is that I paid good money for those tires.”

At her last service, her tires had pretty much been condemned as the tread was wearing thin. She had no choice but to have them changed. With the money her parents were giving her back, she was able to handle several bills, including her car. Now, that was a bill she would have to pay for again. If she ever met the person responsible for taking out her tires, she was going to fucking kill them. No doubt about it. She hated wasting money. When you grew up with money being scarce, you didn’t risk losing it.

Moving toward Dirty’s bike, she had all those old feelings coming back. The last bike she rode on was Myth’s. Even with Dirty asking her not to go on the back of anyone else’s bike, she went on Myth’s. He had no right to tell her who she could be with.

“I haven’t got a helmet,” Dirty said.

“That’s fine. I don’t need to wear a helmet.”

“I’ll go slow.”

“You don’t have to.”

She remembered her time with Myth, and when he sped up, it felt so good, so freeing.

Dirty climbed onto his bike, and that was when Petal realized she was going to have to hold onto Dirty. Wow, she was being pushed outside of her comfort zone.

Remember, you hate him.

She was going to have to hold onto him. It was either hold onto Dirty or wait for someone else to come and take her home. Myth hadn’t said there was anyone else. She was all alone right now.

She took a deep breath and climbed onto the back of the bike. Rather than hold back, she wrapped her arms around him, inhaling his musky scent combined with the leather and smell of the bike fumes.

“Are you ready?”

The truth was, she wasn’t ready. She didn’t know if she was ever going to be ready, but she gave him the shout that she was. He took off, riding out of the parking lot. As they were leaving, she saw a couple of bikes approaching, and she saw them flash their headlights at Dirty. She figured that was the club coming to look at her car.

Dirty didn’t stick around,  rode her out of the diner, and took her straight toward her home.

The streets were all but dead and it was still warm out, although the sun had set a short time ago. This is what she loved about leading into summer.

The ride to her place didn’t take long, and Dirty didn’t ride too fast or too slow. They arrived at her place, and he turned off the ignition.

Petal climbed off the bike, still feeling the vibrations between her thighs.

“Thanks,” she said.

She made her way up to her house and then she heard it.

“I’m sorry,” Dirty said.

This made her stop, and she turned to look at him.

Dirty climbed off the bike and made his way toward her. Petal didn’t move. She wasn’t afraid of Dirty, she never had been. He had the power to hurt her, but not to kill her.


“I never said I was sorry and meant it,” Dirty said. “I … I don’t know what came over me. One moment we were doing good. The next, you told me you were pregnant, and I panicked. It makes no sense, because that would have meant you were mine.”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do.”

“I fucked up. I hurt your feelings, and I know there is no way back from that, but I want you to know I’m not going to stop trying.”


“Tell me you don’t love me,” Dirty said. “Tell me you can’t stand to look at me, that you want nothing to do with me. Tell me I am wasting my time, and it would be best for me to just move on. Can you imagine me with another woman?”

Petal frowned. “What the hell is this? You want to apologize and now what? Humiliate me?”

“Fuck!” He ran a hand down his face.

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