The Wildfire Collection, Volume 1 (MM)


Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 56,224
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AVAILABLE: Monday, March 10th

[Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Contemporary, MM, HEA]

Worth the Risk

Isn't the chase half the fun? That's what Darien thinks when he sets his sights on one of Wildfire's investors. Sex is the only thing Darien is interested in, until a scoundrel from Matthew's past resurfaces. Now, it's up to Darien to pull Matthew back from the brink of self-destruction, and he doesn't understand why he's going out on a limb for a guy he barely knows.

When Matthew and his friends invest in a podunk town, he has no idea what he is in for. Darien makes it known that he wants Matthew, but after a bitter betrayal from a past lover, Matthew doesn't trust anyone. He thinks Darien isn't worth the risk. Or so he thinks.

When his life begins to spiral out of control, Matthew is shocked that it's Darien who comes to his rescue, refusing to allow Matthew to sink into the depths of despair.

Rogue Operative

When Jordan spots the new sheriff riding into town on his motorcycle, he becomes infatuated with the sexy man, but he's running from a past that still haunts him, a past that has left him guilt-ridden for too long. He thinks he's the reason his lover is dead and is afraid to give his heart away again. He convinces himself that he can be friends with Mason without falling for the sheriff, but the heart wants what it wants and, soon, Jordan finds himself lost in Mason's arms.

Mason "Blade" Camden came to Wildfire to put his past behind him. He retired from his mercenary work. Unfortunately, the agency didn’t get the memo. When they send him on an assignment, things go horribly wrong. Now Mason is a wanted man and must draw attention away from the small town, even if that means leaving behind the man he loves. 

Lynn Hagen is a Siren-exclusive author.

The Wildfire Collection, Volume 1 (MM)
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The Wildfire Collection, Volume 1 (MM)


Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 56,224
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Worth the Risk


“Will you stop looking like you’re about to pass out?”

Matthew Honeywell glanced over the town—as much as he could see from the steps of city hall—and shook his head. “I’m still not sure this was a wise investment.”

“Too late to back out. Construction has been going on for a few weeks now. You’re heavily invested in this, just like we are,” Seoul Gardener said.

We. Matthew and his three friends had lost their minds when they’d bought a town. Seoul had come to him with the idea six months ago, and Matthew had dragged his feet about undertaking such an enormous project. The venture wasn’t something he took lightly, and he was still unsure if he’d made the right decision.

Dagger Sloane and Glen Hunt stood next to them everyone soaking it all in.  Matthew had met Dagger through a mutual friend. They’d tried dating, but found out early on that they made better friends than lovers. Dagger was a nice enough guy, but he had a troubled past he never talked about, and Matthew had too many issues of his own.

Glen had been Dagger’s best friend since high school, so when Dagger befriended Matthew and Seoul, Glen was just included in their group. Matthew liked Glen’s sharp business mind, and Glen had gotten all the data together on the possibility of owning Wildfire.

Wildfire was a Podunk town, and Matthew wasn’t sure how successful it would be. Aside from rehabbing a lot of the buildings, or simply building new ones, they needed revenue to keep the town from going bust.

Which was the reason it had been sold to them in the first place.

“Seoul and Glen already said they’d open up a division of their companies here,” Dagger said. His real name was Dagonwise, but Dagger hated that name. He’d gotten the nickname from his mercenary days, the dagger being his favorite weapon of choice. Or so Matthew had been told. He wasn’t too sure that story was real.

“My cousin is moving here as soon as we have the restaurant up and running,” Glen said. “And who wouldn’t want to move to a gay-friendly town?”

All four of them had caught hell sometime in their lives for being gay, and when Seoul had brought the idea to them, he’d been excited about making the town a safe haven for those who lived an alternative lifestyle.

But Matthew couldn’t help but worry. He felt they were putting targets on their backs by forming an LGBTQ community.

“You worry too damn much, Matthew” Seoul said. “You have more money then you’ll ever be able to spend. Why not do something with it besides making more?”

“I happen to like working.” Matthew had grown up dirt-poor and had busted his ass to get where he was. He was now the president of Honeywell Corporation, a company that specialized in cutting-edge military technology. He sold weapons. Plain and simple. But he did it the legal way. Even so, that knowledge had never really let him sleep at night. He made millions with his top of the line and advanced weaponry, but for years he’d long to do something worthy with his money.

But a town?

Matthew was an aggressive and savvy businessman. He normally didn’t second-guess his investments.

But a town?

Seoul chuckled as he patted Matthew on his shoulder. “Go see the sights. There are construction workers retrofitting a few of the houses. From what Dagger tells me, most of them are hot.”

Matthew scowled. “I didn’t buy a town to get laid.”

“Why not?” Seoul winked at him. “I did.”

With a roll of his eyes, Matthew headed down the steps and started up the street. The town hadn’t been completely abandoned. A few stores were open, and a few residents had clung to the hope that Wildfire would one day return to its former glory.

How they’d survived without a steady flow of residents or income was beyond him. Matthew had offered to buy them out, but they had refused to leave the town they’d grown up in.

Matthew passed Keefer’s Bed-and-breakfast. Mariah Keefer ran the place, and he still recalled the first night he and his friends had stayed there after they purchased Wildfire. Matthew had never met a nicer woman. The plump, middle-aged lady didn’t give a hoot who resided in Wildfire just as long as the town thrived again.

Her words, not his.

As Matthew passed a white house with blue trim, he noticed a few of the workers outside. One in particular caught his eye. He wore a dark blue T-shirt, his muscles flexing as he used his power tools.

Matthew had always been a sucker for a hardworking man, especially a muscled one. Sweat coated the back of the man’s shirt, and his jeans encased his ass nicely. Matthew quickly turned away when the worker looked up and saw him staring.

Regardless of what Seoul said, Matthew wasn’t there to scope out prospective bed partners. Since he'd made an investment in the town, he wanted to make sure the restoration of Wildfire ran smoothly.

He stopped when the worker headed toward him. Hot and hunky didn’t even begin to describe him. “Hi, you must be one of the investors. I’m Darien Lockmere.”

Darien stuck out his hand. Matthew shook it. “I’m Matthew Honeywell.”

The calluses on Darien’s hands felt rough against Matthew’s smooth palm. He held on to Darien’s hand longer than etiquette required, but Darien didn’t seem to notice.

Finally, Matthew pulled his hand away and tucked them both in the pockets of his slacks.

“I just wanted to introduce myself,” Darien said with a smile that could make the sun rise.

Matthew tried hard not to stare at Darien’s thick biceps or broad chest, but his gaze roamed over the worker anyway. Darien’s chest flexed, making Matthew’s gaze snap to his gorgeous blue eyes. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Wait.” Darien pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his faded jeans and handed Matthew a business card. “Just in case you need anything. You can call me day or night.”




“I don’t bite.” Darien patted the space next to him. “Have a seat.”

Matthew sat, slid his sandals off, and wiggled his toes. “I’m sorry I’m so preoccupied.”

Darien pulled his boots and socks off, sighing at the feel of the warm air ghosting over his bared toes. Too bad this wasn’t his house. He could imagine sitting out here like this after a hard day’s work.

“I can help you take your mind off things.” Darien pulled Matthew closer, tilted his head back, and brushed his lips over Matthew’s.

Matthew moaned, and Darien took that as a good sign. He swept the interior of Matthew’s mouth with his tongue, groaning himself at how sweet the man tasted.

He started to lean in, but Matthew surprised him by pulling away. Matthew licked his lips, his breathing ragged, then hopped up from the step and moved to the lawn.

“What’s wrong?”

Matthew pressed his fingers to his lips. “Would you be willing to sign something?”

Darien’s cock had been running the show. It took his brain cells a few seconds to kick back in and take over. “You want me to sign some kind of waver to kiss you?”

Matthew paced in front of the steps. He looked like a caged animal that was deep in thought. His shoulders sagged and he waved a hand in front of him. “Never mind. That was a stupid thought.”

“I’m obviously not kissing you thoroughly enough if you’re able to think at all.” Darien leaned back on his elbows and spread his legs, planting his feet farther apart on the steps. “Get back over here so I can taste you some more.”

Darien chuckled when Matthew launched himself into his arms, straddling his lap. “Just don’t hurt me.”

He had no idea what that meant, but Darien didn’t plan on hurting Matthew. He planned on fucking the guy into a coma. Darien had even thought ahead when he’d gotten ready for dinner. Inside his pocket was a condom and a packet of lube.

That might’ve been presumptuous, but he was hoping Matthew truly did feel the same attraction Darien felt.

And he’d been right.

Their bodies molded together, their hard cocks lining up as Darien grabbed Matthew’s hips and plunged his tongue inside his mouth. Matthew wiggled against him, driving Darien crazy with need.

He broke the kiss and peppered kisses and nips along Matthew’s jaw. “Get naked, handsome.”

One of Matthew’s brows rose. “Out here?”

“Nobody’s around. We’ll be fine.” Darien reached between them and unfastened Matthew’s tight jeans. “Need to feel you in my hand.”

Matthew rolled off Darien and wiggled his way out of his jeans as Darien pulled his shirt over his head. Watching Matthew undress was a bit comical. He must’ve painted those jeans on because he was wrestling to get them down his legs.

Darien shoved his jeans and underwear down and off, his hard cock slapping his stomach. He set his jeans aside, wanting them close when he needed to go for the supplies.

As soon as Matthew was free of his clothing, Darien settled his soon-to-be lover on the steps, lowered himself to his knees, and kissed Matthew’s inner thighs.


“Hmm?” He nipped Matthew, eliciting a gasp.

“I thought you were hung up on me sucking you off?”

Darien curled his arms around Matthew’s upper thighs. “Oh, I am. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to treat myself to your taste.”

Matthew hissed when Darien mouthed the man’s heavy sac. He lapped at the wrinkled skin, moving his tongue lower until he reached the skin that lay between Matthew’s balls and his puckered hole.

“Jesus,” Matthew moaned.

“Darien. Get it right,” Darien teased. He spread Matthew’s cheeks apart and licked at the pulsing entrance.

“Fuck!” Matthew squirmed. “I’ve never had anyone do that before.”

With a shit-eating grin, Darien licked and sucked, pressing the tip of his tongue just inside Matthew. The muscle clamped around his tongue as it pulsed. Darien was shocked when Matthew cried out his name. He pulled back to see cum coating Matthew’s hand and chest.

“You have an easy trigger, sweetheart.”

“Been a long while,” Matthew said between pants. “But luckily my recovery time is still phenomenal.”

Darien moved over him and kissed his jaw. “But mine isn’t, and I’m dying to be buried balls-deep inside you when I come.”

Matthew hooked his hands under his knees, pulled his legs back, and spread himself like a buffet. “I’m all yours.”

Darien stared at the hole glistening with his saliva. His cock throbbed as he reached for the packet of lube. From the brief encounter he’d had with Matthew’s ass, he knew he had to take his time and stretch him.

He tore open the packet with his teeth and wet his fingers. Darien fused their lips as he drove two fingers inside Matthew’s tight body. Matthew hissed into Darien’s mouth as he wiggled again.

Kissing Matthew was like kissing liquid sunshine. Darien couldn’t get enough of his sweet and delicious taste.

“I need,” Matthew whimpered against Darien’s lips.

“You asked me not to hurt you,” he reminded Matthew. “Need to get you ready.”

“I wasn’t talking about…I’m ready.” Matthew tugged at his shoulders. “Get inside me.”

His hands wandered down Darien’s chest, skimmed over his biceps, then traveled down his sides. Matthew grinned as he gripped Darien’s ass. “Nice.”

“Got something even nicer for you.” Darien grabbed the condom from his jeans and rolled the latex down his length. “You ready for it?”


Rogue Operative


Jordan heard the roar of a motorcycle as he packed away the tools inside the house he’d been working on. When he looked over his shoulder, he expected to see Darien coming down the street.

But his boss wasn’t the one riding the motorcycle. Jordan turned fully, his gaze glued to the man with wide shoulders, a solid build, and bandana on his head. He had no idea who the stranger was, but he wanted to find out.

“You about finished?” Max asked as he stepped from his truck. Jordan hadn’t seen his friend pull up. He hadn’t seen anything but the gorgeous mountain atop his chrome-and-black steed.

“Hey.” Max snapped his fingers in Jordan’s face. “Earth to Jordan.”

Until the hunk turned the corner, Jordan paid little attention to Max. He finally acknowledged his friend. “I just need to lock up.”

“The guys are meeting us at Gallagher’s.” Max left Jordan's side and went back to his truck, leaning against it as he crossed his arms. “I need a cold one.”

Jordan locked the door of the tan-and-white house and walked over to Max. “Bad day?”

“Don’t want to talk about it.” Max climbed into the driver’s side. Jordan moved around the front of the truck and slid into the passenger’s seat.

He was fine with giving Max his headspace. Jordan wasn’t one to pry. He knew what wanting to keep things bottled up inside was like. In fact, Jordan was a pro at it.

“Did Cory really buy a small bungalow?”

Max’s fingers tightened around the wheel to the point that the blood fled his knuckles. Now Jordan knew the source of Max’s displeasure and told himself to steer clear of any topic that had to do with Cory.

“I won’t be staying long,” Max said, effectively dodging Jordan’s question. “You’ll have to make your own way home.”

That wasn’t a problem since the apartment building Jordan lived in wasn’t too far from the bar.

When they pulled up in front of Gallagher’s, Jordan was surprised to see the motorcycle the stranger had been riding. They would be in the same place together.

No, I’m not gonna go there. I don’t need any distractions in my life. Jordan hopped out of the truck and headed inside. He spotted Casey, Cory, and Darien at their usual table. They’d already ordered beer and food and looked as though they were having a good time.

Max stopped at the empty chair next to Cory, then took the one on the other side of the table. As Jordan sat, he glanced around the bar. At the counter was the wide-shouldered stranger.

“Where’s Winkie?” Jordan asked with a smile. He still couldn’t believe Cory had taken a stray home. More than that, the little Boston Terrier was highly protective of Cory.

“At home.” Cory smiled. “I left him running around the backyard. He seems to love the new place. I had a doggy door installed, so he’s free to go in and out whenever he wants.”

Jordan listened as Cory talked, but his gaze kept wandering back to the man at the bar.

“That’s the new sheriff,” Darien said, interrupting Jordan’s ogling.

The new sheriff? Jordan glanced away. “Who?”

“The guy you’re drooling over.” Darien jerked his chin toward the bar. “He’s a friend of Dagger’s. Name’s Blade.”

“I was looking at the television over the bar.” Jordan grabbed one of the empty mugs in the center of the table and poured himself some beer.

“He’s hot,” Casey said.

Jealousy spiked through Jordan, shocking him. He didn’t even know Blade and he was ready to slug Casey for making that observation.

Mo—the owner of Dixon Roofing Company—slid from the table he and his rowdy friends occupied and walked to the bar. He sat next to Blade and the two struck up a conversation. Mo was as big as Blade, and just as wide. They looked like two mountains sitting next to each other.

Darien chuckled. “Looks like Mo might’ve found him a partner for the night.”

Jordan started and knocked over his mug. He jumped up and grabbed the stack of napkins, and tried to sop up the beer before it dripped onto the floor or spread across the table.

“What the hell!” Max jerked from his seat and scooted his chair back as the rolling puddle of beer leaked over the side of the table. “If you’re that jealous, take your ass over there. No need to soak me in beer.”

“Shut up,” Jordan snapped. He tossed some napkins to the floor to soak up the mess. “Why the hell would I be jealous?”

“Because you’ve been eye-fucking him since you walked through the door,” Max said with a grunt.

Jordan cleaned up the mess and excused himself to the bathroom. He gripped the edge of the sink and blew out a series of breaths. Even though he was interested, Jordan wasn’t going to make a move.

He was still reeling from the relationship that had nearly destroyed him in Virginia and wasn’t ready to get back into the game. He’d lost his partner of two years to a car accident, and Jordan was still torn up over Gary’s death.

One-night stands were all he had in him now, and his strong attraction to Blade told him to stay as far from the new sheriff as he possibly could.




Jordan jolted awake when someone wrapped an arm around him. Wally usually jumped in the bed at night, but unless he’d grown an arm, it didn’t belong to the black lab. He looked over his shoulder, trying to get his bearings as he blinked a few times.

Mason was behind him.

And he was naked.

Jordan snapped his head back around, pressing his eyes closed as he tried to erase the image of Mason’s nude body from his mind. It was no use. He’d gotten an eyeful of Mason’s cock before he’d looked away and now it was emblazoned in his memory.

And what a gorgeous cock the man had.

He told himself that begging Mason to fuck him wouldn’t be a good idea. Jordan really wanted things to work between them, and having sex before they got to know each other was just asking for trouble. Besides, he wasn’t ready to go full speed ahead before he’d purged the demons that still haunted him.

“Sorry to wake you,” Mason mumbled.

“It’s okay.” Lord, help me. Mason’s sleepy voice was deep and husky, only adding to the temptation Jordan was fighting against. He curled his hands into fists under his pillow, trying desperately to fall back to sleep, but he knew that would be impossible.

He had a sexy, naked man lying behind him. He didn’t think anyone in the world had that much self-control. He sure as hell didn’t.

While telling himself not to do it, Jordan scooted back a little, trying to get closer to Mason’s nakedness. The only thing between them was Jordan’s underwear. It would be so easy to take them off and offer himself to Mason.

What if they just had sex? What if Jordan kept things simple between them, kept his heart out of the equation? They could be friends with benefits, but there was just one problem with that idea.

Jordan was already falling for Mason.

His resistance faltered when Mason yanked him back and their bodies aligned. His butt was nestled in the curve of Mason’s groin.

And his hard cock was pressed firmly against the crease of Jordan’s ass.

Biting his bottom lip, Jordan pretended to readjust himself so he could wiggle against Mason’s hardness.

Mason’s hand tightened on him and glided from Jordan’s hip to his stomach, where it rested just above the waistband of Jordan’s boxers.

“If you’re not gonna do anything about my hard dick, I think I need to go sleep on the couch.” Mason’s hand slid up Jordan’s chest. He plucked one of Jordan’s nipples, making him hiss. “This would be a good time to call a stop to this. Because if I keep going, I might not be able to.”

All the reasons Jordan kept Mason at bay vanished. He couldn’t think with Mason damn near curled around him. He wasn’t made of stone, and his cock throbbed for release.

Praying he wasn’t making a big mistake, Jordan slid his underwear off and tossed them over the side of the bed.

Mason turned him and pressed Jordan’s back to the mattress. They looked at each other before Mason’s lips caressed his. This was what Jordan had been craving. This was what he’d dreamed about while lying by himself in Mason’s bed at night. He moaned as he parted his lips, sucking Mason’s tongue into his mouth.

They kissed and touched, explored each other with their hands as Jordan’s body grew tighter. He wanted Mason to fuck him so badly that he nearly begged for it.

“I don’t have any supplies,” Mason admitted as his lips ghosted over Jordan’s jaw. “But I can still make sure we’re both satisfied.”

Jordan hadn’t thought to bring any condoms or lube with him because he hadn’t expected things to go this far. He wanted to kick himself in the ass now.

Mason pulled away and settled on his back. “Turn around and get on top.”

It took a second for Jordan to understand what Mason wanted. He slid his hand over Mason’s rigid stomach and kissed along his chest. If they could only suck each other’s cocks, Jordan wanted to draw this out. He wanted to map Mason’s body, get to know each dip and cut line. Jordan didn’t want to rush into the sixty-nine position and have this end so quickly.

And it would.

His cock was so hard, throbbing so heavily that one touch from Mason’s tongue would send him over the edge.

Unfortunately, Jordan wasn’t sure he could hold out much longer. His body was on fire with need. Every spot he touched, every lick he gave drove his senses crazy.

Mason grabbed Jordan and flipped him, making Jordan laugh. “As much as I’m enjoying your tongue on my chest, I want to feel it on my dick.”

“That needy?” Jordan teased.

“Damn right.”

Jordan moaned and hugged Mason’s hairy leg when Mason took Jordan into his mouth. He lashed his tongue over Jordan’s erection, sucking his length deep into his mouth before pulling back.

Mason released Jordan’s cock. “You can join in anytime.”

Jordan shook his head, blinking a few times while he tried to remember how to think. He wrapped his hand around the girth of Mason’s cock and slid his tongue over the slit.

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