Brock is on a routine delivery flight when he receives a Valentine’s Day message from a man who looks more like a fairytale merman than another human. But there’s something instantly compelling about him.
The Company sends him and his three friends, committed couple Tolly and Emrys, and their sentient mechanical Broad to investigate the disappearance of Company men from the space station the Company is building. Instead they find a new world within a metal shell and that the Company is already there, subjugating its people.
Brock’s valentine is Dyami, a prince who is a prisoner along with the rest of his family. The Company agents are Trenton and Annabelle, and the missing men are being used to mine diamonds.
Trenton offers to allow Brock and Dyami to be together but betrays his word, sending Brock and Emrys to the mines. He keeps Tolly, who was recognized as part of a eugenics experiment to create humans with enhanced abilities.
Brock and Emrys must race against time, not only to free themselves but reach Tolly before Trenton and Annabelle can destroy him completely.
Now there was just the four of them on the bridge, and while Broad rerouted the ship’s automatic pilot to run via his system, Brock went into a little more detail about the writer of his letters, and what he’d found.
“They made contact three times. The first time, he looked like a merman, nothing more. The second time, he had plumage, like a bird. The third time, his face looked more scaled, and a snake-like tail was visible behind him.”
“Do you think he’s one of these abductors?” Emrys asked.
“That was my second puzzle. When I was left alone, I did a little snooping. I found schematics of mines. And I don’t believe they were on the moon. I would have liked to have brought you copies, but you’ll have to make do with my memory.”
“Your memory is every bit as good as a copy. Go ahead, Brock,” Emrys encouraged and Brock nodded.
“I believe our own beloved Company is diverting workers from the station to the mine. The appearance of the general threw me, but perhaps I wasn’t as careful in my investigations as I thought. The company has built a mine, below ground. But the ground itself is an exotic jungle.”
“On Earth?” Tolly asked, and Brock shook his head.
“That’s just it. The foliage I saw was like nothing on Earth. I think it’s wherever the company is sending us.”
“So maybe the Company are just ready to be rid of us. Permanently.” Emrys shrugged. “Kill two birds with one stone. Literally.”
“Stop us finding out the truth, and yet another set of Company employees who won’t claim their pensions.” Tolly nodded. “It fits.”
“And my correspondent is there, too. I feel it. But these letters weren’t just to entice me. There’s a plea for help contained in them. I’m certain the company wasn’t expecting them, and are in process of damage limitation.”
“Forewarned is forearmed as they say.” Emrys sat a little straighter. “Broad, check every hand weapon along with weapons systems. “I’m sure you’ll need to be fixing a great deal of them.”
“I’ll be in the armoury.” Broad strode toward the lock leading deeper into the ship. “I can run a full diagnostic from there while working on the weaponry.”
“Good man.” Emrys nodded. “Tolly, take your place up front. Watch for anything that might be hostile.”
“On it, Captain.” Tolly settled in his seat, removing his goggles, his focus on the window to the stars he now faced.
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Brock laughed softly. “It’s good to have you all with me. The moment I got the first message, I wished you had all been there to talk it through.”
“Your intuition is usually reliable. If you feel this ... admirer is genuine, then it’s likely they are.” Emrys shrugged a shoulder. “But we’re only going to know for sure once you and they meet.”
“True. I’d just prefer to have believed the company had our backs, rather than knowing they’ve painted big targets on them ready to plunge in the knives. You and Tolly deserve better.”
“We all deserve better. That includes you and Broad. I heard them, you know. Sherman and other crew members, even one of the medical staff. They saw me and Broad as both nothing more than mechanicals. In the eyes of the Company, homunculi are not classified as human. They were also discussing Tolly. Wondering if they should remove his goggles and force him to take an eye test without them. They were just wanting a reason to toss him out. But if they ever found out --”
“They won’t.” Brock snapped, fury bubbling in his veins. “Our fall-back plan will be that we get back to the station and use their life pods to return to Earth. We’ll settle somewhere like South America. Where the company doesn’t do business.”
“Fine. We’ll disappear. So long as we aren’t making waves, the Company should leave us be.” Emrys gave a curt nod.
“Once we’re safe, we can lay false trails.” Brock was already making plans for their future as if they were on their return.
It helped him feel more settled. He didn’t know what they would find on the far side of the moon, but he did know exactly what they’d need to do to if they were to ensure they remained out of the company’s sight.
Going to ground wasn’t as easy as people thought. Especially if you didn’t have a backup plan to fall back on. They at least had passports with fake identities, and money in several different currencies.
If the Company thinks that we’re easy prey, they’re about to find out that we don’t cower, or roll over for anyone. We fight back.