Omega for Sale (MF)

The Sanctuary

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 17,000
0 Ratings (0.0)

I walked into The Sanctuary with one thing on my mind. Find an Alpha willing to buy me for the night and get out. I never took into the account the type of Alpha who would buy an omega.

Aiden is not what I expected in the least. Neither is my time with him. But I got myself into this mess for a reason. All I have to do is survive the night and walk away with my money.

If only it were actually that easy.

Be Warned: forced seduction, knotting

Omega for Sale (MF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Omega for Sale (MF)

The Sanctuary

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 17,000
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

The moment I laid eyes on her I knew I would spend every last cent I had, to have her beneath me. Pale skin, perfect for spanking, with flaming red hair. The thing that caught my attention more than anything else, though, was the look of perfect calm on her face. No tears fall from this omega’s eyes as we stare at her like a piece of meat in a butchery window.

All the omegas before her had panic etched on their features, fear or regret burning in their gazes, sending some into tears. This girl has none of that. You can see she is relaxed against the cross, never tugging at her bonds, and even from here I can see the slick coating her thighs.

Her excitement is visible for all the Alphas gathered to see, and it is only working up everyone. I can feel the frenzy flowing through my veins, the need to bend her over, mount, and knot her until I force tears to fall from those pretty grey eyes.

The bidding continues, finally reaching a million, but I have no intention of waiting any longer to get what I want or giving anyone the chance to outbid me.

“Five million.” My voice is loud and carries through the cavernous room.

The girl’s gaze shoots in my direction, although I am not sure if she can even see me.

The man at the podium nods. “Five million is the current bid. Does anyone wish to increase their bid? Going once. Going twice. Sold to Mr. Black for five million dollars.”

He brings the gavel down on the podium before the glass box carrying my purchase disappears beneath the stage. Pushing my way through the other Alphas, I head toward the office where my payment will be processed before I can claim my purchase.

Zion, my twin brother, glares at me when I enter the office. “Why the hell would you spend that kind of money on a piece of omega ass you could have just taken?”

“Because this is a business and the moment you start sampling your own product for free you will end up broke. Because it is my money, and I will do with it whatever the fuck I want. And—” I pause, knowing it will get under his skin, “because I fucking want her.”

“It’s a goddamned waste of money,” he grumbles as he hands me the tablet to process the payment.

“She gets her twenty percent as per her contract.” I enter my pin code, and the transaction is completed. “And I get rid of all the pent-up frustration coursing through my veins for the past five years. I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I spent my money at our auction.”

“You think I don’t feel the same, brother? The need to fight and fuck?” he says with a frown, completely dismissing what I said about the money. “But even I know that paying for sex is beneath us.”

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