The Firebrand's Prey (MF)

The Blood Coven World

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 16,500
0 Ratings (0.0)

Lobo, a Firebrand wolf shifter, stumbles upon Faeth in the woods. Believing the captivating ylve with golden hair and enchanting blue eyes is with a drug ring, he pursues her.

When he captures his prey, the wolf's primal instincts recognize her as his destined mate. She is more cautious, finding it hard to trust a shifter known for his impulsive nature.

In a world where mix-breed relationships are met with prejudice, Lobo and Faeth confront their own doubts and fears while betrayal lurks in the shadows. Their journey takes them through a fantastical realm brimming with passion, the eternal bond of love, and intrigue. Will the fierce wolf and the alluring ylve find solace in each other's arms, or will the forces of hatred tear them apart? The strength of their love is put to the ultimate test.

The Firebrand's Prey (MF)
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The Firebrand's Prey (MF)

The Blood Coven World

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 16,500
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

Faeth risked a peek over her shoulder. The beast was pawing through the forest detritus behind her like a tractor on steroids, plowing the soil. And since she was from Aerilon, she knew tractors. Faeth accelerated the pace for all the good it would do.

Did shifters enjoy ylve meat? She hoped not. They had a bad rep. Uncivilized. Hungry for flesh. Living for the kill. Of course, her parents badmouthed all breeds other than ylves. Their group, the Isolationists, were obsessed with purity.

The wolf’s claws gave him an advantage, digging into the ground, propelling himself toward her. He was fast. When she stumbled, she barely regained her running legs.

The beast chuffed, gaining on her. Faeth’s arms pumped faster. Her knees jacked up and down. But the impediments made it difficult to pick up speed. Toppled trees. Dips in the earth hidden under forest mulch. Thorny bushes.

Faeth blamed Ravine for her predicament. If her friend had not fallen asleep, she wouldn’t have taken a stroll through the woods, gotten lost, and been pursued by a crazed wolf shifter.

Sidetracked by her thoughts, Faeth almost missed the obstacle ahead. She stopped short, nearly tumbling over the steep bank of a river. As she teetered on the edge, beneath her was a rocky cliff and rushing water. Though her parents had nothing good to say about shifters, she hoped they were wrong.

With nowhere to run, she twisted around to peer at her pursuer. She could swear the damn wolf grinned.

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