Slick Rock Cowboys (MFM)

Slick Rock 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 34,601
77 Ratings (4.2)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, bondage, spanking]

Tara Rustle has just spent her twenty-third birthday alone, just like her last six birthdays. She arrives home from work to find her home burning to the ground. This event is the crux of Tara's grief for the mother she lost six years previously and the loneliness she has endured, and she snaps.

Tara wakes up in the arms of two sexy, masculine men, Clay and Johnny Morten, in the town of Slick Rock, Colorado, with no memory. She feels comfortable with the two men, so when they offer her a job cooking for them on their ranch, she accepts their offer. Little does she know the two men were once her childhood neighbors.

Tara's memory returns. Clay and Johnny set about seducing the one woman they have lusted after for years. Everything seems to be progressing nicely, until an old flame of Johnny and Clay's turns up. Celia is insane and threatens Tara's life.

Will Clay and Johnny get to Tara in time to save her from a crazy ex-lover? Or will Celia win and end Tara's life?

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

A Siren Erotic Romance


Becca Van is a Siren-exclusive author.

Slick Rock Cowboys (MFM)
77 Ratings (4.2)

Slick Rock Cowboys (MFM)

Slick Rock 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 34,601
77 Ratings (4.2)
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Cover Art by Les Byerley
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Wonderful story....Made me have to go and start at book one as I hadn't read the series...Love the story, it's a Must Read....
I loved loved loved this book. I want a Clay and Johnny myself, Tara was one lucky gal. This series will be one for all those that love a good erotic menage with a little bit of bondage and spankings. BRAVO! Totally rockin story.
Barefoot Okie
Professional Reviews

4 STARS: "I've never been close to tears before on the opening of the book. In fact I had to put down my kindle before I could continue. Tara Rustle has lost everything, her mother and her house where she lives. Broken and alone, she gets on a bus with what little cash she has and travels. Clay and Johnny Morten have never forgotten the girl/ woman who captured their heart. They are shocked when she collapses right in front of their truck. Tara has lost her memory and with it, she doesn't recall the betrayal she witnessed of the two men she fell in love with. Against all odds, Clay and Johnny must show Tara not only that they love her and always have, but that they both want her for more than sex. Becca Van has captured the hopelessness of Tara Rustle really well, it's almost as if you're with her in the moment of her pain. Anyway, an event transpires which takes her back to the place where she grew up, Slick Rock. Clay and Johnny Morten are two brothers from her past who hurt her badly but they don't know they even hurt her. The characters were written really well and I love Clay and Johnny, the way they take her back in and love her with all of their hearts, but for me what I found to be a constant pain was Tara's ever changing erratic moods. However, I think this is a good book and Becca Van really captured me as a writer. It is well worth the read." -- Sam Crescent, The Romance Reviews

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Story excerpt


Tara had never really made friends easily growing up, had spent all of her spare time doing chores, studying, reading, or hanging around Clay and Johnny. She’d always felt as if she were on the outside of a big bubble watching others interact in their perfect little worlds with their perfect friends. She knew now how immature those thoughts had been. Nobody in the world was perfect, and she knew there were others who had a lot worse childhood than she’d had. She had always been a shy, timid person. Her father was probably the main cause of that. He had always been angry. If he wasn’t ranting and raving at her mom, he was busy working on the ranch or in the bottom of a bottle. He’d never hit her mom or her, though. Not that it excused his behavior. Tara had tried to make herself invisible to her father. She had been on the receiving end of his verbal abuse at the early age of eight years old. The only time she’d ever let herself be natural was around her mom when her dad was not home and around Johnny and Clay. They had coaxed her out of her shell, and she was grateful to them. Habits of a lifetime were hard to break, and to be honest with herself, she was just too scared to care for anyone anymore. Anyone she ever cared for always ended up leaving her, whether they wanted to or not. What was the point? She was better off alone. It hurt less that way.

Tara needed to get out of the house. She was going stir-crazy and knew she wouldn’t see Clay or Johnny for a while. She headed to the bedroom to rummage in the drawers and find herself something to wear. She looked at herself in the mirror, covered her mouth with her hand, and giggled. She looked ridiculous. The jeans she had borrowed were so big on her, if she hadn’t found a belt and added more holes to it, the pants would be down around her ankles. The legs were rolled up so many times, it looked like her shins and calves were deformed. The jacket she had on over the large T-shirt hid her hands and wouldn’t stay rolled up no matter what she did. The arms were too wide, and she had lost too much weight to keep the rolled fabric in place. Her hands were invisible beneath the floppy ends of the jacket. Tara gave a mental shrug and headed out the back door.

Tara breathed in the scent of the roses and jasmine planted just outside the back door. She wandered down to the corral and leaned on the fence as she took in the beautiful scenery. The expansive plains and fresh country air seeped into her soul, relaxing her for the first time in six years. She had missed her home so much, as well as her two best friends, but she missed her mom the most. She felt like a big, gaping wound had split her chest wide open and would never heal. She had lost the closeness of her best friends the day she moved away from this place, and two years later, she had lost her mom. She had no one anymore and didn’t know if she would ever feel whole again.

The first sob caught Tara by surprise. She would have thought she had no tears left after all the crying she had done over the last couple of days. She slid to the ground and hugged her knees in tight to her chest. She felt so alone. She had no one to lean on, no one to love, and no one to love her in return. She had nothing left. Tara was so caught up in her own grief she didn’t hear the truck coming up the drive.

Strong, muscular arms scooped her up from the ground, pulling her onto hard, muscular thighs. Tara knew by his scent that Johnny held her in his arms, cradling her on his lap. He rocked her and ran a large palm up and down her back, trying to soothe her pain away. He had always been the more sensitive, compassionate one out of him and Clay. Tara clutched his shirt in her hands as she cried. He didn’t try to stop her, just held and rocked her. When she finally stopped, she slumped against his chest, savoring the comfort and touch of another human being.


Adult Excerpt


Tara saw Clay move back down between her legs until he was lying on his stomach, his head level with her pussy. She felt him blow gently over her exposed flesh and saw his smug satisfaction as her pussy clenched and released. Tara couldn’t help the sound she made deep in her chest as he bent his head down and took one long lick from her wet hole up to her clit. His groan joined hers as his tongue elicited a sharp, pulsing need deep in her womb. She wanted him to bury himself in her body right then, but knew he needed to show her she wasn’t the one in control, and she loved every minute of it. Clay had already told her their rules were to be obeyed, and she couldn’t wait for the two punishments he advised she had racked up.

Tara moaned and bucked her hips as Clay devoured her pussy, sliding his tongue up and down through her moisture-coated folds. She felt him push a fingertip into her body while laving her clit, enhancing her pleasure. Tara saw Clay open his eyes and watch his brother as Johnny lowered his head and began sucking one of her hard nipples into his mouth, whilst he pinched and flicked her other nipple.

Tara was on fire. She couldn’t contain her sounds of arousal any longer, and she thrust her breasts and hips up, demanding more pleasure. She cried out as Clay pushed his finger into her tight, wet sheath until it was buried to the second knuckle, felt him twist it around inside her body and begin to rub over a sensitive spongy spot deep inside. She’d heard about a female’s G-spot and was ecstatic that Clay had found hers with ease. In a matter of seconds her body was making lewd squelching sounds, and the spongy area inside her expanded toward his finger. She whimpered as Clay rubbed faster over her sweet spot until she was on the brink of climax. She could feel her pussy walls fluttering around his digit, trying to draw him in deeper. She was shocked when he withdrew his finger and mouth from her sex and then watched as Johnny withdrew from her breasts.

Tara screamed and sobbed with frustration. She had been so close, and to have them stop was pure torture, but she knew her men were the ones in control. They were trying to teach her that it was their way in the bedroom as she was to abide by their rules. And she loved every minute of it.

“Do you know how sexy you are, Tara? My God, if you could see yourself the way we do right now. Your face is flushed, your nipples are hard, begging for attention, and this little bald pussy is bright pink. Your clit is protruding, just begging for our touch,” Clay advised in a deep, husky voice. “You have one more punishment left, then we are going to fuck you and send you flying. I can’t wait to have your sweet cunt wrapped around my cock, squeezing and milking the cum from my balls.”

“Please let me go and fuck me,” Tara sobbed, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes, desperate to reach climax. “I can’t do this anymore. I need to come.”

“I’ll let you out of the bindings, sweetheart, but we’re never letting you go. You’re ours, Tara, and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better off we’ll all be,” Johnny said in a quiet voice, full of compassion, as he released her from the restraints.

Tara reached out and pulled him to her, wrapping her arms around his neck and sighing with bliss as his body came in contact with her naked breasts.

Tara saw Clay bend his head back down to her pussy and begin the process of punishing her one last time. She could tell the punishments he and Johnny were giving her were a lot harder on them than they were on her. The skin on their faces was drawn tight, sweat had gathered on their foreheads, and she could see both of their hands shaking  At least she was experiencing the touch of their mouths and hands on her body, as well as the pleasure they were inflicting on her. Clay and Johnny had to hold off from what she could see they really wanted to do. She could tell by the longing on their faces and knew they wanted to bury themselves in her body the moment they had seen her naked and spread out before them on the bed. She knew their self-control was being tested to the limit.

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