Her Shadow Men (MFM)

Slick Rock 5

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 36,594
35 Ratings (4.3)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, HEA]

Debbie Newsome has sworn to never get involved with another man again—until she meets Britt and Daniel Delaney. The two men draw her like a bee to honey. She tries to keep them at arm's length, but she eventually ends up in their bed. Debbie isn’t ready to face her feelings and runs. Britt and Daniel are out to convince Debbie she is the one and only woman they want in their beds and hearts, but they have a hard time keeping her by their sides. Plus, they have a secret, and they aren’t sure how Debbie is going to react. When a criminal from the Delaney brothers' past arrives on the scene, Debbie’s life ends up in jeopardy. Can they save her in time?

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

A Siren Erotic Romance


Beccca Van is a Siren-exclusive author.

Her Shadow Men (MFM)
35 Ratings (4.3)

Her Shadow Men (MFM)

Slick Rock 5

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 36,594
35 Ratings (4.3)
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Cover Art by Les Byerley
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Simply fantastic, this series is truly amazing and I keep coming back for another each time another book in this series comes out. A great big YEA HAW! from this gal.
Barefoot Okie

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Story Excerpt


Britt was a very tall, muscular man. He stood at least six foot six, and his shoulders were the widest she had ever seen. He had sandy-blond hair and blue eyes. His eyelashes were so long they curled up at the ends. It was such a sinful waste for a man to have such beautiful lashes. He wasn’t classically handsome, but he was handsome in a rugged he-man sort of way. His muscles bunched and bulged as he moved, and she knew he would have no trouble picking her up if he wished to.

Daniel wasn’t as tall as his brother, but he was still a hell of a lot taller than her height of five foot seven. He had to be around six foot three, and he had black hair and green eyes. His face was less rugged but no less appealing. He was more classically handsome than his sibling. He had a solid, muscular build but was sleeker than Britt. She drew her eyes back up to Britt’s and saw his lips tilt up at the corners. She hoped he hadn’t seen how they affected her. Debbie sighed with relief as Leah walked out of the dressing room. She averted her face from the two brothers and stood up to take Leah’s purchases.

“Hi, Britt, Daniel, how are you?” Leah asked.

“We’re fine, Leah. How are you and the baby?” Daniel asked.

“We’re good. Oh hey, we’re having a barbecue tonight. Why don’t you come on out and share a meal with us? You, too, Debbie,” Leah asked, and Debbie saw the sly smile she slanted toward her.

“Thanks, Leah. That would be great. What time do you want us there?” Daniel asked.

“Seven would be perfect,” Leah replied.

“Okay. We’ll pick you up around six thirty, Debbie,” Daniel stated.

“Oh, but—”

“I’m looking forward to it, Leah. We’ll see you tonight,” Britt said, and he and Daniel left with a wave before Debbie could reply.

“I hate you,” Debbie said as she turned to glare at Leah.

“No you don’t. Come on, Deb. You know those two men get your motor revving. What harm can it do to come out to the ranch and share some food?” Leah asked.

“None,” Debbie replied reluctantly. “I’m just not sure I want to get involved with anyone, Leah. You were nearly killed because of me and I made a fool of myself over your husbands. I’m just not ready to start another relationship.”

“Who said you had to? Why not just have a fling with them? They’re good men, Debbie. They would never hurt you intentionally,” Leah stated.

“That’s what I’m worried about. Intentional or not, I just know I’ll end up getting hurt again. I’m not sure I want to put myself up for pain. I’ve been there before. I think it would be best if I just stayed home.”

“And what are you going to do? More work, I’ll bet. Come on, Debbie. Please come and have dinner with us, for me?”

“God, you’re such a bitch. You know I can’t refuse you when you use those puppy-dog eyes on me. All right. There. Are you satisfied? But don’t go trying to push me onto those two men. It won’t work out and I’m not willing to take the chance,” Debbie specified.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Leah replied.

Debbie finished ringing up Leah’s purchases and waved her friend good-bye. She just knew Leah was going to do her damnedest to get her with the two Delaney brothers. Well, she was made of sterner stuff than that. She wasn’t about to give in to her friend’s matchmaking.




Britt slid back and then pushed in again. He wanted to speed up and pound in and out of her until they both reached climax, but he wasn’t willing to do that in case he hurt her. Daniel moved to her side, and Britt picked her up in his arms until she straddled his hips. He held her still while he scooted to the middle of the bed, and then he lay down on his back. He held her hip with one hand and slid the other up to cup her breast and fondle her nipple. Her stormy gray eyes, glazed with passion, looked down at him from beneath heavy eyelids. Her lips were full and red from their kisses, and he could just imagine what that mouth would feel like wrapped around his dick.

He tugged her down to him until she laid on his chest, her nipples stabbing into his skin, and wrapped an arm around her waist as he cupped the back of her head with his free hand. He connected his mouth to hers and swept his tongue into her moist cavern and groaned as she responded. He knew what his brother was about to do, and he wanted to keep her distracted so she wouldn’t tense up again.

Britt felt her flinch and knew Daniel was rubbing lube into her ass. She pulled her mouth from his and gulped air into her lungs. He felt her tense, and she pulled into a half-sitting position. Even though he knew it had been inevitable that she would tighten up, he kept trying to distract her. He clasped her nipples between his finger and thumb, squeezing them hard enough to give her a bite of pain, yet not hard enough to hurt her.

“Easy, honey. Just breathe and relax for me. That’s it. Good girl,” Daniel crooned.

Britt felt Debbie’s pussy tighten and knew his brother was stretching her ass with his fingers. His cock jerked as her muscles clenched on his erection. He had to breathe with Deb so he could try and control his own desire. He wanted so badly to pump his hips in and out of her, hard and fast, until they both found release. And then he wanted to do it over and over again. She felt like hot liquid silk around his dick, and he never wanted to leave her body.

“I’m coming in now, Deb. Try and keep those muscles loose for me,” Daniel panted.

Britt heard Deb moan, and he released her nipples as she slumped down on him. He felt her lift her hips slightly so his brother would have better access to her anus. She was such a responsive little thing. Her breath was sobbing out, and she was trying to wriggle on his cock. He clasped the globes of her butt and held her still while Daniel worked his way slowly into her body. She was so tight with two cocks now embedded in her, and he was in danger of losing control.

He looked over her head and Daniel give him a nod, and then they both helped her to sit up between them. She mewled, and he groaned as his cock slid into her a little deeper. He could feel the head of his dick touching her cervix. He felt Daniel slide out of her ass and hold still for a moment, and then his brother pushed back in.

Britt pulled back until his hard flesh was resting just inside her pussy, and then he pushed all the way in again. He and Daniel set up a slow, easy pace of glide in and retreat, sliding their hard dicks in and out of both of her holes. He had never felt anything so exquisite. He knew in that moment that all the women before her were inconsequential. There were no words to describe the feeling of making love to the woman who had stolen his heart. It was just too special to even begin to try to describe.

He and Daniel thrust their hips alternately, making sure one of them was buried in her body as the other withdrew. Britt wanted to pick up the pace, but he didn’t want the pleasure he was giving and receiving to end too soon. The sounds their woman made as they loved her made the breath in his lungs catch. The sight of her aroused and being pleasured pierced his heart. He would do everything he could to make sure she was happy, content, and safe.

Britt pushed his hips up and felt his balls churning with the need for release. He looked at his brother and gave him a nod. Letting him know silently it was time to up the ante and make their woman climax before he did. He pulled out and thrust back into her a bit faster and harder than the previous times. His brother kept pace with him. They increased their rhythm of thrust and retreat until Debbie was keening in the back of her throat. Faster and faster his and Daniel’s flesh slapped into hers.

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