The Animal Magnetism Complete Collection (MM)

Animal Magnetism

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 79,878
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AVAILABLE: Thursday, April 3rd

[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Contemporary, Sci-Fi, MM, HEA]

Here, Kitty Kitty

Dr. Ambrose White is somewhat absent-minded. He has his head in the clouds researching his latest formula. He forgets meetings with his boss, the names of his interns, and basically anything that isn’t really important to him.

The one thing Ambrose never forgets is his beloved cat, Kitty. When Ambrose is asked to look at a formula for two researchers from another lab, he has no idea that it will bring danger to the one thing that means the most to him.

When a lab accident turns Kitty into a human, Ambrose has to decide if he can do the right thing and develop a formula to turn him back into a cat or if falling in love with the man Kitty has become more important than his research.

Bad Dog, No Biscuit

Adjusting to life as a human isn’t easy, especially considering Benny’s growing feelings for the man that rescued him from an evil scientist. Every instinct he has says Stefan is the man for him, but the handsome man runs, making Benny wonder if these overwhelming feelings are all on his side.

After years spent building an empire, Stefan White has finally found something that interests him more than work. He can’t stop thinking about Benny. One night, Stefan gives in to his desires, only to realize the next morning what a mistake he has made. Benny is too sweet and innocent for a man like him. So, Stefan leaves.

Feeling like a fool for loving someone that doesn’t love him in return, Benny leaves to make a life for himself, walking right into the hands of a man that might be more sadistic than the doctor that made him human. With nowhere to turn and no rescue in sight, Benny has to learn to trust himself if he has any hope of returning to the man that makes him want to sit up and beg for a treat.

Stormy Glenn is a Siren-exclusive author.

The Animal Magnetism Complete Collection (MM)
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The Animal Magnetism Complete Collection (MM)

Animal Magnetism

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 79,878
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Here, Kitty Kitty


Dr. Ambrose White scratched his head as he stared at the large dry erase board hung on the wall. That didn’t look right. If he increased the protein enzymes by a factor of six, it would… Ambrose’s shoulders slumped.

It would be mud.

In a fit of frustration, Ambrose threw his dry erase marker at the board. This was getting him nowhere. He had worked and reworked that formula so many times he was seeing it in his dreams.

It just wasn’t coming out right.

As a lifetime of small mutations in the genetic code built up, cells began to die. These deaths lead to such things as graying hair and weight changes, hearing and vision impairment, loss of muscle, and weakened bones.

Ambrose knew that the key to what happened in the older stages of aging was that as genetic mutations or DNA damage accumulated, critical cells began die. If he could just isolate the cells that repaired mitochondrial DNA and figure a way for them not to die out, then maybe he could find a cure for aging.

If his formula panned out, he could begin to think about pharmaceutical interventions to retard aging by preserving mitochondrial function. So many lives could be saved or extended. So many people could be helped.

He just had to get the formula to work.

“Dr. White, did you hear me?”

“Huh?” Ambrose swung around to stare at his assistant. He had forgotten that the intern was even there. He wished he wasn’t. Ambrose always worked better alone. He hated having people in the lab with him. “What did you say, Craig?”

The man’s jaw clenched. “My name is Carl.”

“Carl. Right. I knew that.” Ambrose started to turn back to his notes when the man snapped his fingers. Ambrose frowned at the disruption as he swung back around, glaring at the man that so rudely interrupted him. “What?”

“Your brother is on line three.”

“Take a message.”

The man’s dark face set in a viscous expression, his jaw clenching. “I’ve already taken a message, Dr. White, three times. Your brother threatened to fire me if I didn’t get you on the phone this time.”

“Oh.” Ambrose twisted his lips together as he lifted books and papers out of the way, searching around his desk for the phone. Maybe he needed to straighten up a little. His lab was kind of a mess. “Carter, do you see—”

“Carl,” the man snarled as he held the phone out. “My name is Carl.”

“Carl, right. I knew that.” Ambrose blinked at the man as he took the phone, wondering why the intern was so damn upset. It wasn’t like Charles had some formula that wasn’t working out. Ambrose wasn’t exactly sure what the man did in the lab other than bother him and apparently answer the phone. Ambrose turned his back on Chris and said, “Hello?”

“Ambrose, did you forget our lunch meeting?”

“Lunch?” He had a lunch meeting with his brother? Ambrose glanced over at the calendar on the wall near the door. His brother had insisted that he put one up with big bold letters so he could read it from anywhere in the lab.


He did have a lunch meeting with his brother—twenty minutes ago. Ambrose’s stomach clenched with dread. Stefan was going to be upset with him. “I’m sorry, Stefan. I got carried away on this formula and—”

“Ambrose, just get here.”

Ambrose winced at the resignation in his brother’s voice. He hated to ask, especially when his brother as upset but…“Here?”

Stefan sighed. “Upstairs in the conference room, Ambrose. I’m having lunch catered.”

“Oh. Okay.” Upstairs was good. He could go grab a bite with his brother then come right back down to his lab. Maybe he could just grab something and come back. That would be even better. He could get back to his formula. “I’ll be right up.”

“Take off the lab coat, Ambrose.”

“Lab coat?” Ambrose glanced down at the white coat he wore. “Right. I knew that.”

“Just hurry up. We’ve been waiting long enough, Ambrose.”

Ambrose stared at the phone after his stepbrother hung up. We who? He quickly glanced at the calendar board once more. Nope, it just said that he had lunch date with Stefan. No one else was mentioned.

“Caleb, have you seen my—”

“Carl!” Ambrose reared back when the dark-haired man began ranting and raving, waving his hands in the air like a madman. “My name is Carl, damn it. Carl!” he shouted as he stomped his foot against the white tile floor.

“Right.” Ambrose edged back from the crazy man as he nodded. “I knew that.”

“Then why won’t you fucking say it?” the man shouted as he turned on Ambrose, moving closer, one menacing step at a time. “You never use my name. Never. I’m always Craig or Cecil or some other stupid name beginning with a C. I’m never just Carl.”

Ambrose blinked. “Do you want to be Just Carl?

Carl’s brown eyes seemed to bulge out of their eye sockets for a moment then glazed over as if the man had mentally left the building. Ambrose was pretty sure that wasn’t a good thing. He glanced toward the door out of the corner of his eye, wondering if he had enough time to get there before Chester reached him.

It wasn’t looking good.




He ached.

Kitty popped his eyes open and gingerly glanced around, trying to figure out why he felt so hot and achy. His entire body felt like it was one big oversensitive ball of fire. And it was coming from the body stretched out beside him.

Kitty rolled so that he could get a better look at Ambrose, realizing the man must have come to bed recently as he hadn’t been there when Kitty fell asleep. Ambrose was so close Kitty could feel that intense heat rolling off the bigger man.

He bit his lip to stifle the outcry of delight. The temperature of Ambrose’s solid body was like a furnace, and that heat went straight to Kitty’s groin. Kitty stared intently at Ambrose and wet his lips. Erotic flames of desire and pleasure engulfed him. His dick stiffened in his pants, just like it always did when he thought of his human.

Kitty’s hungry gaze roved and lazily appraised Ambrose, moving over his body slowly, from his chest to his front tail. His fingers ached to reach over and touch Ambrose. He wondered what it would be like to run his fingers over the man’s golden skin, to wrap his arms around Ambrose as he kissed him, hard and deep.

There was a tingling in the pit of his stomach, an ache. A sense of urgency drove Kitty, urging him to take what he so desperately wanted. Carefully, gently, and definitely slowly, Kitty slid under the covers, crawling over Ambrose’s leg to settle between his thighs.

He had spent enough time watching Ambrose and other humans to know exactly what would make the man feel good. He just hoped that Ambrose wanted Kitty to bring him that type of pleasure. The pornography he watched on his laptop said he liked humans of the same gender.

At least Kitty had that going for him. He had looked. He had the same physical equipment that Ambrose did, just not quite as much of it. Ambrose seemed to be longer and thicker. From what the tomcat down the street had told Kitty, that was supposed to be important. Kitty didn’t care beyond the fact that Ambrose had a beautiful cock.

Kitty licked his lips then grabbed the base of the man’s cock. He massaged his fingers over the bulbous head, smoothing the pre-cum at the same time. His thumbnail pressed into the tiny slit at the top of the head and he heard a low moan rumble in Ambrose’s chest.

The scent of man’s arousal filled Kitty’s lungs, making his mouth water for just one taste. A clear bead of liquid oozed from Ambrose’s straining erection, and Kitty quickly leaned forward and licked it off with the tip of his tongue before it disappeared.

The addictive flavor burst across his tongue, and he wanted more.

Kitty wrapped his lips around just the head and waited for Ambrose to scream like he had seen the men in the videos do.


Kitty lifted his head after several moments and frowned down at the cock in his hand. Maybe he wasn’t doing it right. He leaned down and wrapped his lips around Ambrose’s thick cock again, pushed Ambrose’s cock to the back of his throat as far as he could, letting his muscles relax.

Reflex made him swallow. The taste of pre-cum exploded on his tongue as Ambrose’s cock jerked in his mouth, pulsing. Kitty sucked gently as he moved his mouth back to lavish the sensitive head with his tongue, dipping into the slit again and again.

Kitty pumped Ambrose’s cock with his hand as he sucked. His tongue swirled around the spongy head then licked at the bundle of nerves underneath, the other hand grabbing Ambrose’s balls as he had seen men do in the videos, gently massaging them with his fingers.

He heard a swift intake of air and felt the tensing of the muscles beneath his palms, and he knew Ambrose had woken up. “Kitty,” Ambrose groaned, his fingers fisted in Kitty’s hair, but he didn’t protest what was going on or move away.

He didn’t even order Kitty from the bed.

Encouraged by the sexy scientist’s response, Kitty began to suck, his tongue tracing each side of the man’s thickly veined cock. Kitty’s cheeks hollowed as he moved Ambrose’s thick erection further into his mouth, bobbing his head up and down.

Using his tongue to press against the sides, Kitty sank down on Ambrose’s thick shaft before moving back up. He slowly repeated the move over and over, until Ambrose’s hips started moving, thrusting up and driving his cock into Kitty’s mouth.

Kitty licked and sucked with genuine enjoyment, making the sloppiest sounds imaginable. Above him, Ambrose whimpered and shuddered, and Kitty loved every second of it. His own cock bobbed between his legs, aching with delicious need.

Another groan rumbled through Ambrose right before his hips thrust forward, driving his cock deep into Kitty’s mouth. Ambrose’s fingers tightened in Kitty’s hair, his hips pumping faster. The pre-cum was leaking like a river from the head, and Kitty knew the scientist was close. Ambrose’s moans were becoming more frequent, his body was trembling.

Kitty thrust his head down, taking Ambrose’s cock as far as he could into his mouth. Ambrose shouted as he came, flooding Kitty’s mouth and throat with hot tangy liquid. Kitty swallowed greedily, savoring the salty taste of the seed filling his mouth in great spurts until Ambrose melted into the mattress.

Kitty let the man’s softening cock slip from his mouth and laid his head on Ambrose’s thigh. He wanted to climb Ambrose’s gorgeous body and demand more, but he wasn’t sure if he should. He wasn’t even sure if he should have done what he just did, but it had felt right.


Bad Dog, No Biscuit


Stefan White’s chest heaved with exhaustion as he undid his bowtie, leaving the ends dangling around his neck, and then unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt. He removed the gold cufflinks at his wrists then folded his sleeves back one at a time.

The only thing that could make this night any better was a really big glass of very old scotch. Stefan settled for a small glass. As much as he would have preferred something bigger, the loss of control from drinking too much wasn’t something he was willing to allow.

He would permit himself two small glasses, however. His night had sucked from the moment he walked into the black tie cocktail party he had been honor bound to attend. It had sunk through the floor by the time he walked out. Why people felt the need to throw every eligible woman within a hundred miles at him he would never know. Some of them weren’t even that eligible. Being single was not a disease. Despite his age, his internal clock was not ticking away.

And he was damn tired of fighting women off when he liked men.

Stefan poured two fingers of his best scotch, the stuff he only used on the rarest of occasions, and then tossed it back. He coughed, smacking his chest with his other hand.

Damn shit burned all of the way down.

A small smirk curved one side of Stefan’s mouth as he poured himself another glass. The scotch burned like hell, but it was a hell he was willing to endure. It was better than letting loose with his temper and punching a wall—something he had felt like doing a lot lately.

“Why do you drink that stuff if you hate it so much?”

Stefan stiffened.

And that right there would be why he felt the need to punch something, or have another drink. Benny was the one man he wanted and couldn’t have.

Stefan finished pouring himself another scotch, adding just a bit more than normal, and then put the top back on the decanter. He picked up his glass and walked over to his desk as if there wasn’t a breathtakingly beautiful man standing in his doorway.

Maybe if he ignored him long enough, Benny would go away.

“I tasted that stuff and it’s horrible.”

And maybe not.

Stefan lifted the lid of the small humidor he kept on the sideboard behind his desk and grabbed one of his cigars—Cuban, of course. Stefan liked to think they were rolled on the tight abdominal muscles of really hot guys rather than the thighs of virgins as the rumors reported.

He snipped the end and lit it up, and then grabbed his glass again and walked over to gaze out the long floor-to-ceiling window that went the length of one wall of his office. Buildings could be seen off in the distance, a soft hue brightening the horizon from the thousands of lights still on in skyscrapers across the city.

“Why do you pretend I’m not here?”

Stefan’s eyes slid closed. Benny was right behind him. He could feel the heat of the man’s body. The same frustration Stefan had been trying to master for the last three months exploded in a long, deep groan.

“I’m not trying to pretend you’re not here, Benny.” Not all of the time, anyway. “I’m just tired and not in the mood for company. I’ve had a very long day.”

“It doesn’t look like your night is going any better.”

Stefan chuckled as he opened his eyes and glanced to the side, knowing Benny would be there. Benny was always there. He had been tracking Stefan’s every move since the second the man came home with Kitty. It had to be the canine in him.

“Is it true that animals understand human speech?”

Benny nodded as he turned to stare out the window. “Yeah, it’s true. We understand a lot more than humans think. It doesn’t always make it easier knowing what you all are saying, though. Humans are just plain crazy.”

“I can’t say I disagree with you there.” It had only been three months since Stefan’s brother, Dr. Ambrose White, had an accident in his lab that turned his house cat into a human. Through a calamity of errors and disbelief, plus the insanity of a couple of research scientists, two other men had soon joined Kitty in human form.

Benny the beagle and Bugsy the bunny. Stefan still shook his head every time he thought about the names Kitty had given his two new friends.

Bugsy tended to stay to his room or the arboretum built on the side of the large mansion Stefan had purchased with his brother. Benny seemed to be underfoot every time Stefan was home.

Like now…

Stefan clenched his hands as he shot the other man a cold look. “Benny, shouldn’t you be in bed or something?”


Benny shrugged. “I slept earlier.”

“You know humans sleep a little differently than dogs do, right?”

“Duh,” Benny snorted.

“Don’t you have a car to go chase or something?”

Benny’s head tilted. “Why are you so afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid of you!” Stefan’s nostrils flared as a little voice in his head called him a liar. He turned back to the window, wishing Benny would go back to wherever he came from…or bend over the desk. Either would do, but Stefan knew which one he was hoping for.

Benny had been driving him crazy since the moment he had arrived. Stefan tried to remind himself that the gorgeous man that stood beside him used to be a beagle, but his libido just wouldn’t accept it. He wanted Benny with a deep need that made him ache.

He just couldn’t have Benny, and he knew it. He had seen too much in his life, done too much. He was jaded and that was not what the handsome beagle needed in his life.

“I’m not afraid of you, Benny, I just—”

“Good,” Benny said, “because I’ve decided I want you to be my human.”




“What is so bad about you being my human?” Benny whispered.

Benny’s hand slid up Stefan’s back, setting Stefan’s blood on fire. He ground his teeth, telling himself not to give in to the temptation. Putting some distance between them, Stefan turned and his jaw dropped.

Benny was standing there in the middle of his room, naked. How the hell had the guy gotten undressed so quickly? More to the point, why in the hell did he have to look so damn gorgeous? Regardless of his resolve that he wasn’t going to entertain the idea of being with Benny, Stefan’s cock became ramrod straight, pressing painfully into his zipper.

“Don’t you want me, Stefan?” Benny asked, palming his erection. Stefan knew that Benny wasn’t worldly, that he was too innocent in all of this. The man was fumbling with his cock like he didn’t know what to do with it. Stefan had plenty of ideas—No, he wasn’t going to go there.

Benny began to walk seductively toward Stefan, his slim hips rocking from side to side. Stefan’s mouth went dry as his pulse sped up. He didn’t want to corrupt Benny, but Stefan was only human. A man could only take so much temptation.

“Please, Stefan.” Benny’s lower lip slid forward, and Stefan had an image of what those lush lips could do. His cock jerked at the thought of Benny sucking his dick.

“Benny,” Stefan said in warning, but his words lacked any real heat. He wanted to send the man away. Oh, how he wanted to. But his cock had a mind of its own.

When Benny moved into Stefan’s space, rubbing his erection against Stefan’s hip, all bets were off. Stefan wrapped his hand around the back of Benny’s neck, grabbing a large handful of hair and pulling the man’s head back until it tilted up to his.

He traced the soft fullness of Benny’s lips with his tongue. His lips feather-touched Benny’s with tantalizing persuasion until the man opened for him, and then Stefan’s tongue dived in and explored.

An anxious whine fell from Benny’s lips, and Stefan ate it up as his cock pulsed at the sound. God, he’d never had a lover who felt so right in his arms. He had never felt this level of want or need.

His body was aching for Benny’s.

As he kissed Benny, Stefan stroked his fingers over his back, feeling the gentle fire growing between them. It grew until he felt the flames of desire sweep through his body, setting him on fire.

“Spread your legs, baby.”

Benny complied, his knees falling apart. Stefan could see goose bumps race up Benny’s body as he caressed the man, his hands skimming up Benny’s thighs then down between his legs, fondling Benny’s sac.

Stefan’s hand pushed downward, wrapping around Benny’s cock. He could feel the clear liquid spilling onto his hand as he stared down into Benny’s pretty face. He felt Benny shudder in his arms, a long, low groan falling from the man’s lips.

“I want to taste you.” Stefan lifted Benny up into his arms before kneeling and laying Benny gently on the carpet. He leaned back on his knees, in awe of the beauty lying open before him, for his feast. “You’re the most breathtaking creature I have ever laid eyes on.”

Benny blushed, and Stefan’s heart clenched at the display of emotion. Benny was gorgeous and wasn’t even aware of it. That only added to his charm. Benny’s body was trembling as he spread his legs wider for Stefan.

Stefan’s hands skated down Benny’s sides, cupping his hips as he lowered himself to nestle between his lover’s thighs. He felt gooseflesh once again under his palms. This was exquisite torture, to have an effect on someone like this.

Stefan stole a glance up to see Benny watching him. Keeping his eyes locked onto Benny’s, Stefan flicked his tongue out, licking the moisture from the tip of the throbbing cock at his mouth.

The taste exploded across his tongue.

Stefan would never get enough of Benny, never. He wanted to taste Benny’s seed surging down his throat. Stefan parted his lips, allowing the head to enter, and then he sucked and twirled with his tongue, enjoying the spongy head pressed against the roof of his mouth.

Benny bucked, grabbing handfuls of Stefan’s hair in his hands. “Suck it, Stefan. Please,” Benny hissed between clenched teeth.

Stefan worked Benny’s cock in his mouth, feeling as though he were one exposed, raw nerve. His cock was beating out a rhythm of pure ecstasy, and Stefan wanted more, so much more.

Stefan hollowed his cheeks, creating suction with his lips as he took Benny’s cock to the back of his throat. He hummed as he reached down, cupping his lover’s balls, rolling them in his hand.

Benny whimpered and lifted himself up against Stefan. Stefan had to throw his left arm over Benny’s hips to stop the man from withering all over the damn place. He smiled to himself as Benny went wild under him.

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