The Wolfen Complete Collection (MFM)

The Wolfen

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 60,616
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AVAILABLE: Thursday, October 17th

[Siren Menage Everlasting: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Menage a Trois, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires, Werewolves, MFM, HEA]

The Alphas Claim Their Mate

Kay is serving a sentence as a madam looking for a way out. Shade and Cain are wolfen who see her as their mate. How can she trust them when they are keeping something from her, and what is the use in trying when she’s tied to her job until she’s paid her father’s debt?

Cain and Shade see only their mate and don’t care what she’s doing for a living. They risk everything to get her to trust them to handle her problem. The fact that they are shifters in a world that doesn’t know about them makes their revelation dangerous but worth the risk to have her as their mate.

Can Kay trust them? They’ve agreed to help her take care of her ladies, and say that they can get her out of the mess she’s in, but they're wolfen. Creatures that can shift into wolves at will.   Which is better: being eaten by the wolfen or working as a madam for a mob boss?

It Takes Two to Heal

Jeanie’s attraction to both Dax and Erik is exhilarating but puzzling. Do they hold the key to her recovery from her past?

Leading a life on the dark side of the law has colored the way Jeanie sees herself. Now, with a new chance at life, can she build a new future with Dax and Erik?

Both men know that Jeanie is their mate and the only woman for them. They can forgive her past but can they help her heal what she’d been forced to do so that she will accept them as her future?

The two men will do anything it takes to get her to move on with a new life with them. They make it their goal to court her like the woman she is and fight the mating call in order to give her time. Unfortunately, time isn’t on their side.

The Wolfen Complete Collection (MFM)
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The Wolfen Complete Collection (MFM)

The Wolfen

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 60,616
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

The Alphas Claim Their Mate


“What did he do, hon? Tell me what I can do to help you,” she said.

Jeanie stared down at the floor when she spoke. “I—I think I’m going crazy.” She looked up again. “H—he started changing or something. His eyes t—turned yellow and his hands got hairy with long c—claws.”

“Oh, Jeanie. Did he drug you? Did you drink anything while you were with him?” Kay asked, smoothing down the frightened woman’s hair.

“No. I never drink or eat when I’m with a client. Not unless it’s one of my regulars. I’ve never seen this one before.” Jeanie looked up at Kay. “Am I crazy?”

“No. You’re not crazy. I’m going to have you taken to the hospital to get the cuts on you checked out. The one on your foot must be pretty deep. It’s bled through the towel they wrapped around it.” Kay stood up and kissed the top of Jeanie’s head. “Don’t say anything to anyone about what you saw, hon. They’ll automatically think you’ve been drugging it up. Especially considering where you work. I don’t want them harassing you.”

“D—don’t worry. I don’t want to end up in the psych ward.” She looked up at Kay again. “You won’t let him come back, will you?”

“No, Jeanie. He’s not allowed in here again. I’m going to send one of the security team with you and find one of the other ladies to go with you. If you’re not back by the time I get things cleaned up here, I’ll come see about you. Okay?” Kay prayed the woman’s injuries weren’t serious enough she would need to stay overnight. She was safer there at the club. Kay didn’t want her to go home yet either.

“I need to see the owner or the manager immediately,” a deep voice was saying when she walked out into the hall again.

“Sir. I’ll get the manager, but could you please remain up here? Please, sir.” Mike sounded really spooked. That didn’t bode well.

Kay hurried to the front to find Mike standing in front of two amazingly handsome men who were even larger than the biggest men on her security team. One had shaggy black hair that hung loosely just grazing his shoulders. His dark eyes followed her as she walked toward them. The other one had thick bright, fiery red hair that curled in spirals just a few inches longer than the first guy’s. His light blue eyes could easily be described as icy cold except for the spark of fire that flickered there.

She realized she’d been staring at them for a few seconds when it registered that Mike had his head bowed and looked defeated. Who were they? What power did they wield that would cow her best security man? She narrowed her eyes. Something wasn’t right. Even as she thought this, Kay could feel the heat and weight of their stares. Places in her body she’d never allowed free began to burn as well. Why were they having this effect on her? She didn’t react to men’s stares or their attentions.

“What can I do for you gentlemen? I’m afraid we are closed for the rest of the evening,” she told them. “I’d offer you a drink, but the bar is closed as well. Maybe you’d like to return tomorrow night?”

“We are here to see the manager and pick up our employee. I understand he’s made something of a nuisance of himself,” the redheaded Adonis said.

“I’m Kay McKennie, the manager of Creature Comforts. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr.…?” She held out one hand and waited for one of the two men to clasp it.

Finally, the one who’d spoken smiled and took her hand. Instead of shaking it though, he bent over and, after taking a quick sniff at her wrist, hesitated before turning it over and kissing the back of her hand.

“My name is Cain, and this is my business partner, Shade. It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Kay McKennie.”

Shade, the dark one, stared hard at her before holding out his hand as well. She wasn’t expecting the same treatment as his partner, but Shade followed the same process of first sniffing at her wrist then turning her hand over and kissing the back of it. Both men stepped back, but with them, it didn’t look like a retreat, more like a preparation for a fight.

“It’s good to meet you both. If you will give me just a second to take care of something, I’ll be glad to discuss your employee’s little indiscretion.” Kay took Mike’s elbow and led him a few feet away to whisper what she wanted him to do with Jeanie and who she wanted to accompany the traumatized woman.

Once she’d accomplished that, Kay watched Mike step away with one hand to his ear as he talked to one of his men to give him instructions. Kay ignored the rest of what was going on and returned to the two men waiting somewhat impatiently where she’d left them.

“Okay. Let’s go to my office where we can talk,” she began.

“There’s no need to talk. We’re just here to pick Timothy up,” Shade told her.

His raspy voice thrilled down her spine and centered at her clit where she moistened to the point she was sure she’d need new panties. Even as she grew wet, her clit began to throb. What in the hell was up with that? A man couldn’t just look at her or say something innocent that made her panties wet. She shook her head slightly.

“What?” Kay couldn’t remember what they’d been saying.

Shade said, “We just want to take Timothy off your hands. Then we’ll leave.”

I don’t want them to leave.




This time when she ended up on the massive bed, Kay wasn’t out of her head with the mating heat. But the second the two men crawled up from the foot of the bed to lie next to her, she began to heat up all over again. They were gorgeous. She ran her hands over their hips, stroking her fingers down their muscular thighs before reaching between their legs to wrap her fingers around their hard, thick cocks.

“Fuck, that feels good, Kay. Squeeze me tighter,” Shade demanded.

“Yeah, just like that.” Cain hissed out.

She pumped their shafts with long strokes, making sure to run the palm of her hand over the flared cockheads before tightening her grip to squeeze down again. It felt like holding a hard piece of steel covered in a velvet glove.

“Hell, stop, Kay. That feels too fucking good. I need to be inside of you. Will you let us in?” Shade asked.

“Yes.” She didn’t have to think for one second. She wanted them.

Both men moved too fast for her to see, covering her with their bodies while they each claimed a nipple with their hot mouths. All Kay could do was moan and take the pleasure they were giving her. Someone had a finger exploring her pussy. The tip tapped her clit then circled it before sliding down toward her slit.

The combined sensations of breast and pussy had her cunt clenching while she dripped with arousal. Foreplay had never been like this before. Her entire body was on fire and felt connected to her clit and nipples. Every cell vibrated with the need to be filled.

“Please! Don’t tease me. I need you.” She didn’t know who she was talking to, but as long as one of them answered by giving her some kind of relief, Kay didn’t care.

Cain growled with his teeth rasping over her breast. The vibrations tickled until he bit down a little harder, then they aroused. When he released her breast, Kay nearly sighed at the loss of his touch. It wasn’t long until he’d latched on to something a little lower, her clit.

“Yes! Oh, God, Cain. So good!” She was pretty sure she’d screamed when he first sucked it into his mouth and rested his pointy teeth on the little nub.

“Easy, Kay. We don’t want to hurt you, princess. We’ve got to make you ready for us,” Shade said.

The next thing she knew, Kay was turned to her belly with Cain still under her, giving her clit and pussy a thorough exploration. She felt odd laying there with her ass in the air while Cain sucked on her juices. Then her mind seized as Shade rubbed a greasy finger over her back entrance.

“Easy, Kay.” He pressed inward then out again. More of the lube dripped onto her ass. “I’m going to loosen your ass some so we don’t hurt you.”

Shade massaged the lube into her little hole then slowly pressed his finger into her until he was finally able to move the digit in and out of her ass. She relaxed when she realized there was no pain with the intrusion. More lube and a second finger joined the first. The burning started as he stretched her even more.

“Are you okay, Kay?” Cain asked, making her realize that the other man had stopped tormenting her pussy.

“It burns, but it’s okay,” she told him.

“I’ll help take your mind off of the discomfort then,” he said with a soft chuckle.

The next thing she knew, Cain was sucking on her clit with one finger stroking her pussy while Shade pumped two fingers in and out of her ass. The dual sensations had her ears ringing as she struggled to keep from hyperventilating.

“Oh, God! I’m so close. How can I come just from this?” Kay gasped as they both twisted their fingers inside of her.

“Take it, darling. Fly for us,” Shade told her.

The next thing she knew, Kay was doing just that. Her body seemed to explode from the inside out as waves of pleasure and something so close to pain she wasn’t sure what it was rolled over her. It seemed to go on and on as she floated on thin air.

The next thing she knew, Cain had turned around beneath her and had her straddling his hips while he lay on his back. His big hands held her in place until she managed to pull off of him and take his thick dick deep into her pussy. She was so wet from her orgasm and his earlier attentions that she slid right down over his shaft, taking all of him inside of her.

“Holy hell!” Cain gasped with a growly edge to his voice. “She’s hotter than a gas fire. It feels like she’s scorching my dick, Shade.”

“Hold her down while I finish getting her ready. I can’t wait to feel her ass around mine,” Shade told him.

“Hurry, Shade. Please. I need you!” Kay demanded.

Kay had an itch inside of her that just wouldn’t go away. She squirmed on top of Cain in hopes of finding it with his huge cock, but no such luck. Maybe when Shade worked his shaft inside her ass, he’d find it. One way or the other, someone had to find it or she was going to die with need.

Pressure at her anus let her know that Shade was finally working his dick at her back door. She expected it to be bigger than his fingers were, but hadn’t been prepared for just how much bigger his prick really was.

“Ohh,” she moaned before she could stop it from coming out.

Shade froze. “Kay? Are you okay? Do I need to stop?” he asked.

“No. Just give me a second.” She prayed she could relax again, so it wouldn’t be so painful. She really wanted this. Maybe she should ask him for more lube.

Almost the instant she thought it, several drops of cold lube plopped down near her back hole. Shade rubbed it in then began pressing forward with his shaft once more. This time, it slipped through the resistant ring a little easier then pushed past the second ring of muscle to finally fill her ass to capacity.

“Yes!” she hissed out.


It Takes Two to Heal


“A bar? Really?” Jeanie couldn’t believe it. They weren’t going to be bedding men anymore to make their living. They were going to have a real, respectable job.

“A bar. I’m going to keep the name, Creature Comforts because it still fits,” Kay told the women gathered in the club’s front room. “It’s going to take some hard work to get it set up, but my ma–, um my husbands are having some of their employees do the hard part and the carpentry for us.”

“And we’re not going to do anything except wait tables and tend bar?” Andrea asked.

“That’s basically it. I’m toying with the idea of some type of entertainment, like maybe bring in a band on weekends and maybe some dance contests or an electronic bull. All of that’s still up in the air though. First we have to get the building ready,” Kay said.

Jeanie’s heart nearly raced out of her chest at the thought of a real job and maybe one day find someone who wouldn’t look down on her for her previous profession. Maybe… She needed to get rid of the nightmares first.

I’m not crazy. I know what I saw and Kay says that just because it seems impossible doesn’t mean it is. Hell. I’m going from being a whore to a barmaid. That’s progress and I never would have thought it would be possible a month ago.

She tried to block what were horrible nightmares from her mind as she listened to Kay talk about liquor licenses and bartending. She’d done some bartending during the year she’d been able to spend at college before her mom got sick. Maybe Kay would let her do that. It would be nice not to have men pawing at her while she waited tables.

“I’ve done some bartending at college,” she said. “I’ll go ahead and brush up on my drinks.”

“That’s great. The good thing is all we’re going to serve is beer, whiskey, Tequila, and gin. We’re not going to do any specialty drinks except on special occasions when we’ll create one or two for holidays or something,” Kay told her. “Keeps things simple and easier to handle.”

Jeanie smiled. That would be great. Women tended to order all sorts of things that they’d heard or read about somewhere. Keeping up with the “in” drink of the month would have been a nightmare.

“So, who would like to work on setting all of this up and then working at the bar once it opens?” kay asked.

Everyone in the room raised their hand. Hell, Jeanie raised both of hers. If they had enough spots open her kid sister might be able to get a job there as well. She was twenty-one, so she would be old enough to be legal. Looking around, she realized that of the eleven women who’d worked there while it had been a brothel, only nine had shown up for the meeting. That didn’t mean that the other two weren’t interested, though. She’d just have to wait and see who was left when they got finished with getting the place ready for business.

As Kay talked with some of the other women, she walked over to the plans of what they wanted to do to the place. As she studied them, a shadow fell over the papers. Jeanie looked up to find Dax, the head security guy that Kay had hired just before everything changed. One day Kay had come in and announced she was married to not one but two wealthy men and the next thing she knew, she was closing the place down and promising to set something else up so everyone would still have a job. They were all given a very generous severance pay that would take care of her bills for at least the next four months. When she’d gone to pay extra on the hospital and pharmacy bills for her mom’s cancer treatments, most of them had been paid off.

I still need to talk to Kay about that. I won’t accept charity from anyone, not even her—especially her. She’s already done more for me then she could afford to when she was trapped like the rest of us.

Jeanie was ashamed of what she’d had to do, but one thing her mom had taught her after their dad died was that survival was for the strong who weren’t afraid to do whatever it took. That’s what she’d done and Jeanie wasn’t about to apologize to anyone over it.

“What do you think?” Dax asked her.

His dark brown hair was pulled back today like it had always been when she’d seen him before. She loved how his hazel eyes contrasted with the hint of Native American that leaked through now and again. It was the straight nose and long face paired with his smooth tan skin that told her he had some of their blood in him.

“It looks like it’s going to be a lot of work to get it ready by July. That’s right at three months away.” She watched the way he smiled as if he knew a secret. Maybe he did.

“It will get done. Are you planning to stick around and help?” he asked stepping closer to her.

“Um, yeah. I want a job as a bartender. I’m hoping Kay will let me do that,” she admitted.

“I’m sure she will if that’s what you would like to do. Have you asked her yet?” Dax walked around the table where the plans lay spread out across the smooth surface.

It put him much closer to her. One thing she’d started worrying about was when she met a man and he showed an interest in her was how she would know if he was interested in her as a woman to date or only screwing around to get a free roll in the sack because of her profession. Something about this man said he’d let her know right up front how he felt about her.




“Please. I can’t stand it. I need you,” she finally gasped out.

“We’ll take care of you, Jeanie. Wait a little longer. It’ll be so good when you finally come.” Erik’s entire face was wet from her juices.

He grinned up at her then sucked in her pussy lips before stabbing her aching pussy with his tongue. She swore she felt it deep inside of her, but she needed something more substantial there. As if reading her mind, Erik used one of his fingers to enter her needy pussy. It felt so good. He licked over her clit and she nearly screamed. He pushed his finger in and out of her cunt while circling her clit with the tip of his tongue.

Dax continued to suck and pluck at her nipples until she was a squirming mess on the bed, wanting more and worrying that it would all be too much.

“Please, Dax. Please, Erik. I need to come. Don’t make me wait.”

She watched as they smiled at each other then she couldn’t think of anything but what they were doing to her. Dax twisted her nipple as he bit down on the other one while Erik sucked hard on her clit and used two fingers in her pussy, pumping as she flew apart between them. She was sure their neighbors would hear her scream. At the moment, she didn’t care. All she could focus on was the massive orgasm that exploded through her body. Her blood burned with it, her pelvis quivered with it. She’d never felt anything like it in her life.

Before she’d even come down from the staggering high, Erik and Dax were undressing at a speed she thought was almost dizzying. Then Erik was between her legs once more grasping his cock in one hand and spreading her legs once again with the other. She was sated from her climax, but couldn’t wait for him to enter her. She reached out to Dax and fisted his dick in her hand. His moan said it all. He liked having her hand on his shaft.

“I bet you’re going to squeeze my cock tighter than a vice, honey. I can’t wait to get inside of you.” Erik nudged her pussy with the blunt head of his shaft until he finally began to enter her.

“Oh, fuck. She is tight. Wait until you get inside of her, Dax. She’ll burn you alive. Hot and wet and squeezing me as hard as a tight fist.” Erik pulled back then surged forward.

Jeanie gasped at the sensation of him filling her. She fought to stretch around him as he tunneled in and out of her wet pussy. It was too much yet not enough at the same time. She thrashed her head back and forth trying to adjust to the invasion of her body.

“Are you okay, honey? Is Erik hurting you?” Dax seemed overly concerned.

“No, I’m not okay, I’m burning up but he’s not hurting me. Oh, God it feels so good.”

“Good. I need my cock in your mouth. Can you suck it for me? Make me feel good?”

Jeanie licked her lips and pulled him closer to her so she could lick at his cockhead. His groan urged her on as she sucked the bulbous head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. Then she sucked hard on just the tip before sliding the tip of her tongue over the slit. His taste exploded over her tongue. A slightly salty taste with a hint of bitterness. She sucked him in deeper then came nearly off of him only to sink down again.

“Holy fuck, Jeanie. That’s so good. Just like that.” Dax threw his head back with a low guttural growl.

Jeanie knew that growl from earlier, but wasn’t the least bit worried as she drew closer to yet another climax as Erik pumped in and out of her. Nothing could have pulled her from the amazing feeling of having two men making love to her.

Her climax hit her before she was ready. It tore through her much like the first one had but felt deeper, more substantial. She had to back off of Dax’s cock so she didn’t bite him by accident as she screamed. She panted as Dax jerked at his cock. When she took him back in her mouth, he came, filling her mouth as she swallowed around him. He’d just pulled out of her when Erik roared out his release, pounding into her two more times before holding himself still deep inside of her.

Jeanie had never felt so loved and so complete as she did in that moment. Her body was sated and her only thoughts were of how good the two men had made her feel. All thoughts of having only known them a short while disappeared. They were keepers. They were hers.

Then she looked up at Erik and saw his eyes. They glowed an amber color that she’d seen on one other man. The one who’d attacked her before. The one she swore started to change into something that fateful night all those weeks ago. She did the only thing she could in that moment. She screamed.

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