Two Doms for Vicki (MFM)

Pleasure, Montana 9

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 62,264
11 Ratings (4.3)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Consensual BDSM Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, spanking, sex toys, HEA]

Two years ago, when Vicki Hollister nursed war-wounded Clint and Sanford Mansfield back to health, they fell in love—or so Vicki thought. For her own good, they ended the relationship when they returned to duty. Their decision devastated her. Now they’re back and want her, but can she trust them with her fragile heart?

When Sanford hires her to run his mayoral campaign, their passion burns and desire reignites. The problem is, Vicki is the poster child for vanilla sex, and the totally buff brothers are Doms. She’s gained a lot of weight since their departure, and she fears they’ll not be attracted to her anymore.

All goes well until the men misstep, and Vicki believes she can never be their perfect sub.

Clint and Sanford will do anything to win back her love, even throw away their cuffs and blindfolds, but will it be enough?

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

A Siren Erotic Romance


Melody Snow Monroe is a Siren-exclusive author.

Two Doms for Vicki (MFM)
11 Ratings (4.3)

Two Doms for Vicki (MFM)

Pleasure, Montana 9

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 62,264
11 Ratings (4.3)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Les Byerley
I loved these 3 together... so loving patience caring and so hot!!!!! This just keeps getting better and better. Loved it!!!!!!!!
donna b buccella
I have been waiting patiently for Vicki's story. Melody has teased us all from the beginning with Clint and Sanford story as they left Vicki behind to head off into the military. Vivki was left to pick up the broken pieces of her heart until they finally came home to claim what was theirs from the beginning. Now that they are back, Clint and Sanford are going to make things right between them all. I loved this story and couldn't put this down. As always, I love to read Melody's books and can't wait to read the next one in her pleasure series.
Erika Reed
Professional Reviews

4 STARS: "It’s hard enough to obey one Dom so when two come along things are gonna be fun! Vicki has history with her two Doms, Clint and Sanford. A couple of years ago when she nursed them back to health they stole her heart only to return to war and leave her a broken shell of a person. So you can imagine her surprise when they return in a whirlwind of energy and passion, Sanford running for mayor and Clint supporting him, and declare that they want her, no matter what. Vicki is a vanilla girl, but she’s prepared to give being submissive a go if it means she can be with the two men she loves. She has a few body image issues and doesn’t like the lights on when she’s naked, she’s also got some great friends who are in ménage a trois relationships and this gives her the emotional support from girlfriends that all women need. Ms Monroe does a nice job of creating a world for her characters to live in. They are three dimensional, have real hopes and fears and care for one another. The point of view moves around so the reader gets an idea of what is going on in the heads of everyone involved. I liked Clint and Sanford, they weren’t extreme Doms and were very anxious about consent and safety, but still had an air of sexy control about them. There were a few times in Two Doms for Vicki I found myself wondering why certain conversations were being held or why there was so much detail about a recipe or something similar. I thought it was because it added to the story in some way, the conversation etc, but it seems it is this authors style to pad out the pages with extra narration and detail. I wasn’t disappointed when it came to the detail in the sex scenes however. These were hot and intense and certainly hit the spot. If you like ménage a trois books, and if you are already a fan of Melody Snow Monroe’s writing style I am sure you’ll enjoy Two Doms for Vicki." -- Clover, Long and Short Reviews

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The crowd, all waving tiny American flags, cheered as the heroes neared. Vicki leaned closer to her friend, as the noise made it hard to talk. “You should have been in the parade. They’re your brothers.”

“I’m good,” she shouted back. “You know me. I’m not one to be the center of attention.”

That was true. Perhaps that was why Chelsea liked to stay in the kitchen and cook while her husbands hobnobbed with the customers at their bar and grill.

Next came a red pickup truck with Clint and Sanford sitting on hay bales in the back, waving to the crowd. She still couldn’t believe they were home for good. Two years ago, when they left her, they claimed they were army men for life.

Chelsea tugged on her sleeve. “Don’t they look handsome?”

“Yeah.” More than handsome. Naked, they were cover-model perfect. “Your husbands should be here to see this.”

A foghorn sounded as the men passed. Chelsea nodded. “Someone has to watch the kids. Besides, they’re getting prepared for the big party at the bar afterwards. You are coming, right?”

Vicki still hadn’t decided. She wasn’t sure she could handle getting her heart broken again. “I’ll try.”

Her friend tossed her an exaggerated frown. “You better. I know they want to see you.”

She’d been over this conversation a bazillion times. The two men she’d fallen in love with had only been home once since she’d helped them heal from their injuries. “Sure. That’s why neither wrote or called after they left.”

“You know why.”

They claimed it was because they didn’t want her to wait for them. They said if they were killed or were seriously injured, they didn’t want her to have to deal with their issues. Bullshit.

 She’d made love once with each man, and it had been nirvana. Yet as soon as they were fit to go back to war after they finished rehab, they’d walked out of her life. Then zilch, zip, nada. It was like they’d evaporated. Had it not been for their occasional contact with Chelsea, Vicki would have been convinced they were dead.

Two more floats drove by. The first one carried the acting mayor, Megan Edgar, smiling from a convertible. She looked cold in her crisp suit, but that wasn’t going to deter her from getting out and doing her duty. A front had rolled in two days ago and brought with it a hint of snow. Another convertible with four city council members seated in the front and back seat drove behind her, making a cohesive-looking team.

While it wasn’t a long parade, Vicki was pleased there was a fine turnout. These men deserved a big thank you for protecting their country.

Someone lightly elbowed her arm. “Hey, Vicki.”

That voice. Ugh. It was him. She twisted around. “Oh, hi, Doug.”

She’d met Doug Webb during a time of depression, after she’d finally given up hearing from Clint or Sanford again. When she learned they were leaving the service, she broke up with Doug. He didn’t take it well. She’d explained that she didn’t have the same kind of feelings for him as he did for her, but apparently, he didn’t care. For the last month he kept dogging her no matter where she went. He was harmless but annoying. If he didn’t go away soon, she might report him for stalking.

“They’re real heroes aren’t they?” he said, shielding his eyes against the bright sun.

“They are. Were you ever in the service?” She’d gone out with him for three months and never thought to ask.

“Briefly.” From his pained expression he didn’t want to talk about it.

The last of the parade went by, and the crowd folded in behind them. The destination was the courthouse at the end of Main Street.

Chelsea, who knew the whole Doug debacle, grabbed her hand. “Come on.”

Vicki waved at Doug. “Gotta go.”

He said nothing as she let herself get sucked into the crowd. At first she thought Chelsea was trying to help her out, but now she believed her best friend just wanted to get in front to hear her brothers accept the keys to the city.

“Come on,” Chelsea urged.

Clint had already agreed to a position as deputy. Her friend Lydia, the sheriff and deputy’s wife, had campaigned for him to apply. Having an extra man in the office would free up both of her husbands she said. Now that was a smart woman. Clint was a perfect fit for the job as he had been in the military police and was now looking for employment.

According to Chelsea, Sanford hadn’t decided what he wanted to do. Apparently, he and Clint had saved all of their money while serving and didn’t need to work for a few months, but knowing Sanford, he couldn’t sit still for long.

The courthouse was located at the intersection of John Arnold Boulevard and Main Street. By the time they reached the park next door to the municipal building, the crowd had thinned. A small covered stage was set up with a few chairs in front. Clint and Sanford were already seated next to the acting mayor and the councilmen.

The mayor, looking regal in her plum suit and upswept hair, approached the podium and tapped the microphone. The crowd slowly quieted. Vicki had been the mayor’s physical therapist last year when she’d pinched a nerve in her back, and she’d gotten to know Megan quite well. During her recovery and afterwards, the woman had earned Vicki’s respect.

Megan gave the usual introduction then asked the men to come forward to answer questions from the good folks of Pleasure, Montana.

As soon as they drew near, several hands rose. The mayor leaned over the mike. “Go ahead, Crandall.”

The pharmacist stood. “Welcome home, boys. I thought you were going to be lifers. What changed your mind?”

Before either one of the Mansfield boys spoke a word, Vicki rehearsed her dream answer. It would be that they recognized their mistake in leaving the one woman who could make them happy and had to be with her forever.




Clint’s cock ached. From the moment Vicki walked into the room and asked him to leave the light on, his blood hadn’t stopped racing through his veins.

He cupped her breast. “You haven’t been off my mind.”

“Mine neither. I’m sorry I almost ruined things.”

“Shh.” Sanford leaned over and kissed her.

Doms were supposed to be masters of control, but when he got near Vicki he had no restraint. “I think I need to get out of these clothes.”

“I like that idea.” She placed her hands behind her head.

She didn’t look comfortable, so he placed a fluffy pillow under her. “Better?”


Both he and Sanford stood at the foot of the bed. It almost seemed odd taking off his clothes with all the lights on. He hurried the best he could. “Spread your legs for me, darlin’.” Clint was confident that if she didn’t want to, she wouldn’t.

She obeyed all right, and even had to nerve to rub her clit then slide her finger into her slit. He groaned. As if his clothes were on fire, he finished discarding them and jumped on the bed between her legs. He had one focus, and that was to drink her sweet nectar. He held open her legs wider and licked her.

“Oh, yes.” She arched her back and moaned.

She was killing him. His cock was already rock hard. Good thing he and Sanford had an understanding. The first time they made love with her together, Clint would fuck her ass while Sanford would delight her pussy. In the future they would change places, but for tonight, they knew she’d be pushed to the outer limits of her comfort zone making love with both of them at once.

The only negative with sharing was that at times like now, he would have loved to have her all to himself. Tonight wasn’t about him, though, and what he wanted. It was about pleasing Vicki.

Now naked, Sanford climbed onto the bed and appeared to be mesmerized by her glorious tits. While his brother made love to her voluptuous breasts, Clint nibbled on her delicate nub. Each time he touched her, she’d wiggle and moan. “I love how sensitive you are.”

“Let me at your cock and we’ll see who goes off first.”

She had a point, but that was one challenge that wouldn’t get tested tonight. “Put your feet on the mattress.” That way he’d have more access to her. She’d also feel more vulnerable and reach a higher plateau.

He slipped his fingers into her opening and twirled them around. Her wet sheath coated his fingers. His woman was already gushing cum. She was putty in his hands. Vicki might think she was in charge tonight, but she underestimated them.

He looked up. Sanford was all over her tits, pulling on her nipples and massaging her breasts. She had one hand on his head, rubbing his scalp while her other hand was on Clint’s shoulder. Every time he sucked on her clit, she dug her nails into his skin. She was so ripe for edging.

“Yes, please. I need a cock.”

Her plea nearly did him in, but he stayed strong. With curled fingers, he hit her most sensitive spot, drawing out gasps and tiny mewling sounds. She was close. Oh, so close.

He stopped and so did Sanford.

“No! Don’t stop. I was about to come.”

That was exactly why he’d stopped. “We need you to get on your hands and knees, darlin’.”

He hoped his brother was able to devour her pussy and have Vicki lick Sanford’s cock at the same time. Clint needed to prepare her divine ass for his own dick.

They both helped her roll over and then got into position. He grabbed the lube while Sanford rolled onto his back and slid his head between her legs. She looked like she was a hair trigger away from climaxing, but knowing his brother, he wouldn’t let her come this time either. If she waited until they joined as one, she’d soar higher than the peak of any mountain. He wanted that for her.

Clint touched her rear. “Remember to relax.”

The sassy woman clenched her cheeks probably out of defiance. “I know what you’re trying to do, darlin’, but it won’t work. I’m not spanking you.”

“But I like it.”

“I’m not sure I can trust you.”

She craned her neck and stuck her tongue out. “I said I would be truthful. If I need to be spanked, then I give you my permission to spank me.”

He grinned. “Did I tell you how much I love you?”

“Yes, but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

He unscrewed the cap on the lube and squirted some on his cock and over her back hole. His dick throbbed in anticipation. “I hope you’re ready, darlin’.”

She squeaked. His brother must have licked her. “Yes. Hurry.”

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