The Pleasure, Montana Collection, Volume 2 (MFMM)

Pleasure, Montana

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 89,640
0 Ratings (0.0)

[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Romance, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Bondage, Spanking, Sex Toys, MFM/MFMM, HEA]

Destiny's Desire

Destiny Jones is back in Pleasure, Montana, determined to win the love of Drake and Kurt Devereaux. For years she longed for a ménage with these rugged, courageous men. Too bad Drake is still haunted by the death of his wife, and Kurt doesn’t appear ready to settle down.

Kurt glimpses the fantastic love he could have with Destiny during a mountain trip, but their adventure ends unexpectedly when they’re stranded by a storm. When Drake leads a team to rescue them, he gets a taste of renewal by saving her. He senses a need for this ménage in his life, but he withdraws because his demons still haunt him. What will cause Drake to admit to himself that he needs and wants this love? What will make Kurt give up his carefree lifestyle to be with Destiny?

Brittany's Destiny

Brittany has a secret and has avoided returning home because of it. Sparks, her best friend in high school, knows why she left, but he has told no one. Brody, the man who loved her, has never gotten over her defection, and his twin, Evan, longs for her return.

Now Brittany has come home to get a new start on life. Her parents are not welcoming, and Brody is so hurt by Brittany's betrayal he won’t let her near him. Only Evan and Sparks, the two forest rangers in town, are willing to help her move into her cabin in the mountains, which is in need of much repair. Slowly, she learns how much those two men care. They convince her to confront bad boy Brody. When she tells him the truth, he runs off. What can she do to convince them that she yearns for a ménage relationship with all three men?

The Pleasure, Montana Collection, Volume 2 (MFMM)
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The Pleasure, Montana Collection, Volume 2 (MFMM)

Pleasure, Montana

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 89,640
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Destiny's Desire


Pinch me.

After two years of wanting Drake Devereaux, Destiny Jones was actually on a date with the sexiest man alive. At least she thought they were on a date. He said he wanted to discuss a few things with her and suggested they meet at the Mountain View Bar & Grill, which happened to be the nicest place to take someone in Pleasure, Montana. The fact that he was still wearing his suit, though, implied this might be business. Damn.

What she wouldn’t give to see him in a pair of faded jeans, worn boots, and a flannel shirt opened at his throat instead of the silk tie and worsted wool jacket. He was such a handsome man. The only things that marred his good looks were the tension lines on his forehead and the faint crow’s-feet beginning to emerge along his eyes. Since she’d been in self-imposed witness protection for eighteen months, the recent changes seemed more dramatic.

It was no surprise he appeared a bit older than thirty-five. Drake Devereaux had had a lot of tragedy in his life.

After his wife had been murdered, Destiny had spent countless hours guiding Drake on how to handle his son who’d lost his mom. She’d wanted to help Drake deal with the tragedy, too, but she had no idea how. He’d told her he felt responsible for his wife’s death, but that all he needed was to make sure his son survived the loss.

He leaned against the bar and tipped back his beer. Even the way the liquid slid down his throat was sexy. It made a girl want to jump on his lap and give him a kiss. But she wouldn’t. Drake was too reserved. At least he had been in front of the jury when he’d prosecuted Tony DeLuza for murder.

He waved the drink at her. “I wanted to say thank you for being such an incredible witness at the trial. Without your testimony, we wouldn’t have won the murder case.”

Is that why he’d asked her out? To thank her? He’d done that already in Bozeman.

“It wasn’t like I wanted to see a kid I went to grade school with shoot and kill his bookie.”

He rubbed her arm and sparks of excitement shot from her elbow to her fingers. “I know it’s been tough on you.”

She wrapped her hands around her Coke as if it were a life ring and forced herself to think of how to answer him instead of how her body reacted to his mere presence. “I think the worst part was when Tony turned around after blowing the man’s head off and stared right at me with those dark, beady eyes.” A shiver crawled up her spine at the image that was permanently burned into her brain.

Drake withdrew his hand and peeled the paper off the bottom of the beer label using his thumbnail. “You were damned lucky he didn’t catch you.” Did his voice just shake and catch?

“You can say that again.” Since her move back, they hadn’t had a chance to talk about the whole event. Other than to find out what she planned to say on the stand, he’d kept his distance. It was nice to finally be able to relax and just talk.

Drake placed his hand over hers. The intimate act sent tingles along her whole body. “It’s all over now. You can get your life back.” He squeezed. The firmness of his grip radiated up her arm and into her heart. He cared.

She swiveled on her bar chair to face him. “I’m just glad you insisted I get out of town. I’m not sure I would have left on my own. I really didn’t want to leave my job.”

His lips softened. “It’s good you were sensible and listened to my suggestion.”

She trusted him, but leaving the man she’d fallen in love with had been hard. At least he’d written. “I have to tell you that the letters you and Kurt wrote were my lifelines.” She’d wanted to write about how much his correspondence meant, but she didn’t have the courage. How could she tell a man she’d never kissed that she loved him, but that she also loved his brother due in large part to what they’d written on paper?

Kurt was shorter than Drake but just as good-looking. Because Kurt loved the outdoors, he was packed with more muscles than the workaholic brother. Where Drake had a strong jaw and deep-set, whiskey-brown eyes, Kurt was more fair with deep, chocolate eyes. One thing was certain, both men’s images could fill a GQ magazine.

He smiled. “I figured you’d want to know what was happening back home.”

“I did.” Along with how you were doing.

For the third time tonight, he glanced at his cell phone that rested on the bar. That didn’t make her feel special, but at least he was still here. They’d spent the first hour talking about the murder case he’d prosecuted. Drake had been brilliant. No, more than brilliant. Any other attorney would have lost the case, but Drake knew how to draw the emotion from a jury.

 “So how’s Charley? I bet he’s grown a ton.” She adored the eight-year-old but hadn’t seen him since her return.

He glanced off to the side. “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to see you.”

Her insides dropped. So this wasn’t a date. Damn. Here, she’d lain awake all night thinking about where the night would end. “He’s not adjusting well?” So much for spending money she couldn’t afford on a new sexy top and to-die-for lingerie.

“Not really. Your suggestion to have my brother move in and help with Charley was a godsend. But here’s my problem. Kurt’s telecommuting job may end as early as January. If the promotion comes through, he’ll be moving to Great Falls.”

“Oh, no.” She’d dreamed about Kurt almost as much as Drake. Where Drake was always serious, Kurt was the jokester. “He’ll at least be still in state.” So what if it was a three-hour drive. It wasn’t the end of the world. Or was it?

Drake dragged a hand down his jaw. “That’ll mean Charley will be by himself after school.”

She knew a lot of latchkey kids who had no problem occupying themselves for a few hours before a parent returned home. “Charley will be fine.” She sipped her Coke, thinking of a solution for the man who seemed too stressed for his own good. “Maybe you could talk to his teacher and see if he could stay a little extra after school.”

His smile came out brighter than a full moon. “That’s a great idea.” He checked his cell phone, as if he was praying it would ring and give him an excuse to cut the date short.

Sure, she was thrilled she’d been able to help, but now was the time to test the waters. She really wanted to see him again and go on a real date, one that didn’t focus on his work.

With one elbow on the bar, she leaned closer to him. “Does the Mountain View still have a band every month?” She had no idea if anything had changed after she moved.

He shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ve either been with Charley or at work.”

Figures. She tried to look coy. “You do know the old saying, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’”

He chuckled and leaned back, looking more comfortable than he had all night. “You sound like Kurt. What I’ve told him is that I need to provide for my son. If I don’t work, I don’t make money.”

“Excuses, excuses.” If his grand home was any indication, along with his fancy car, he wasn’t hurting for dough. She’d always thought he was still reeling from the murder and was burying himself in his work. “Well, if you ever feel like getting out and loosening up, give me a call.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, but when it comes to dancing, I pretty much suck.”

“Somehow, I doubt that.” Anyone who moved like melted chocolate over an ice cream sundae had to be good on the dance floor.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Destiny?”

She turned around and opened her arms to engulf one of the women who worked at her old school. “How are you?”

“Me? Same ole, same ole.” She glanced at Drake. “I don’t want to interrupt your date, but stop by sometime so we can catch up. You look great.”

“Thanks.” Her former coworker waddled off. She turned back to Drake. “Sorry.”

“No problem. I’m sure the whole town is excited to see you return.”

That was nice of him to say. Despite ingesting a lot of caffeine, she failed to stifle a yawn.

Drake asked for the check. “I’m sorry I talked all about me. Have you found a job yet?”

“Not really. The school asked if I’d be a substitute elementary teacher, but given it’s December, it doesn’t seem likely a position will open up until next fall.”

“You’ll find something.” He checked his phone again. “It’s getting late, and I have to get up early for work.”

It was only nine, but he did work an hour away in Bozeman. “I’m the one who’s sorry.” If she hadn’t yawned, he might not have noticed the time. “I haven’t gotten over the jet lag.”

Drake paid the bill then helped her into her coat. After spending nearly two years in Florida, she almost forgot how much clothing one needed to survive a Montana winter.

“I want to follow you home,” he said.

An instant image of her spread-eagle on her bed with his lusciously muscular body on top flashed in her mind. Too bad her brain and tongue weren’t coordinated. “Why?” He chuckled and her body nearly melted at the sound.

“The roads are slick, and you aren’t used to driving in snow?”

“You might be right.” Too bad he didn’t have another reason. Men who wanted to protect a woman always wormed their way into her heart. She only lived ten minutes from town, and his house was farther down the same road. “I’d appreciate that.”

On the way out, he stopped to talk to the mayor about the DeLuza case. The man always seemed to be in work mode. What she wouldn’t give to have his focus on fun. Or me.

Outside, the winds were swirling. “It smells like it might snow.” She shivered and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. When he pulled her close against him, excitement raced through her. Maybe he did like her.

He took her key, opened her car, and held open the door. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had done that for her. She slid in and another chill snuck up her jacket. She started the engine, but it took a few tries to catch. With one eye on the rearview mirror to make sure he got into his car, she cranked the heat dial to high. The cold engine blew out icy air.

“Brr.” Why again did she leave warm, sunny, Florida? Because she loved her hometown more. And she wanted to see Drake and, yes, zany Kurt again.

Drake slipped out of his car and stood facing the opposite direction. What was he doing? When she opened her door, a man was shouting at someone a half a block from the Mountain View. She wanted to see what was going on.

Drake spun around. “Stay there.”




“Darlin’, you feeling something in between those tempting thighs?”

So he knew what the spanking did to her. “Maybe.”

She bet they were grinning at her. Drake delivered a few more slaps. By now, the pain had morphed into delicious lust.

Kurt knelt beside her and rubbed her rear. “Just relax and let me make it better.”

She liked the idea, but never expected him to dip two fingers into her sopping pussy, drag out some of her juices, and rub the liquid over her tight hole. She couldn’t help but clench her butt cheeks.

“I think our woman likes to have her ass played with.” After he added more of her juices to the area, Kurt slipped a finger into her hole.

“Yikes.” The pressure took her by surprise.

He placed a hand on her rear. “Easy.” Kurt slipped off her panties and nudged open her thighs. “I can smell her sweet perfume.”

How embarrassing was that?

Drake readjusted her to allow him full access to her tits. He tweaked one nipple, pressing the tip between his thumb and forefinger. “How about I put this honey on the bed so we can both get to her?”

“You bet,” Kurt answered. A moment later she was spread-eagle in front of them with Kurt between her legs. He lay flat on his stomach. “I’ve wanted to eat your pussy for so long it hurts.”

He dragged a finger over her wet opening and reinserted a finger in her rear. She squirmed a bit. Then he did the unexpected. He added another finger. “That’s all I can take.”

He massaged her stomach. “No, darlin’, wait until I’m done with you, I’ll be filling you up with my cock until you scream for more.”

His mouth found her pussy and she thought she’d gone to heaven. So divine were his lips that she almost forgot about him playing with her rear. He licked and sucked until she nearly came. When he scissored his fingers inside her rear, nerves she never knew existed came to life.

“I think she’s liking this, Drake. You might want to service her some other way.”

“I don’t mind if I do.”

Drake’s mouth captured her breast as he cupped her head. His moans sent her higher until she arched her back, needing so much more.

“Please, I need your cock.” She wasn’t sure who she was addressing, but one of her men would surely ease her ache.

Kurt rubbed her stomach, which helped to soothe her. Drake’s plucking of her nipples drove her crazy with need. As if he could sense her urgency, his mouth tripped up her chest, over her chin, and latched onto her mouth. She nipped his lips then opened wide to give him entrance. He tasted of coffee and cinnamon. He threaded his hands through her hair and leaned over her, kissing her with so much passion she thought she would burst.

“I gotta take her, bro,” Kurt said.

With that, Kurt removed his fingers and mouth from her pussy and flipped her onto all fours. From the lack of weight on the end of the bed, he was on his feet. Paper ripped. The snap of latex sounded before he climbed back on. Kurt leaned over and rubbed her tits.

“I can’t tell you what you do to me.” From the way his voice quivered, he was as aroused as she was.

She couldn’t believe she’d finally get to have sex with the Devereaux men.

Using both thumbs, Kurt spread her pussy lips. Even though she was wetter than a flower after a summer rain, he nudged in slowly as if she needed time to adjust to his size. She appreciated his consideration. After a few easy thrusts to work his way in, he lifted her shoulders so that she was kneeling. The increase of pressure from his cock nearly took her breath away.

“My brother needs to have more access to you.”

Drake moved in front, his erect cock flat against his stomach. He lifted her tits and thumbed her nipples. “You are so beautiful.”

The awe in his tone made her juice up even more. His fingers traced lines down the side of her breasts as his mouth captured hers. The more force he exerted on her nipples, the more she wanted Kurt to fuck her hard. Never had anything ignited her nerves like his huge cock pummeling her walls.

He must have sensed her urgency, for he grabbed her hips and thrust in farther. Oh, my. His balls slapped against her rear as he drove into her. Drake moved back, lowered her shoulders enough for his cock to be at mouth level. She had to lower her arms to support herself before she opened up.

She wanted to take her time and lick him, but he, too, seemed to be close to the brink. Drake entered her mouth, but he didn’t go so far as to gag her. With his palm he held her head as he pressed upward.

“Jesus, Destiny. Your mouth is wicked.”

Kurt’s rhythm intensified, bringing her closer to the edge. He set a speed of profound urgency. His fingers clasped her ass. “I’m about to lose it. Come for me, Destiny.”


Brittany's Destiny


The snow was coming down in earnest, making the drive to town rather treacherous. The chains on his tires kept him from slipping all over the place. Luckily, he secured a parking spot in front of the restaurant. Few must have been willing to venture out in this storm. As soon as he stepped inside, warmth hit him. The bar and grill smelled of cider and coffee. Pure heaven.

He sat in the corner, wanting to reflect on today’s tragedy and rescue. He needed to make sure there wasn’t much else he could have done for that poor kid. He didn’t recognize the boy and could only imagine the parents’ despair.

Luke, one of the owners, came over to take his order. He and Sparks had helped find Luke’s kidnapped wife a few months ago. Good thing all ended well.

“You look cold, Evan.”

His nose was still red, he bet. “Just got off patrol. Found a kid in the snow.” He explained what happened.

“Thank God you got to him when you did.”

“I’m glad Pleasure sees fit to have me on the payroll.” Not every town had two full-time rangers. During the summer, he and Sparks watched for fires and checked on the isolated cabins.

“Dinner’s on me tonight.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“We like to support our heroes.”

He wished he could have found the kid sooner. “Thanks.”

After Luke poured him coffee and took his order, Evan leaned back to relax.

He was halfway through his meal when the front door opened. A petite woman, bundled in a large coat and scarf, rushed in, along with a rush of snow. She stomped her snow-covered boots on the mat and looked around as if she were searching for someone in particular. When she turned her head, he blinked a few times. She reminded him of Brittany Davenport, the girl who’d been the fourth cog in the wheel during their junior and senior year in high school. Brody, Sparks, he, and Brittany hung together all the time. She was Brody’s girl, but Evan had adored her from afar, as had Sparks.

His eyes must have been playing tricks on him, but when she stepped closer, he got a better look. Jesus Christ. It was her!

She sat down and took off her hat. Her long, brown hair tumbled out. Now he knew he was right.

He jumped up and rushed over. “Brittany!”

She looked up. It took a split second for her to recognize him. “Evan?”

“You betcha.” He held open his arms.

She shot up from her chair and gave him a hug. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You, too. Are you meeting anyone?”


“Care to join me?” He failed to keep the excitement from his voice. She was even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her, which had to be a good seven years.




Brody unsnapped the sides of his pants. The cleverly designed bottoms came off in a flash. No surprise, he was naked underneath. And what a fine cock it was. Now all three men sported huge hard-ons. Wow. Where should she begin?

Brody pulled her on top of him, and her tits met hard muscle. “We all want to love you, but it will take some doing. Do you think you can straddle me?”

“If you let me put the condom on you, I can.” She ran a hand down his chest. Besides his incredibly handsome face, perhaps she liked his chest the best.

He groaned. “Be fast about it.”

She had no intention of obeying. Sparks handed her a foil wrapper. Using her teeth, she tore off the top and pulled out the condom. As slowly as she could, she rolled the condom down halfway, stopped, rubbed his cock underneath, then finished the job.

“If you’d taken much longer, babe, you might have had a mess on your hands.”

She giggled, loving how sensitive his cock was to her touch. “You ready for me to sit on you?”

“Oh, yeah.”

She straddled him and decided she wanted to play first. Leaning forward, she kissed him slowly and thoroughly while she rubbed her pussy over his cock.

He grabbed her hips and pressed them downward. “I want to fuck you so bad.”

She loved when he talked dirty. Lifting her hips, she grabbed his cock and dragged it over her opening. Even with her own hand doing the movement, her pussy got wet from the friction. While she wanted to torture all of the men, she was too needy to stall for long.

She opened her legs wide and slid down on him. Her pussy walls contracted.

“Oh, God, but you’re tight.”

While she’d made love with Brody two days ago, she swore his cock had grown larger. She eased her hips upward, intent on sliding back down, when Brody took her hips and drove up into her. Her eyes widened.

“That’s not fair. I get to control the speed.” For once, she wanted to be in charge.

“Okay, but only for a bit.”

She delighted in slowly easing down on his cock, then pulling back up until his cock was at her entrance. She’d dip a bit before returning to the top.

“I can’t stand it.” Brody’s mouth opened and he bit his bottom lip.

She, too, was close to the end. In one swift movement, she took the plunge. His huge cock filled her. She stilled while she tried to catch her breath.

The bed dipped behind her. “Gotta give the rest of us a chance, hon.”

She thought that when Brody climaxed, maybe Evan would take his turn. Wrong. He wanted to come in her ass. Shivers of delight raced down her spine. The idea of taking two at a time nearly sent her over the edge.

“How do you want me?” She’d have to trust Evan on this one.

“Bend over real far, hon, so I can reach your sweet ass.”

Brody helped by pulling her close and kissing her. She was distracted when Evan plunged two fingers into her behind. This time she knew to relax her butt. This same time she enjoyed the tingling that shot through her. His finger stroked her, evoking carnal lust to slam through her. Just as she thought that was all he was going to do, he removed his fingers and pressed his cock up against her hole.

Brody grabbed hold of her hips and pushed up with his. “Hold real still, babe. I’m going to drive into you just as soon as Evan is in all the way. Then you’ll know what real love is.”

Just as she focused on Evan, Brody threaded his fingers between them and touched her clit. Her pussy gushed and sparks shot through her.

Sparks climbed on the bed and knelt next to her. He slipped his fingers between her and Brody and rubbed her already-swollen nipples. Between Brody’s sweet kisses, his clit-playing activity, and Sparks’s divine pressure, her body was distracted enough for Evan to slowly enter her. Brody pressed his hips higher just as Evan dove in.

She lifted her head. “I can’t.”

They all stopped.

Evan squeezed her ass. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. It’s just that I’m too full.”

“Relax and love it. We want to fill you up with our love.”

When he put it that way, she decided they knew what they were doing. She was going to enjoy every plunge and dip they wanted to give her. She nodded and the three of them went back to their loving ways. Evan ran his hands up and down her back. When he leaned over to nibble on her neck, his cock drove deeper into her. Her breath caught, but she forced herself to embrace the feeling of fullness.

Brody picked up the rhythm. Every time he shifted his weight, he’d hit a different part of her pussy. Her whole body thrummed and sang with each thrust.

Sparks turned her head toward him and presented her with his cock. She licked the tip and he moaned. She leaned a little to the side to draw him in, and the movement intensified the thrusting.

He scooted closer, and she was able to bring him fully into her mouth. He began to move in and out in the same rhythm as Brody and Evan. She pushed back with her hips to take in more of Evan’s throbbing cock.

“Hold still.” Evan gripped her thighs and pumped into her ass. When he withdrew a bit, Brody would lift and fill her more than she could imagine.

“I love your pussy,” Brody groaned.

And her pussy loved him right back. Sparks had one hand on her breasts and the other on the back of her head. All three were grunting and moaning along with her.

The movements made her lose all sense of reality. Her moans turned into a near scream as a tidal wave of ecstasy washed over her.

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