The Masters of Submission Collection, Volume 2 (MF)

Masters of Submission

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 87,507
0 Ratings (0.0)

[Siren Everlasting Classic: Erotic Romance, Consensual BDSM, Contemporary, Bondage, Sensation Play, Spanking, Breath Play, Sex Toys, MF, HEA]

Master and Inquisitor

When thirty-four-year-old Club Submission owner Ethan Strong hires the enigmatic and beautiful young woman to work behind the bar, he’s instantly drawn to the submissive with the sad blue eyes. Twenty-seven-year-old Beth Beaumont’s previous Master died three years ago, yet only now does she feel ready to embrace the lifestyle again. Ethan is instantly attracted to his mysterious new employee, and they soon embark on a D/s relationship that breaks all the rules. Beth’s past holds a chilling secret that she dares not divulge—even to her new Master. Her life depends on maintaining her silence. However, Ethan’s built-in lie detector never lets him down, and he instinctively knows Beth isn't telling the truth. As a respected Dom, he will not tolerate a sub who repeatedly tries to deceive him. To break her resolve, he calls upon the services of the Inquisitor—a darker, less benevolent side of himself, who never shows any mercy. Will Beth be forced to yield such deadly secrets to her Master and Inquisitor?

The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo

Thirty-nine-year-old, self-made billionaire Tyler Stone demands the best software engineer in the country for his successful global business, Cerberus Technology. The best comes in the form of thirty-three-year-old Rebecca Miles—an opinionated and strong-willed team leader with a rival software company.

Rebecca knows she’s the best there is, and consequently demands a seven-figure salary, plus an Aston Martin, before she will even consider working for Tyler Stone. He reluctantly agrees, but on a visit to Club Submission, Tyler learns that Rebecca is a natural submissive in her private life, and has recently finished a long-term relationship with her Master. He keeps this valuable information to himself, hoping to use it to his advantage when the time is right. Ultimately, he is unable to resist the challenge of taming this beautiful, outspoken woman, and bending her to his iron will.

Will the Dom in Tyler be powerful enough to bring out the submissive in Rebecca?

The Masters of Submission Collection, Volume 2 (MF)
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The Masters of Submission Collection, Volume 2 (MF)

Masters of Submission

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 87,507
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Master and Inquisitor


Ethan took her hand and helped her from the car before putting his arm around her shoulder. He then guided her to the impressive entrance that shared an uncanny resemblance to that of Club Submission itself.

“I see you enjoy the finer things in life, Ethan.”

“You bet. I worked my ass off to get where I am today.” His mesmerizing green eyes appeared to her as liquid pools of pure energy. They held her enthralled and captivated in a way she’d never experienced before. Not even with Antonio. “I enjoy beautiful things, Beth.” Like an aphrodisiac, his words seemed to physically embrace her and pull her toward him, arousing her, making her pussy wet with sexual need.

The frisson of nervous tension in the pit of her stomach intensified when he punched a four-digit code into a keypad, and the impressive twin oak doors swung obediently open. Clearly sensing her apprehension, he took her hand in his, calming her, making her feel safe. In the last few weeks she’d come to trust Ethan implicitly. That was why she was standing outside his awesome home at four in the morning.

“We know each other, Beth. You trust me, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

Once inside, she was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer space available. A large entrance hall flowed seamlessly to a treble-width staircase, which rose majestically to a large galleried landing. It was obviously a building designed by and for a man. As a woman she so wanted to feminize the place with brightly colored curtains and soft furnishings. She preferred carpets and rugs, but every square foot of flooring was covered in a dark, uncaring hardwood. Beth found the never-ending expanse of white paint overpowering and far too masculine for her tastes. The only respite to the stark, bare walls was a collection of life-size photographs brutally depicting Ethan’s time as a successful bare-knuckle boxer. Yeah, this was a man’s domain all right. No woman in her right mind would allow such graphically aggressive images to grace her walls.

Ethan took her hand and led her up the stairs. The stainless steel and glass banister was again something only a man could find attractive. What was wrong with stair carpet and a wooden banister, for Christ’s sake?

Like a scene from Alice in Wonderland, they walked hand in hand along the seemingly never-ending landing, until Ethan suddenly stopped outside a large heavy oak door. He moved behind her and circled her waist with his arms, then rested his chin on her shoulder. “Remember what I told you about the Inquisitor, Beth.”


“This is where he satisfies his darkest desires.”

“You mean—”

“Uh-huh, this is the Inquisitor’s Chamber. Step out of line, young lady, and the Inquisitor will provide the appropriate form of correction.”

Beth nodded nervously. “I see.” Her voice quavered slightly as she wondered what lay behind the locked door. Appealing to his natural dominance, she lowered her head, and said, “Sir, do I get to see inside?”

“Have you misbehaved, my sub?”

“No, Sir, not today, Sir.” She thoroughly enjoyed her part in the role-play.

“Then this room is strictly off-limits to you.”

She wondered if he felt the tiny tremors coursing through her veins as he wrapped his arms around her even tighter. She guessed he did, because he seemed to know what made her tick.

He tenderly kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, little one. I’m sure you’ll always be perfectly behaved in my presence. If you’re a good girl and don’t misbehave, I can’t see a reason I’d ever need to bring you here. I trust I’ve made myself clear.”

“Yes, Sir, you have.”

His voice was low and menacing when he spoke. “You know what pisses me off more than anything, Beth? What really makes me fucking angry? What makes the Inquisitor appear?”

She shook her head. Fucking hell, her panties were soaking wet again. How the hell did he make her feel this way without even touching her?

“Lies, Beth, lies, that’s what really makes me angry, but I’m sure you’ll never lie to me.” His eyes narrowed on her profile, and she knew he was looking for tells in her body language.

Beth tried not to blush with guilt, but she didn’t think she succeeded very well. She’d lied from the first moment they’d met, and she’d hated every minute of the deceit. It went against everything her previous Master had taught her. She consoled herself that although she hated lying to him, it was a necessity, not an indulgence. Whatever discipline Ethan had in store for her, she knew she could never tell him the truth about her past. It could cost her her life.




“Please, Sir, that hurts.”

“Don’t presume to rely on my benevolence, sub. Your pussy belongs to me. I decide, what, when, and if. Do I make myself clear?” His eyes burned with unlimited passion and a smattering of cruelty, making her sex wetter still. She didn’t dare to challenge his absolute dominance over her.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied breathlessly, writhing helplessly on the bed. It was all part of the game they played. Ethan was an experienced Master and knew she couldn’t remain still for one moment when he touched her like that. She figured he was ready to ratchet up the intensity of the scene.

Stony-faced, he stood abruptly from the mattress and walked to the end of the bed. “Your legs are never still. I clearly need to restrain them to stop you fidgeting.” Taking hold of an ankle in each hand, he roughly spread her legs wide before attaching her leather ankle cuffs to the metal bedposts. Fucking hell, Ethan was like an animal as he forced her legs apart, but she liked him all the more because of that. His uncompromising actions meant her pussy was exposed to his intense scrutiny. With her hands and feet secured, Beth tried desperately to move, but found it almost impossible. Whatever lay in store for her, she wouldn’t even be able to thrash about. The idea worried and excited her in equal measure.

Ethan tested her bindings. “That’s better. If my sub refuses to behave and lie still, then I’m left with no alternative.” He began shedding his Wranglers, sliding them down his muscular thighs before kicking them from his feet with a flourish. Completely naked now, his enormous cock jutted angrily out, its purple crown weeping his arousal. Beth whimpered with need. She’d never seen him so pumped up.

Spread wide and completely at his mercy, she swallowed nervously as he stood at the end of the bed directly between her parted legs. His gaze feasted on her exposed pussy. “Hmm, I can see my sub has been having naughty thoughts without my permission. I don’t believe I authorized such an indulgence.” He knelt between her legs, and immediately dipped two fingers deep into her honeyed arousal. Staring directly into her eyes, he pulled his fingers from her wetness and showed them to her. Heavily coated with her feminine juices, they glistened in the subdued lighting. Ethan smiled. “I really shouldn’t encourage such wanton thoughts, but…”

Beth watched him lower his head, and a cry of pure ecstasy left her lips when she felt the tip of his tongue circle then flick across her sensitized clit. “Sir, oh, my, God…Sir.” Her head thrashed from side to side, and she yanked helplessly on the restraints, desperate to relieve the beautiful, exquisite feeling with the aid of movement. There was no escape from the almost overwhelming pleasure of his tongue. She just had to lie there and take it—enjoy it. Just what the hell is this beautiful man doing to me? It’s so good I can’t stand it. Ethan’s probing tongue swirled and penetrated in a way she’d never known before, lashing her clit and vaginal walls until her stomach quivered uncontrollably, and submissive mews began drifting from her lips.

His teasing tongue brought her to the very edge of orgasm. He must have known by the soft pants coming from her lips how close she was. When he stopped abruptly, she silently cursed his timing. Goddamn you, Ethan Strong.

Ethan raised his head, a confident smile to his lips. “Whose pussy?”

On the point of delirium, she replied in a tiny voice, “Yours, Sir.”

Gentle butterfly kisses accompanied by his soft, sweet breath drifted up her belly, heightening her sense of arousal. His tongue swirled over her nipples still held tightly in the chromed clamps, causing intense, erotic pain to sear into her brain, making the age-old fight-or-flight response kick in. Beth could do neither, because it was almost impossible to move. All she could do was throw her head back as she tried unsuccessfully to get away from the wonderful excruciating intensity.

She cried out in a garbled rush that verged on panic, “Please, Sir, I don’t think I can hold out much longer.” Her voice shook with emotion. She didn’t want to use her safeword. It went against everything she believed in, but it was there as the last resort, and at this precise moment in time, she felt sorely tempted to use it.

Ethan must have heard the heartfelt plea in her voice, because he smoothed a hand around her throat and stared down into her face. “Look at me.”

When she did as he commanded, she felt their connection, their union, deepen. His gorgeous green eyes burning with excitement and intense pleasure soaked up the obvious distress in hers. She’d given him exactly what he craved the most—her helplessness, her vulnerability, her absolute surrender.

“Good girl, you’ve pleased me immensely. I’m going to remove the nipple clamps now, so be ready for some more pain.” He cocked his head to one side, clearly relishing her discomfort.

Knowing just how much it would hurt, Beth scrunched her eyes tightly shut, and whimpered. “Yes, Sir, but please hurry.”


The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo


Think, man, think. What’s wrong with this picture?

Meeting her for the first time, he gained the distinct impression that she hid her real identity behind those ugly thick-rimmed glasses. Surely she didn’t pick them because she liked them? They were hideous. He refused to accept the evidence of his eyes, because somehow he found her strangely alluring, almost as though her plainness hid a rare incredible beauty beneath. He was well aware that didn’t make any sense, but that was how he felt. Rebecca was boringly plain yet achingly beautiful. How crazy was that? Not a trace of makeup adorned her unblemished face, and for some unknown reason he found her lack of try hard refreshing. 

She was opinionated to the point of being aggressive. She was confident and self-assured to the point of arrogance. She epitomized everything he steered clear of in a woman. As a respected Dom, who demanded his subs be obedient at all times, he shouldn’t find her remotely attractive, yet strangely he did.

Her lips were full, and he watched a moist tongue swipe away remnants of the butter sauce that had oozed from her salmon.

Even the way she held her wineglass endowed her with an elegance that seemed at odds with her plain-Jane looks.

The nagging doubts continued to feed his imagination as he cut into his steak, allowing the blood to follow the knife. “As I’m sure you are aware, cyberterrorism is a major threat to our country’s security. Cerberus Technology is a world leader in the cutting-edge software needed for the twenty-first century.”

“Of course I am aware. That’s why I contacted you.” Not a single tremor betrayed her as she held her fork completely motionless, midway between plate and mouth.

Tyler wondered if she were always so unflappable. He would love to make this woman tremble uncontrollably. His cock hardened at the mere thought of it.

Rebecca covered another small piece of salmon with butter sauce before forking it to her lips. “I’m in the process of developing a revolutionary password protection system. It needs further work. Two years should see it ready for marketing.”

“So why do you need Cerberus? Why not continue to develop it with Omega Computing?”

“Money. Cerberus is funded by the federal government, because of its links to the US military. Omega Computing can’t compete with that type of funding.”

Tyler took a sip of wine and held her in his gaze, wondering why he found her oddly familiar. “I take it this will be an expensive project?”

“Expensive? That’s an understatement. It’s a biometrics system that can change dynamically every time it’s used, making it impervious to hacking.”

“You seem confident in your ability?”

“Mr. Stone, I’m good at my job. The best there is. That’s why you’ve flown all the way from Houston to see me.”

Oh, how he would love to tame her sassy ways. If any lady needed a man’s discipline, it was this one. “Let’s cut to the chase, Rebecca. How much do you—”

“A basic two million a year. Plus a percentage based on results. A prestigious company car would also be required. An Aston Martin or Bentley would be most agreeable. I would be willing to sign a two-year contract provided it came with an opt-out clause that guarantees me a full year’s pay should things not work out between myself and Cerberus Technology.” She paused for breath. “I would also insist on choosing my own team, just as I have at Omega Computing. My terms are nonnegotiable, Mr. Stone.”

As she spoke, he visualized her bare, reddened ass lying across his knee. Only she wasn’t saying, “My terms are nonnegotiable, Mr. Stone.” She was crying out, “I’m sorry, Master, I’ll never be so disrespectful again.”




“You keep swaying that peachy ass of yours and I might just have to discipline it right here and now.” The deep, sexy timbre of his voice lifted the hairs on the back of her neck, raising her anticipation of the great things to come.

In her enthusiasm to turn him on even more, she glanced over her shoulder to make eye contact. Big mistake. Just like the slow-motion action from a Hollywood blockbuster, she lost her footing and tumbled inelegantly onto the mahogany steps. Facedown, she lay sprawled on the stairs. Through the gaps in the stair treads she saw the impressive limestone floor below.

The sassiness she’d shown with her sexy wiggle soon evaporated, and Rebecca burst out laughing. “Damn.”

Tyler seemed concerned and leaned down to check she hadn’t hurt herself. She felt his warm, naked body caress her bare back as he smiled at her. “You okay?”

“Yeah, only my pride is hurt.”

He playfully wagged a finger at her. “That’ll teach you to look where you’re going, young lady.” She started to move, but he pressed a hand firmly between her shoulder blades, stilling her movements. “It’s your own fault you find yourself in this position, so I may as well take advantage of your mistake. You’re staying exactly where you are.” He took hold of her hands and stretched them taut in front of her before curling her fingers around the polished mahogany stair tread. “Don’t you dare let go, or I’ll redden your butt some more.” She figured she’d better obey him.

“Hmm, it seems that your misfortune means I have you exactly where I want you.” He spread her legs as wide as they would go then knelt between them before planting a soft kiss to each butt cheek. “Ah, yeah, what a beautiful fucking ass you have. So soft, round, and creamy, and so cute when I redden it with a disciplinary spank.” He slapped it again.

“Ouch, that hurt.”

“Hurt good, or hurt bad?”

She attempted to turn and look at him as best she could. “Hurt good.”

“Then I’ll kiss away the pain. I’m an ass man at heart.” She felt his lips drifting across her burning butt, and she loved the sensation. Tyler had the capacity to be both cruel and kind, and she knew he’d make an excellent Dom.

Everything went quiet, and she waited for his next move. She figured he studied her from behind, enjoying her predicament. Rebecca let out a hiss of pleasure when she felt a finger ever so sweetly drift into her sex. “Tyler, no, not here,” she whimpered. She knew her plea was unconvincing, because she wanted his touch, she longed for it.

“Becca.” Her name hissed from his lips. “You’re so wet. You want me inside, don’t you, deep inside you?” Although she couldn’t turn her head enough to see him, she could hear his breathing. Tyler was as sexually aroused as she was, and he slipped his finger deeper into her wetness, this time making contact with her clit, causing her to moan enthusiastically as she twisted on the stairs, grinding her pussy wantonly against the unyielding mahogany treads.

“Oh, yes, Tyler.”

“Do you know just how good you feel, Becca? Do you know just how hard my cock is right now?”


Still kneeling between her legs, he gripped her thighs and lifted her butt from the stairs. He took a deep breath before forcing his head between her legs and repeatedly licked her from clit to butt hole in fluid, sensual strokes. This new sensation felt exquisite and so overwhelming she could barely breathe.

“Dear God, Tyler, that feels…Oh, God…”

The tip of his tongue contacted with her clit, circling the circumference of the engorged bead before dipping inside her pussy. He sucked at her womanly pearl, drawing the very essence of her femininity into his mouth, sending her headlong toward a pleasure-induced overload.

Oh God, he feels so good. However much she tried to stop them, a succession of preorgasmic whimpers began to tumble from her lips, and she knew her fingers held a viselike grip on the mahogany stair tread. She closed her eyes, savoring every exquisite, tortured moment, as his tongue worked its magic, sending her closer and closer to ecstasy. On the very edge of orgasm, she felt compelled to shout out his name, “Tyler.”

He abruptly stopped the sexual onslaught of her pussy by taking his head and more importantly his tongue from between her legs.

“Damn you, Tyler Stone. You knew I was close.”

“And you must know I’m in control.”

Facedown on the hard, unyielding stairs, and with her breasts crushed by her own weight, her breathing felt fast and furious and echoed all around her. Tyler sure knew how to play her. Now supine and spread-eagled, she was his for the taking.

After a short lull, she felt his large yet sensitive hands slowly begin to massage her ass cheeks. Each circular sweep of his fingers calmed her yet excited her, too, because she knew there was more to come.

“Fact.” His rich baritone washed warmly over her. “Actions have consequences. By acting so provocatively as you climbed the stairs, you slipped, and you now find yourself in a compromised position.” He planted a soft kiss to her right butt cheek. “So, Becca, are you a good girl or a naughty girl?”

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