A weekend gathering has been called at Trina, Gaz and Michael’s house so they can make a life changing announcement to the national’s leaders. When Trina’s lost twin sister Lilly arrives with a friend, things don’t exactly go as planned. Lilly is greedy for the things her sister possesses—the big house, the money, and her amazing men. She soon discovers Trina’s glorious life is hiding the ghosts from her past.
Gaz’s older brother Raz’s life has fallen apart and he is trying to rebuild it by the good graces of Gaz. The initial spark between Lilly and Raz is obvious, but it is quickly extinguished as Raz’s former best friend Mitch makes an appearance. Raz has his own secrets with his neighbor Cam, and although he lives with multiple bi-sexual males, he is reluctant to admit he is one of them.
As the weekend progresses, it seems all things will end happily, but there is trouble brewing in paradise and it is about to overflow into disaster.
Lilly groaned as she pushed herself from the bed. It was too early on a Saturday to have to get up, but her boss was having a picnic and she was required to attend.
Feeling lethargic, she dragged on shorts and a shirt, before looking at herself in the mirror. Her bright red hair was cut into a short bob and she wondered again what the problem was with her life. She was thirty-four, single, and her internal time clock was running down far too quickly. Her dreams were simple, but it seemed as if they were so far in the distance, they would never come true.
As she pulled into the lot of the park, she cringed. The picnic was already in full swing, children and adults playing games or eating the first of the food, at this point hotdogs and hamburgers followed by barbeque chicken. As the night wore on, small steaks would be put on the grill.
With a sigh, she walked through those gathered, doling out false smiles to those she knew personally. It wasn’t that she begrudged them their happiness—she just wanted it for herself. She was greedy. It was her sin and she lived with it. Her mother would tease her, saying she was green with greed for what others had. Yes, she wanted a man, she wanted children, and she wanted money to buy the nicer things in life. Why was it wrong to desire what others had, as long as she wasn’t lusting to take it away from them? Didn’t most women want the same thing?
Grabbing a plain burger and some salad, she walked over to claim an empty spot at a nearby table. It was in the shade and would be cooler as the day went on. It also allowed her to see the screen of her phone more clearly.
Cecilia strolled over and sat beside her. “Hi. How are you doing?”
“Fine. Where’s your husband?”
She pointed. “He’s the one in the Hawaiian shirt. The man so loves his bright clothing. You know men, they are habitually trapped in their own desires.”
Lilly nodded politely. Was this a trait a woman noticed after long periods with the same man? She had never noticed it. The shirt was horribly gaudy. “I think he needs you.”
Cecilia turned and grunted. “I swear, the man is helpless without me. I’ll talk to you later.”
“I’ll be here.”
She actually like Cecilia, but the woman seemed to have nothing else to talk about besides her husband and her son. They were probably her entire life.
Lilly’s phone chimed and she opened it. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Anna. What are you doing next weekend?”
“I have no idea, why?”
“There is a big gathering at Brice estates. All the leaders and their guests have been invited to attend. My dad can’t go, so he asked if I wanted to go in his place. There is a breakfast picnic and lunch on Saturday, followed a big announcement that’s supposed to be made. Then there’s a motorcycle run for charity on Sunday, and anyone with a motorcycle has been invited to go. It sounds like a blast. My dad is going to let me take the RV so we don’t have to sleep in tents. Come with me. Please!”
“When do you want to leave?”
“Friday after work. It’s not far.”
“Okay. What’s Brice estates?”
“You have never heard of Gazardel Brice? He’s the hottest national I have ever seen. He owns acres and acres of land he has set aside as a wildlife sanctuary. They have a huge house with two smaller houses and a place where Ramiel, Mirra and Hayyel hook up their campers. I’ve seen pictures of it, and the place looks amazing.”
That sounded interesting. “So what’s the deal with him?”
“Forget it,” Anna said adamantly. “He has taken eternal vows with a national named Trina and made a commitment to their joined partner Michael. I’m sure there will be other single men there, though. It sounds like a blast. You have to come.”
“Okay. Should I take Monday off work?”
“See if you can get a few days or even the week off. We could make a regular vacation out of it. Maybe we can head down to Florida or something. Although, from what I have heard, there are quite a few single nationals in the South Carolina area.”
It did sound like fun. “Let me talk to my boss and see what he says. I haven’t really taken any time off in three or four years, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Cool. Meet me at my house around five and we can leave from there. Call and let me know how long. I have to tell my dad.”
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