Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire (MFM)

Wyoming Warriors 7

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 54,544
18 Ratings (4.3)

[Siren Everlasting Polyromance: Erotic Paranormal Cowboy Multiple Partner Romance, M/F/M, shape-shifters, HEA]

Payton Camilius and Cody Jessup want Averil Stanwic. But Averil's divorce has left her uninterested in having a relationship with any man, much less two.

When they come by her cabin, Averil pushes Payton. He stumbles, hits his head, and ends up in the hospital. Cody takes his anxiety and anger out on Averil, putting distance between them. Then before Payton is released from the hospital, the enemy poisons Averil.

Kira, Averil's twin sister, unknown to everyone but her family, comes to the ranch to save her sister's life. She has abilities few know about. A special blood transfusion saves Averil. She goes with Cody and Payton to their house. But the killer persists and gets past Payton and Cody's defenses. The next attack on Averil puts her at death's door.

Will Averil respond to the desperate attempts to save her and find happiness with Cody and Payton? And who can stop the enemy who moves freely around the ranch?

A Siren Erotic Romance


Paige Cameron is a Siren-exclusive author.

Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire (MFM)
18 Ratings (4.3)

Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire (MFM)

Wyoming Warriors 7

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 54,544
18 Ratings (4.3)
In Wish List
Available formats
Cover Art by Les Byerley
Absolutely love this series!
Professional Reviews

4 KISSES: "Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire by Paige Cameron is the seventh book in the Wyoming Warriors series. This series is best if read in chronological order. Averil is a strong woman and in order to maintain that strength she has had to hide her vulnerable side. Now she has two men who want her to show that side of herself at least to them. As she struggles to accept that she does not have be strong all the time, she also must fight against an unseen enemy. Cody finds himself fighting demons in his past. When first Payton and then Averil are hospitalized, he finds himself revisiting the death of his father. He struggles against those demons and learns that his love for both his friend and the woman he wants to wed is stronger than his fear. Although Ms. Cameron primarily focused on Cody and Averil, the relationship between all three still felt believable. Payton’s personality fit both Cody and Averil, so the little we did get about him was enough. This story also moved the story arc along while allowing these characters to have their story. I enjoyed this addition to the series and am looking forward where Ms. Cameron will take us next." -- Tangie, TwoLips Reviews

5 NYMPHS:"Payton and Cody discovered Averil when they were on guard duty for a friend. They know she is theirs, but Averil doesn’t want another relationship. Averil is a good sniper and just wants to serve her family and her tribe. Averil ends up accidentally injuring Payton when he and Cody just won’t leave her alone. She thought she had made it very clear she wants nothing to do with them. The three have lots to overcome when Cody blames her when Payton has to have emergency surgery. All is forgotten when Averil’s life and others are threatened. The latest story in the Wyoming Warriors series, Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire, continues the war storyline from Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty. The author is getting real good at throwing in some very interesting twists and keeping the suspense at a high level. In addition to the characters of previous books showing up, there are some new characters, with some new talents, showing up and helping the tribes battle the enemy. Of course, the enemy has a few tricks up their sleeve as well. I was a little surprised by some of the solutions that are presented, even though I know some of the things talked about are feasible. I was completely surprised by others. The author’s descriptions take you right into the hospital and labs, so beware if you are bothered by needles. This series seems to be getting better as each story progresses, and I know I am looking forward to reading about Averil’s sister." -- Amazon Nymph, Literary Nymphs Reviews

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Averil Stanwic stood looking out over the property she’d chosen for her own. A cool breeze blew across the prairie, and she took a deep breath of the clean air. Since the battle against the invaders had ended, Nick Kenric, the Commandos’ architect, had been busy designing and seeing to the construction of the third tribe’s new ranch. With the help from all three tribes, the ranch was taking form quickly. Many houses and buildings were already completed.

She glanced around at her new barn and behind her at the almost-finished cabin. She hadn’t wanted a big house. Averil walked toward her future home to check inside and see how much more they had to do. Workmen nodded as she stepped around doors and other materials set out to finish the interior.

The sound of horses’ hooves had her looking toward the fence surrounding her acres. Two cowboys rode through the gate heading toward her.

She almost groaned out loud. Payton Camilius, the sharpshooter for the other tribes, rode beside his best friend, Cody Jessup. They’d been hassling her since the battle ended. They were convinced she was their soul mate. She didn’t agree, although her heart did beat faster when they were around.

They stopped their horses right in front of her and swung down. There was a grace to their movements, and they were extremely good looking. She fought her feelings for them. They wanted marriage, and she was wary of committing herself after her first attempt failed.

With her arms folded and her legs spread in a wide stance, she faced them. Maybe they’d take the hint that they weren’t welcome, but she doubted it.

“Good morning, darlin’. It’s a beautiful day, and you’re the prettiest part of it.” Cody grinned at her in spite of her frown.

“You may think you’re a silver-tongued devil, but I’m immune.” She wasn’t, but if they knew she was attracted to them at all, they’d be more persistent. “And I’m sure I told you two that you weren’t welcome to follow me around every day.”

“We didn’t come by yesterday.” Payton’s deep tones made her shiver inside, and his steel-blue eyes raised her temperature whenever he looked at her.

“There isn’t any work you can help with, and I haven’t the time to be a gracious hostess. Go away.”

“Payton, do you think she really means she isn’t interested in us?” Cody quirked an eyebrow at Averil.

“No, she’s playing hard to get. We’ll wear her down.”

A rush of unwanted desire and frustration hit Averil the wrong way. On impulse she shoved him as hard as she could. Payton hit the heel of his boot on a piece of wood and fell, hitting his temple on the corner of another plank. Blood poured out of the cut on his head.

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You make me so angry. Cody, call for help.”

“I already did.”

“I’m not going to the hospital in an ambulance for a little cut.” Payton jerked off his shirt, losing several buttons in the process. He folded the shirt and put it against the cut. “It’ll stop in a minute. I’ll ride my horse to the emergency room.”

“Too late, they’re on their way.” Cody grinned. “This’ll make a great story back at the ranch. A tiny, redheaded woman knocked Payton Camilius flat and injured him.”

“Stop teasing him. He’s in pain, and it’s my fault. Why didn’t you two stay on your own ranch and leave me alone? Then this would never have happened.”

Payton frowned. “You’re blaming me? I didn’t attack you.”

“You came on property clearly marked Private—Stay Out. Can’t you read?”

“Heck, honey, we never believed you meant us.” Cody walked to her side and knelt by Payton. “Are you all right except for the cut?”

“I’m not sure. My stomach doesn’t feel good, and I’m dizzy.”

Cody went to the horses and came back with a blanket. “Put this under his head.”

She raised him up and tucked it under him. As she did she took a deep breath of his fresh yet spicy scent, a mixture of citrus with the woodsy scent of cedar and sandalwood, along with his own special essence.

Averil glanced into his blue eyes. His pupils dilated, and for a second she forgot everything around her as her whole being was held captive by the possessive expression on his face.

The sound of the ranch’s ambulance broke the spell. Her face flushed hot when she saw the knowing look on Cody’s face.

Pulling her dignity back around her, she stood and waited while the ambulance parked, and the medics grabbed their bags. They rushed to Payton’s side.

Soon, the crew had Payton on board, and they left, headed for the fully serviced hospital here on the main ranch. Cody and Averil watched until they were out of sight.

“I’ll take our horses back and then go to see how he’s doing.” He waved and walked off.

A number of the men who’d been working on her house had gathered to see what happened. Averil motioned for them to get back to work. She got in her father’s truck, which she’d borrowed, and drove off toward the hospital.

She had to be certain he was all right. If that darn wood hadn’t been lying around he would never have fallen. But she did push him. As she drove, Averil remembered how he’d looked when he took his shirt off. His wide, tanned chest was all muscle. He had dark-blond chest hair that narrowed to a point at his belt buckle.




Averil leaned her head back and closed her eyes, soaking in the sensations of pleasure racing through her body.

When she opened her eyes and looked at him, he had a fierce look on his face and hunger in his eyes. It was obvious he held himself tightly in check to not alarm her.

She moved off his legs and between them. Her hand clasped around his firm cock. Tentatively she ran her hand up and down the length of his dick. She liked the feel of his satin skin. She breathed in his scent and bent to taste the drop of moisture in the slit on his crown.

Running her tongue across her lips, she said, “You taste good and salty.” Then she knelt and took his cock as far as she could into her mouth.

Hearing his deep groan made her smile. She sucked on his cock and cupped his sac in her hands. Gradually, she moved her mouth up and down, swirling her tongue all around his shaft. Her fingers moved his balls gently.

His fingers clenched her head. He stiffened.

“I’m going to come, darlin’.”

In response she increased her tempo and then sucked hard again and tasted his essence. She tilted back on her heels and smiled at him. He lay back on the bed, his breathing rapid and his eyes closed.

Averil lay beside him and kissed his mouth. “I don’t think you liked that at all.”

“I’m sure you’ll get better with practice.” His teasing mouth curved up at the sides. “When I get my strength, I’ll pull us both all the way up on the bed.”

They lay wrapped in each other’s arms for several minutes. Averil liked to feel the beat of his heart against her body. Whenever he touched her, her heart raced and pussy clenched in yearning for him to fill her with his big cock. Averil traced the outline of his face with her finger. When her thumb rubbed across his bottom lip, he teasingly nipped at it. This man was so different from his other persona, the one who’d upset her. She loved his teasing manner.

His father’s death must have been very traumatic for him to have developed such a fear of hospitals. It certainly brought the worst out in him. But she’d seen him trying to cope more each time that he had to go back to visit her or Payton.

Cody opened his eyes. “You’re deep in thought.”

“How do you know? You’ve been sleeping.”

“Merely resting.” He pulled himself and her further up on the bed. “What was worrying you? Your body tensed. Then you moved a slight distance away from me.”

“I was thinking about the two different men you’ve been these past few days.”

“I haven’t had to be in a hospital for years until Payton went in and then you. The sudden overexposure brought out my fears and, stupid me, I reacted in anger. You were the one nearest to me, but that’s no excuse.”

She kissed his sexy mouth. “I forgive you. We’re starting over.”

“We are not. Where did I leave off?” He grinned and nuzzled her neck, tickling her. She’d been lying to his side, but he moved her under him and slid down to the juncture of her thighs. He separated her folds and licked from her clit to her pussy opening. Her hips rose against his mouth.

“You are sweeter than any dessert.” His fingers reached up and tightened around her nipples.

Desire shot from her nipples straight to her pussy. Her pussy tingled and clenched tight. His tongue danced up and down her folds to her clit and back then darted into her pussy opening. His thumb put pressure on her nub and a jubilant thrill raced up her spine.

All thoughts left her head as sensations built throughout her body, creating steamy heat and a rush of euphoria.

Cody positioned himself and thrust in deeply. Her pussy clamped hungrily around his wide cock. Her body trembled, and she screamed his name as ripples of pleasure enveloped her whole body.

When he kissed her, she tasted her own juices on his lips.

He pulled her legs up on his shoulders and pounded into her pussy fast and hard. Another orgasmic wave rushed over her as he slowed his movements and stared into her eyes.

“I love you, Averil.” Then he switched to a slow, seductive pace until a final wave of gratification swept up and over them both.

He cuddled her in his arms while their breathing slowed and their heartbeats returned to normal.

“Shall we shower and go for a ride around the property?”

“I’d like to see your horses and the land.”

“I’ll shower first. If we shower together it’ll be dark before we’re ready. I think you need the fresh air.”

“I have my own bathroom. I’ll go in there.” She stood and walked to the door, then looked back over her shoulder.

“Maybe I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” Cody strolled up behind her. He slid his hands across her shoulders, down her back, and cupped her ass. He nibbled on the soft skin of her shoulder while his hands massaged and squeezed her buttocks.

Her creamy essence wet her pussy lips.

Swinging her into his arms, he walked back to the bed. He laid her on her stomach. “Stay there.”

She heard him ripping another condom package open to sheath his cock. Then he climbed on the bed and had her raise her hips and spread her legs.

His fingers stroked along her pussy lips and rubbed against her clit. He slid two fingers into her wet pussy while he put pressure on her bud. Cody kissed her lower back and she groaned.

Her blood sizzled. She wanted to feel him deep inside her pussy. He put his body up against hers from the back. Reaching forward, he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers.

Averil rubbed her buttocks against him. “Your touch sets me on fire. Put it out, cowboy.”



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